
Author Topic: Disgruntled 360 Owners Unite!  (Read 66 times)


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Disgruntled 360 Owners Unite!
« on: March 27, 2007, 08:57:00 PM »

So is anyone else pissed about the 360 Elite.  I sure am.  They should have made the console like this since the beginning.  How many articles were written before the original release wondering why there was no HDMI port and the hard drive was small.  When the three red rings became such a problem Microsoft decided to extend the warranty period on the console.  I would like to try and organize people who are upset about wanting the HDMI and larger hard drive from the get go and didnt get it initially.  Now this Elite version is coming out and we're all expected to pony up more money when we all bought the original version of the console.  Its crap!  I think Microsoft should take the old consoles back and give us credit or something for the newer Elite version that we all wished for from the get go!  I dont know exactly how to organize this so if anyone has any ideas or thinks we can make enough noise pertaining to this let me know!


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Disgruntled 360 Owners Unite!
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2007, 09:29:00 PM »

Get over it, sell your old system to make up the difference on the new one, or flat out buy it if you have a HDMI TV and a fast enough connection to fill up that 120gb HDD, those things aren't free either. You'd do the same thing if it was a car or any other piece of electronics product, I'm sure you don't rage on nVidia or ATI when they release a new vid card and if ya do, just like this, do it elsewhere.
