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Author Topic: M$ Rushing The Xbox 360?  (Read 1442 times)


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M$ Rushing The Xbox 360?
« Reply #15 on: June 05, 2005, 05:04:00 AM »

QUOTE(q3autraven @ Jun 5 2005, 05:49 AM)
^ soo true, I think that it's funny how a lot of people think more into sales overall than in each age group, sony and M$ focus more on selling to adults that want to kill and want to be able to play a story where as nintendo want to make games that are more pick up and play, games that a mom can play with her kid.


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M$ Rushing The Xbox 360?
« Reply #16 on: June 05, 2005, 08:01:00 AM »

In all honesty everyone is rushing to the next-gen of consoles. MS and Nintendo both have bitched and moaned about how quickly were cycling to the next-gen of consoles. Neither one wants to do the next gen thing yet because the current consoles are just fine as is. "Wow the new games will be 100 billion times prettier." Whoopty fricking doo! Where’s the intelligent AI we were promised on the CURRENT consoles (the processors are geared more for pretty pictures and less for processing power that stuff like AI NEED for the uninitiated)? "Hey you can play movies, stream pr0n, buy crap in online marketplaces, hook up your iPod, your DS, your PSP, and even get your P**** enlarged with the next-gen consoles!" Uh yea...I have other things that do that for me already and they do it better! Sony is the only reason this next gen cycle is coming. They are pushing the PS3 and MS and Nintendo have to either go along with it or be "left behind" in the stupid mass media's eyes.

I've been on board with every launch at midnight with every console since the SNES (I’ve been playing since a bit before the Atari and the Tandy-1000 though) and for once I think I'm not going to bother with the new consoles for a while (hell I already have begun since I didn't buy a PSP yet...prettier graphics only go so far and I want a game machine not something that'll do everything but give me a BJ).

Oh and as a side note about the Revolution. There’s a picture I saw at E3 this year of the top of the revolution with the flap open and it's the same controller ports the Gamecube uses so they will likely still use Gamecube controllers, but also create a new controller for Revolution games (hopefully anyways).

But of course maybe I’m just crazy…maybe I’m just bitter at the direction the industry is going, but worst case I started a PC gamer and fun PC games will always be there that arent Starcraft and Counterstrike (hopefully).



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M$ Rushing The Xbox 360?
« Reply #17 on: June 05, 2005, 08:04:00 AM »

rolleyes.gif  wink.gif

Also, is it possible that you are angry because your modded xbox will be no good anymore? Hey, that was your choice.

Also, if you don't like the way the console industry is going, go play on your pc. No one is forcing you to do anything just because of a release date. Go, go, shoo.


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M$ Rushing The Xbox 360?
« Reply #18 on: June 05, 2005, 09:38:00 AM »

biggrin.gif and ppl in long as lines fighting about whitch consol is the best, it whuld b wikked wink.gif


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M$ Rushing The Xbox 360?
« Reply #19 on: June 05, 2005, 09:47:00 AM »

You don't speak english do you?


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M$ Rushing The Xbox 360?
« Reply #20 on: June 05, 2005, 10:01:00 AM »

The difference with the previous gen and the current gen is pretty damn huge. N64 had nice 3D graphics, but used expensive small capacity carts still. PSX had craptacular 3D graphics, but used cheap CDs that held way the hell more. The current gen essentially put the two good parts together and improved a little. The next gen pretty much is just improving on the previous points with no real overwhelming improvement.

An you sure make baseless assumptions however about my habits. When did I even say a word about me giving a flieing rat’s ass about my Xbox being moded? Hell I haven't even had mine moded for a year yet. I've been doing mods since softmods started for others since ya know...I buy games (the chip is primarily for tinkering when I don't have other projects to keep me busy and as a nice media server).

Nothing like 13373$t$ to think only they could be right and anyone else who thinks differently is an idiot. I could eaisily be wrong, but the homogenization going on in the industry is pretty reminiscent of the days when Atari was king. IBM is doing the processor for all 3 and ATI is doing the GPU for two of them.


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M$ Rushing The Xbox 360?
« Reply #21 on: June 05, 2005, 10:41:00 AM »

A friend of mine is a dedicated Sony fanboy, after he saw the E3 coverage, he wants the 360.

Because surprisingly, unlike all other sony fanboys, he saw through the CG crap.


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M$ Rushing The Xbox 360?
« Reply #22 on: June 05, 2005, 08:27:00 PM »

You don't speak english do you?

Oki's Sig:
crystal xbox 1,4. smartxx, 200gb seagate.
building in a smokey thanx to yazeljr

and my english realy SUX! just so you all know.

come on buddy, don't be an a$$.  why do you gotta try and make people feel out of place?


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M$ Rushing The Xbox 360?
« Reply #23 on: June 05, 2005, 10:19:00 PM »

Don't count Nintendo out, market share means nothing, M$ lost 5 billion on the xbox while Nintendo with smaller market share than Sony makes a tiny bit less than ALL of sony, video games and electronics, if they compared profit from Nintendo and Sony only counting video games nintendo makes more than Sony. Out of the three companies Nintendo is the highest grossing on video games/systems.


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M$ Rushing The Xbox 360?
« Reply #24 on: June 05, 2005, 10:59:00 PM »



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M$ Rushing The Xbox 360?
« Reply #25 on: June 06, 2005, 12:57:00 AM »

They are not really rushing it seeing as they will beat sony on to the market and then more people will buy the 360 before the ps3 is even out. so in a way they are not rushing it at all.

plus i have heard that in australia it does not come out til this time next year that really sucks.


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M$ Rushing The Xbox 360?
« Reply #26 on: June 06, 2005, 01:16:00 AM »

Rushing? , no no no bud , if they were rushing i would already have the console right here , its taking way too long , i cant stand waiting for Nov!!!


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M$ Rushing The Xbox 360?
« Reply #27 on: June 06, 2005, 05:15:00 AM »

QUOTE(saintTHEdogg @ Jun 6 2005, 04:38 AM)
Off Main-Topic, but:


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M$ Rushing The Xbox 360?
« Reply #28 on: June 06, 2005, 07:09:00 AM »

blink.gif MS is the one rushing the market... Sony wasn't planning on releasing the PS3 until Late2006 early 2007 in Japan... Now it's early 2006... they pushed it 8-10 months earlier so that they don't loose too much of the market to MS who is RUSHING THE MARKET. Nintendo wasn't even on the schedule for their next gen console and now they have a release date of "Before Sony's PS3"  laugh.gif

Who ever said that Nintendo is the most profitable Video gaming Company is completely right. The number of consoles you sell directly relates to "market share" but only the profits decide how well a company is doing. MS is in the Red, Sony sells tons of consoles but not many games by comparison, and Nintendo sells a fair amount of consoles but TONS of games.

To give you an example in 2004 8 of the 10 Best selling GC games are made by Nintendo. Only 5 of the 10 best selling Xbox games are made by MS. And only 2 of the 10 best PS2 games are made by Sony.

So lets say that if you were to buy a console you'd also buy at least the top 10 games for that console... with every console Nintendo sells they're not only making profit on the console but their making profit on 8+ games (which hold a lot larger profit margins than the consoles do). In comparison Sony is only making profit on 1+ games per console. Ms is making profit on 5+ and Live but they've lost so much on the console it self it doesn't really make it back... (Though I've heard they went out of the red briefly after the Halo 2 launch.)

So if you look at success in terms of company profits in the video game division then the current gen market has always been 1.Nintendo 2.Sony 3.Sega 4.MS
If you look at it in terms of Global console Market share then it's 1.Sony 2.Nintendo 3.MS 4.Sega
and if you look at it in terms of US console market share then it's 1.Sony 2.MS 3.Nintendo 4.Sega
And if you look at global market share including games then it's: 1.Nintendo 2.Sega 3.MS 4.Sony

So it's all a matter of how you define success.  beerchug.gif


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M$ Rushing The Xbox 360?
« Reply #29 on: June 06, 2005, 09:18:00 AM »

His sig didn't have that at the time, and I apologize as well.

I  did think of that as a possibility.  I didn't see it beforehand.  And I am sorry too, for being so direct, sure we all know how much it sucks when you already feel out of place and then somone tries to make it even worse.  i was ecstatic to find a community such as this, let's keep it a friendly place, right? we're all good carlo, and i would guess oki holds no hard feelings, had nothin to do with me, just didn't like what i saw.


/\ Very well said twistedsymphony

We can speculate all we want, but in the end I believe the Companies DO know what they are doing.  Maybe we don't choose Nintendo anymore, but my little cousins all play it constant.  As was said before they have certain target demographics.  I don't necessarily think the development of the next-gens were rushed, but i also don't think that they have to come out so soon.  I'm sure 360 will be top notch.  But as others have said, I would rather wait another 2 yeards, so that some new technology has had it's bugs worked out, and can be implemented to the 360 succesfully.  Right now, although the specs look great, it basically seems that the 360 just has some more powerful components, not any real, new technology.  Depnding on their next console's release date(after 360) I would proboly say that the 360 could have been better made a true, next-gen xonsole.

edited:to add TwistedSymphony's props.
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