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Author Topic: Ms Guy Says 360 Will Take A Long Time To Mod  (Read 673 times)


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Ms Guy Says 360 Will Take A Long Time To Mod
« Reply #30 on: November 22, 2005, 07:20:00 AM »



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Ms Guy Says 360 Will Take A Long Time To Mod
« Reply #31 on: November 22, 2005, 09:53:00 AM »

Why is anyone even asking how long it will take to mod?  There's no way to know.  Unless we find a disgruntled MS engineer to help the scene, it will take a while.  MS added new security features.  There's speculation now that the bios are actually embedded inside the CPU.  The entire reason MS went all custom on this thing was so they could limit compatibility to their products and embed security deep inside.  There's a ton of things they could have done to make it tougher.  It's only been out 1 day, we'll see where it goes.  Once modders start dumping binaries off the chips and stuff, we'll see what there is to work with.  It will happen, just be patient.  For now, keep on loving your Xbox, or sell a kidney and buy a 360 and some games.


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Ms Guy Says 360 Will Take A Long Time To Mod
« Reply #32 on: November 22, 2005, 11:51:00 AM »

The XBO 360 WILL BE modded and in a shorter time than the xbox was...

simple facts

1) Xbox scene is the biggest console hacking scene ever. Even if the unit is more difficult or much different than the orig xbox was to mod, there are way more many people working on it and with this web site dedicated to people helping each other accomplish our goals, i don't see it taking the 6 months it took to mod the original xbox. There are just way too many resources and way too much interest in doing this.

2) MS WANTS you to mod the console. All they care is that you don't cheat with it on XBOX live so you don't ruin the XBOX live service for people. Their main selling point was xbox live, that's the biggest difference between sony and ms. Having the capability to mod the unit makes the XBOX all that much more intriguing to the hacking community, and most people who want a modded xbox and want to play xbox live will probably end up buying 2 consoles (some will just find a way to use a switch, but i know a LOT of people with 2 consoles for this purpose). Also, without a modded xbox, who knows, maybe they would have never thought of streaming video and audio to xbox 360. I bet the MS team checks out this web site not mainly for piracy discussion, but more to get ideas and learn from us. They love it!

3) MS does not care about piracy. They've been dealing with piracy forever and still making crazy profits. They only really care about the people who are profiting off of piracy, selling pirated copies of their software and stuff. It doesn't bother them at all if you pirate your version of halo or whatever. The main thing is that if u want to play xbox live, you have to buy the disc anyway. Also, we've seen from the first xbox that MS leaves it up to the software manufacturer to fight the piracy. Every software company found their different little ways to stop you from copying their games, and some just didn't care. Why should MS care. after all, the thought of being able to copy the hell out of all of my games was the reason I bought a console to begin with. Without that I'm sure a lot of people wouldn't have bought an XBOX. It also is the reason I chose XBOX over PS2.

4) CONSPIRACIES - MS KNOWS that we are gonna mod the box, and they even understand the technology behind it...  let me ask you why do they not suspend your xbox live account when they find out you have a modded xbox? they only ban that particular piece of hardware. of course this isn't a conspiracy, it's just a fact. MS does not care if you mod the box, they just want to make sure you aren't cheating on xbox live, they even say "hey, you modded your box, so it's banned, but you can still play xbox live as long as u purchase another box that you can't cheat with". simple as that. they understand it and accept it. they enjoy it!


DONT WORRY this thing will get modded in no time. If you have any hardware knowledge you should be helping out. I have no idea, so i just sit here and speculate, but I think it is pretty obvious that in short time we will be connecting our 250 gigs to this shit, running linux, designing PS2 emulators, and doing all types of crazy shit that we never thought of before.



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Ms Guy Says 360 Will Take A Long Time To Mod
« Reply #33 on: November 26, 2005, 12:03:00 AM »

QUOTE(big_chips @ Nov 22 2005, 01:58 PM) View Post

The XBO 360 WILL BE modded and in a shorter time than the xbox was...

simple facts

1) Xbox scene is the biggest console hacking scene ever. Even if the unit is more difficult or much different than the orig xbox was to mod, there are way more many people working on it and with this web site dedicated to people helping each other accomplish our goals, i don't see it taking the 6 months it took to mod the original xbox. There are just way too many resources and way too much interest in doing this.


QUOTE(big_chips) View Post

2) MS WANTS you to mod the console. All they care is that you don't cheat with it on XBOX live so you don't ruin the XBOX live service for people. Their main selling point was xbox live, that's the biggest difference between sony and ms. Having the capability to mod the unit makes the XBOX all that much more intriguing to the hacking community, and most people who want a modded xbox and want to play xbox live will probably end up buying 2 consoles (some will just find a way to use a switch, but i know a LOT of people with 2 consoles for this purpose). Also, without a modded xbox, who knows, maybe they would have never thought of streaming video and audio to xbox 360. I bet the MS team checks out this web site not mainly for piracy discussion, but more to get ideas and learn from us. They love it!

Riiiiiiiiiight.  MS just loves modders.  That's why they changed the original XBOX 7 times, because they wanted us to mod it.

QUOTE(big_chips) View Post

3) MS does not care about piracy. They've been dealing with piracy forever and still making crazy profits. They only really care about the people who are profiting off of piracy, selling pirated copies of their software and stuff. It doesn't bother them at all if you pirate your version of halo or whatever. The main thing is that if u want to play xbox live, you have to buy the disc anyway. Also, we've seen from the first xbox that MS leaves it up to the software manufacturer to fight the piracy. Every software company found their different little ways to stop you from copying their games, and some just didn't care. Why should MS care. after all, the thought of being able to copy the hell out of all of my games was the reason I bought a console to begin with. Without that I'm sure a lot of people wouldn't have bought an XBOX. It also is the reason I chose XBOX over PS2.

MS does care about piracy.  That's why they have started the "MS Genuine Advantage" program.    Of course they still make crazy profits despite piracy, the business model is different when you are a software only company with a huge monopoly.  When you are losing $150 or more per piece of hardware, and you need to sell software to recover your losses, your a bit more concerned with piracy then if you only sell software which is all profit.  

And FYI, MS hates modders of the original Xbox.  That's why they wanted to stop selling the original Xbox, so they could stop subsidizing hardware for modders.  That's another reason why they will never drop the price below $150, regardless of how low the PS2 price drops.  They simply don't want to sell them anymore.

QUOTE(big_chips) View Post

4) CONSPIRACIES - MS KNOWS that we are gonna mod the box, and they even understand the technology behind it...  let me ask you why do they not suspend your xbox live account when they find out you have a modded xbox? they only ban that particular piece of hardware. of course this isn't a conspiracy, it's just a fact. MS does not care if you mod the box, they just want to make sure you aren't cheating on xbox live, they even say "hey, you modded your box, so it's banned, but you can still play xbox live as long as u purchase another box that you can't cheat with". simple as that. they understand it and accept it. they enjoy it!

Umm, no.  They don't ban our account because they want to keep you as a customer.  What benefit is it to MS to lose a revenue stream and force you to switch to a free alternative such as Kai or XBConnect?  They ban the box so you need to purchase the games to play on Xbox Live.  They let you keep your account so that you can continue to pay them a subscription fee, which helps build revenue.

QUOTE(big_chips) View Post

DONT WORRY this thing will get modded in no time. If you have any hardware knowledge you should be helping out. I have no idea, so i just sit here and speculate, but I think it is pretty obvious that in short time we will be connecting our 250 gigs to this shit, running linux, designing PS2 emulators, and doing all types of crazy shit that we never thought of before.

I agree it will be modded sooner rather than later, but not because MS wants us to mod it.  If there is one simple truth that has been proven time and time again, it's that MS has a history of releasing the sloppiest, most insecure code in the entire world.  It's only a matter of time before someone finds a software flaw to exploit...



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Ms Guy Says 360 Will Take A Long Time To Mod
« Reply #34 on: November 26, 2005, 10:23:00 AM »

It will get modded quicker for ONE simple reason.

The hacking community has grown from a hobby to a business.

What was once a spare time hobby for most has now turned into a very profitable business for many.  They have increased budgets and time to research for mods and will have one out in a shorter amount of time than you can imagine.    

I expect the 360 to be at first modified uniquely.  this means that modders will need to mod each Xbox360 indivually.  That means they will be able to tack on an extra fee for the xbox 360 they sell you as it's likely that the first modded Xbox 360's will be sold as an entire unit.  I can see prices of $800+ for a modded Xbox360.  

A chip that we can do ourselves will probably come out at least 6 months afterwards.  

Selling a modified Xbox 360 shouldn't be illegal as long as it' modified to not play games without a flash upgrade (which of course can easily be found).  I know i would pay $1000 for a modded xbox 360.  
I totally expect a modded box to be available just before the PS3 release.  

What would you buy?  a modded xbox 360 for $1000 or a $599 PS3?



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Ms Guy Says 360 Will Take A Long Time To Mod
« Reply #35 on: November 26, 2005, 02:23:00 PM »

As soon as the first chip/tsop/softmod is released I'm going to buy a 360, and the chip. I dont have one yet, but I'm fine playing my modded xbox for now.


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Ms Guy Says 360 Will Take A Long Time To Mod
« Reply #36 on: November 26, 2005, 02:30:00 PM »

QUOTE(orateam @ Nov 26 2005, 06:30 PM) View Post

.....I can see prices of $800+ for a modded Xbox360.  

A chip that we can do ourselves will probably come out at least 6 months afterwards.  

Selling a modified Xbox 360 shouldn't be illegal as long as it' modified to not play games without a flash upgrade (which of course can easily be found).  I know i would pay $1000 for a modded xbox 360.  
I totally expect a modded box to be available just before the PS3 release.  

What would you buy?  a modded xbox 360 for $1000 or a $599 PS3?

1st of all doubt the PS3 will cost that much, else Sony will be stabbing themselves.

2nd 1000$ for a modded 360? Thats insane, I would rather keep my Xbox 1 modded. Besides, even if the 360 is modded, it won't be much different from the xbox 1, just more powerful and new games o mod.

I'd rather wait for prices to drop if a mod is hat much...


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Ms Guy Says 360 Will Take A Long Time To Mod
« Reply #37 on: November 26, 2005, 06:40:00 PM »

I think that we will be in for a challange sorta like the PS2 slimline! But that has been defeated also.
And the mods that are produced will have more wiring, not just an LPC install.

Just my 2 cents.


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Ms Guy Says 360 Will Take A Long Time To Mod
« Reply #38 on: November 26, 2005, 06:58:00 PM »

Also, I can see sony approching engineers from MS right now,
offering them money to leak critical information about the Xbox 360.

Dont worry, it wont be long before we are able to mod (customize) biggrin.gif
this new system!
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