
Author Topic: Xbox 360 Sharing Pc Connection  (Read 123 times)


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Xbox 360 Sharing Pc Connection
« on: February 05, 2006, 08:34:00 PM »

This is how I have my PC and Xbox 360 Setup so maybe I can help smile.gif

First off, go to Control Panel

IPB Image

Then open "Network Connections"

IPB Image

Right Click your Wireless Connection and click Properties

IPB Image

Go to the Advanced Tab (on the right)

Under "Internet Connection Sharing"

Check both boxes and press OK

IPB Image

This will tell you that your LAN (Local Area Network) will be set to or something similar. (first time)

Now that your Wireless is Sharing with your LAN you need some information...

Right Click your Wireless Connection and click "Status"

IPB Image

A Window will pop up, in that windows click on the "Support" tab at the top

In the Support tab click on "Details"

DNS's look similar to IP Addresses, just as a heads up for the computer illiterate dry.gif

There will be 1, 2, or 3 DNS Servers, the top 2 are the ones you want

IPB Image

Right them down or leave that Window Open for later use (to put into Xbox 360 Network Settings)


(sorry no pics for xbox settings, sister stole digital camera) dry.gif

Now go to your "Network Settings" on your Xbox 360

Then open "Edit Settings"

For your IP you need it to work with your LAN, which is now set to or something similar, so use something like

Manully put IP Settings
IP Address :
Subnet Mask :
Gateway : <--- Your LAN ip/Router IP

Remember that stuff you wrote down?
Remember that window with the Wireless Details you left up on the computer?

This is where that comes in...

Place the top DNS number under "Primary DNS Server"
Then Place the next one down under the "Secondary DNS Server"

Manually put DNS Settings
Primary DNS Server: ?.?.?.?
Secondary DNS Server: ?.?.?.?

Then test your connection when everything is done and it should work!

Any troubles let me know and I'll see what I can do!

Tutorial Written by: VolcomMky aka Volcom Mikey
Resource: Mikey's Server: Tutorials - ICS and Xbox 360


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Xbox 360 Sharing Pc Connection
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2006, 09:55:00 AM »

#1 not everyone is using wireless. It doesn't harm the nature of the tutorial... it's just that if you're writing a tutorial you have to write it for everyone instead of just people who may be using wireless. That was no big deal... just thought I'd throw that out there.

#2 It's not a bad tutorial since it's more personal than most tuts but a quick google search yielded this.

#3 A DNS address doesn't just "look" like an ip address. It IS an ip address. DNS stands for Domain Name Server. It's what resolves the strings we use to easily specify a domain to the corresponding ip address of the server that data resides on. For example: the domain does not actually exist. Your browser sends out to (It used to be Internic but I don't believe it is anymore.) and the ip of that server is returned(In this case Enter that ip address in your browser so it looks like You'll see that it goes directly to ebay but it goes to their error screen since you have not specified the location of their main page.). It gets a little more technical after that like the server will have different folders for the different extensions. On the server there will be a com folder and a net and org and so forth. Then in the com folder there will be the ebay folder. Then the content that browsers should request will be in ebay's www folder. None of this was important to your tutorial but since you're learning it's good to know a little bit more about things.


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Xbox 360 Sharing Pc Connection
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2006, 09:32:00 PM »

#1 Response - Thanks for the heads up, I just wrote it because I keep seeing alot of people trying to connect this way and having problems.

#2 Response - I have read that when I first tried connecting this way, didnt explain anything and I had alot of failure so I had to run a 100ft Cat 5 cable through my house for like a month or 2

#3 Response - I understand that it is a IP, but its not the Computers IP or an Internal IP and I had no intention of explaining the basics of IP/TCP and DNS, I was just stating that your IP is different than your DNS wether they look they same or not


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Xbox 360 Sharing Pc Connection
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2006, 12:32:00 PM »

QUOTE(VolcomMky @ Feb 6 2006, 10:39 PM) View Post

#1 Response - Thanks for the heads up, I just wrote it because I keep seeing alot of people trying to connect this way and having problems.

#2 Response - I have read that when I first tried connecting this way, didnt explain anything and I had alot of failure so I had to run a 100ft Cat 5 cable through my house for like a month or 2

#3 Response - I understand that it is a IP, but its not the Computers IP or an Internal IP and I had no intention of explaining the basics of IP/TCP and DNS, I was just stating that your IP is different than your DNS wether they look they same or not

#2. Actually it explains the exact same thing you said. You worded things differently but at the end of the day you said the same thing.

#3 It's TCP/IP. Also, it's safe to assume that the Ip and DNS are different otherwise there would only be 1 box. I'm not going to argue over whether or not you know what you're talking about... I was merely pointing out that it saves confusion to accurately inform people. The statement you made was a DNS address looks like an IP address. (This implies that it is NOT an IP.) All I did was say that it WAS an ip so as to avoid confusion.

All in all it's great that you're trying to help others understand something that you did not understand. I wish there were more people out there doing this. The only reason I posted was so you could correct that statement as it's misleading since this has been posted as a tutorial.


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Xbox 360 Sharing Pc Connection
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2006, 01:55:00 PM »

Why would you connect your PC and XBox wirelessly?


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Xbox 360 Sharing Pc Connection
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2006, 08:40:00 AM »

QUOTE(VolcomMky @ Feb 9 2006, 03:02 PM) View Post

Why would you connect your PC and XBox wirelessly?

Hopefully you're not serious.

Anyways, what you do is set each machine up as adhoc. Then set the SSID on one machine. Your other machine will then see that network and you should join it. Now set your ip and subnet masks accordingly and you're on the same network. Then you'd need to set up ICS on your windows machine to allow the wireless traffic to access the internet through your other interface. Pretty straight-forward stuff.


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Xbox 360 Sharing Pc Connection
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2006, 05:31:00 PM »

Tag. I'm trying a lot of different things. I'm at work right now so I'll have to try this when I get home.