
Author Topic: What To Expect When Live Comes Back Online  (Read 93 times)


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What To Expect When Live Comes Back Online
« on: May 01, 2006, 11:23:00 PM »

I would not doubt if consoles are updated, and if we get some e3 teasers, but do you think we will have anything new?  New content, new live arcade games?

I personally dont expect any/many changes until E3.  But once E3 comes, Im really hoping for more live arcade content.  I am more than willing to dish out a few $ for some retro and/or simple games and thus far I see some real potential but have been disappointed by the offerings.  And while Im happy to see retro games like joust/gauntlet/etc. I would like that they do a little updating of the games to make the sprites a little more modern.  Im not asking for a total retrofit/3d/etc.  I just dont want to pay for something that looks so blocky.

I also dont know how difficult it is to port windows games, but there are a lot of good games out there, from Dune 2, Tie Fighter, AoE, etc.  Those games are a bit newer than the existing retro games, and I would be happy to have those as-is. Probably wishfull thinking, but I think M$ needs to make some progress in this area before the wii comes out.  After all the wii is suppoised to offer most NES/SNES/N64/Sega/Turbografix games as downloads.  The small selection of live arcade games wont stand up to those.  BTW, Im not saying that the wii is superior, but if the live arcade selection does not improve by then, I think most people will seriously contemplate getting a wii just for the downloadable content.



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What To Expect When Live Comes Back Online
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2006, 06:08:00 AM »

doesnt seem likely any thing new will come up after the maintenance.

MS doesnt want to ruin any hype at E3

wouldnt make sense IMO

like showing the halo 3 trailer before E3 would leave no surprises and then MS wont hhave any secret weapons