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Author Topic: Wi-fi  (Read 435 times)


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« Reply #15 on: October 15, 2005, 07:31:00 AM »

QUOTE(bruteostrich @ Oct 12 2005, 03:12 AM)
first off, ozy, I'm glad that you are getting good results.  I'm sure that when you are connected wirelessly, your speeds are similar.  I have dealt with xbox live using linksys wireless for xbox, MS wireless for xbox and wired ethernet.  There is a difference.  The deal with wireless is that the signal isn't constant, in a matter of speaking.  Better put, a wired connection is more constant than a wireless one.  Wireless drops more packets consistently more often than wired.  Xbox live checks for line speed, which will show up as great on wireless, but in reality, the experience on live will be different.  If you have a fast connection from your isp, you may get picked as host and not notice.  Or if you have been gaming wirelessly all along, you won't realize what you're missing.  A higher percentage of my games over wired go well for me.  Much less lag and missed shots.  I checked my stats on halo2 and could see a distinct difference in my performance in wireless vs wired.  Anyway, just be aware that latency and down/up speed are not the only factors that affect the gaming experience.  The best solution is to put your modem and or router/gateway next to your xbox and wire it.  It will be cheaper to get wireless for desktops than for the xbox and computers will be less affected by wireless.


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« Reply #16 on: October 15, 2005, 07:33:00 AM »

QUOTE(bruteostrich @ Oct 12 2005, 03:12 AM)
I checked my stats on halo2 and could see a distinct difference in my performance in wireless vs wired.


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« Reply #17 on: October 24, 2005, 01:08:00 PM »

hahah a difference in play, no, if you're that nuts about the signal, reflash a WRT54G with linux firmware (tofu6 if you have a v4 the latest) and boost the signal coverage, or do what i'm doing which is a wifi router downstairs then a wifi router upstairs receiving that signal and boosting it then spitting it back out.

Wired is wired, there's less lag if you will because there's no interferences, it's a direct connection, I play with wifi on Live, and have no problems, but I don't have that many walls, waching machines, microwaves, cordless phones, etc that could disrupt the signal, which is something you have to consider. Also going to Gamestop or EbGames for a cable isn't the greatest idea, they overcharge and it's low grade. You're better ordering a cat5e or cat 6 online, however you will experience lag if it's over about 100m (i believe that's the distance)

Ozy is right on another fact too, 54mbps is WAY WAY faster than your average cable/dsl provider, I may get 1mb down or maybe 2 down at most, that's on a good day with no one else on, the extra is mainly for network filesharing. Buy some high-gain antennas for your wifi router, that would boost the signal as well.
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