
Author Topic: 3 Lights Of Death  (Read 74 times)


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3 Lights Of Death
« on: December 18, 2006, 09:58:00 AM »

Well I have some really sad news.

Sence monday I had to bring my 360 over to my cousins house.  When I did I put in halo 2 and it started freezing.  I said to myself o wells, could just be because it is an older game and the disk is scratched.  Put in NFSMW for the xbox 360 worked great.  So I thought things were ok.

Got back home plugged it in still working fine.  Then Thursday I put in Gears of War and the consol started freezing up again.  Did this 4 times, after that worked great.  Tried friday, worked great.  Had to go back to my cousins and it worked great.  Came home tonight and hell froze over.  Game froze up, and I thought o wells, just one of those freezing things again.  Restarted the xbox and bam!  Freezes up right on the loading screen when your turn on the console.   Then I restarted it and have 3 flashing lights. Sections 1, 3, and 4 are flashing.  

Now the lights only came up 2 times.  Now they are gone, but when I go into Gears of War, the game freezes up and weird lines appear on my screen, or the screen simply goes black.

I tried the following things and it still doesn't work.

   1. Try restarting the console. - Done it like 10 times
   2. If restarting the console does not resolve the behavior, follow these steps: - tried this
          * Turn the console off.
          * Unplug all the power and AV cables from the console.
          * Unplug the power cord from the wall socket.
          * Firmly reconnect all the cables.
          * Turn on the console.
   3. If these steps do not resolve the behavior, turn the console off, remove the hard drive, and then turn on the console. If the 3x Red LED error light is no longer displayed, turn the console off, re-attach the hard drive, and then turn on the console. - Tried this
   4. Also examine the lights on the power supply. When you turn on the console, the power supply light should illuminate green even if the three lights on the RoL flash red. - the light is green, and when the console is off the power supply turns orange for standby so I it should be working.

Damn I am so pissed...

Anyways, anyone have any pointers?

Also, I'm sorry I led everyone down here at Team Modders, because I cannot afford to buy a new xbox 360 right now.  I will still be active here, but you won't be seeing any big tutorials from me.  (I still will be able to do controller mods though (IMG:style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif))


EDIT: Ok, now I am starting to get the 3 lights from hell again.  But, when I first restarted it, the game started working, and then bam! black screen.  Restart console, 3 lights of death.

Also, I also have noticed my console becoming extremely hot after a few hours of gameplay.  Could it be simply over heating?  Because, when ever I turn on my 360 after a few hours when it finally cools down it seems to work really good.  Then if I turn off my console, and come back to it 10 mins later the freezing starts, and then those pretty red lights come up.

And I would really prefer not doing the heatgun method.  That looks like a disaster waiting to happen (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)


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3 Lights Of Death
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2006, 10:30:00 AM »

ok welcome to the club! I hgave 2 red lighters, dont fix it your self send it to M$. If not you will loose 300$


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3 Lights Of Death
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2006, 08:04:00 AM »

what number do u call for the cardboard coffin, i have the same prob.  ....but it's my own fault.   (IMG:style_emoticons/default/grr.gif)