
Author Topic: Never Tried  (Read 62 times)


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Never Tried
« on: October 21, 2006, 03:11:00 PM »

By this do you mean xblive?

I found myself asking that same question a week ago.  The best thing to do is get a 1-month trial *either free or pay a-little for it* and see for yourself.

My question was over modding my xbox, or getting xbox live.  So far... my opinion is the keep xbox live.  

I LOVE IT!  It brings the replayability of games to a whole new level.  Although it is the more expensive approach to gaming.

As far as you not being a techie.... xbox live is pretty easy to navigate w/ its easy menu selections.  Any retard should get the hang of all its functions in about a week.

Hope this helped u. =)