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Author Topic: XFPS 360 Final testing complete and User manual available!  (Read 1676 times)


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XFPS 360 Final testing complete and User manual available!
« Reply #60 on: April 18, 2007, 08:58:00 AM »

QUOTE(Zero 360 @ Dec 20 2006, 01:01 PM) View Post

Then you'll know the guy that has 25 kill and isn't talking is a cheater...
 I talked with my MS rep last week about this, he said they know about it and can BAN ANY USB DEVICE, they don't want Halo 3 online turning out like H2 did in terms of cheaters and modders.  The only reason to mod your 360 is piracy and the only reason to use a KB+M is either:
A) You are too poor or cheap to buy a decent PC Rig
cool.gif You suck so terribly at console shooters AND PC shooters that you need to point/click/kill your way through floaty console shooters.  
Nice 22 headshots by the way, you're not fooling anyone, and now we can tell.  How? Every 360 comes with a mic, if you aren't using it and have a ridiculous amount of kills/headshots...YOU= PIMPLY-FACED FAT GUTTED CHEATER.  ME= PRETTY DECENT WITH A CONTROLLER, AND I HAVE FUN AND AM SOCIABLE ONLINE.  

Either way you are a redbull swigging loser playing in your parents basement if you buy this.  Get real or you're gonna waste $80, mark my words.

Wow dude.........  Firstly wtf are you doing with a MS sales rep lol.  Secondly you just come off as a lame whiner.  

I just bought the XFPS about a month ago.  I play PC FPSs and never really play console FPSs because frankly I don't enjoy them because of the loss in pecision when forced to use a controller.  Hell I won't play a racing game without a wheel, or a jet game (BF2) without a joystick for flying.  Now its not that I can't.  I just prefer not to.   I started playing FPS games on the N64 such as Doom, Goldeneye, and others.  Once I got the first chance to use a mouse a keyboard I was amazed at how precise you can be.  Now I play COD3 with my friends on the 360 from time to time so when I saw the XFPS I figured what the hell I'll give it a try.  Well it works about as good as you would expect for something like this without deadzone compensation.  It won't give you a leg up on anyone but its fun to try and play wiht a k&m.

First off the sensitivity is screwy.  Meaning your x and y plane is differant.  Seeing as I play CSS a lot I'll compare using its numbers.  I would give the x sensitvity a 6 and the y a 3.  Yeah its that insensitive lol.  I have mine set in CSS any other steam games to 14.  So you can see how it can be tough.  At first you won't kill anyone with this thing.  Given a few days with it and you'll be back on par with everyone else.  

Oh and Zero, Microsoft can't do anything about the XFPS.  The 360 sees a wired controller when you hook it up.  Meaning unless they do away with wired controllers it won't happen.  But I don't think anyone over the age of 16 would believe a word out of your mouth anyways.  You type like an AOLer and you probably look like one too.  Plus you whine like you should be douching more often lol.
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