
Author Topic: Question About Live Subscription  (Read 72 times)


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Question About Live Subscription
« on: November 07, 2006, 10:15:00 PM »

My cousin just stopped by(almost midnite) for 2 reasons. To see if I had Gears and to ask a question about Live.

I couldnt answer the Live question with confidence and he said he checked FAQ's at and found no solid info, maybe some of you will know the answer....

**His Gold sub is up in 2 weeks. He doesnt want to pay the full 50.00 right now so he will have more money for games for the immediate future.

**Can he pay the 7.00 now(don't know exact amount, he told me it was 7 something)...and when his year is up, MS won't charge him the full 50.00 and see he paid the 7.00 and it'll stay active as a Gold account thru December?

He says he will stick with Gold but would rather pay 7.00 now and be able to buy another game along with CoD 3(he's reluctant on Gears, I wish I had it here to show him! that would change his mind!) I may just lend him the money and be done with it.

Thanks for reading....