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Author Topic: Hard Drive  (Read 184 times)


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« Reply #15 on: September 03, 2005, 05:27:00 PM »



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« Reply #16 on: September 03, 2005, 05:30:00 PM »

i am relaxed.  im not getting worked up over anything.  however if he would just take atleast 10 minutes of his time and check ANY 360 site, or the billion (exageration) topics about the hard drive in this forum alone then he would already have his answer.

i dont devote that much time a day to online and yet still i find ways to keep up.

i only thought this was a discussion forum not an question and answer forum.  yeah its great to post questions and opinions, i do almost every day, but to post questions that are so frequent gets old.  

QUOTE(Statecowboy @ Sep 3 2005, 06:29 PM)
You guys need to chill...some of us take a break from the scene for a while and aren't up to the latest daily gossip about the new 360.  He asked a legitimate question that didn't require a smart-ass answer...yet you guys still felt necessary to make asses of yourselves.  Stop being dicks.

And no Carlo, he was not talking about a 360 hard drive so take back you're stupid squishy head things like you said you were.

And one more thing...holy cow've only been on here since march and you have that many posts??? Go outside once and a while.



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« Reply #17 on: September 03, 2005, 05:36:00 PM »

Point is you have 2150 post in 174 days :blink: that's an average of over 12 post a day and I'm sure there are days that you don't post (god I hope so ;) )

*Edit: See ^ told you I have too much time on my hands :D

This post has been edited by Bogus8: Sep 4 2005, 12:37 AM


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« Reply #18 on: September 03, 2005, 05:39:00 PM »

Lol, you don't have too much time in your hands. You can find that info in my profile.

I can tell you that, since school is strting soon, you won't see as many posts from me.
I live in a country area with tons of farmland and there really isn't anything to do here. Even if so, my personal life has nothing to do with anything lol.


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« Reply #19 on: September 03, 2005, 05:48:00 PM »

QUOTE(Bogus8 @ Sep 3 2005, 07:11 PM)
*Edit: See ^ told you I have too much time on my hands :D

lol Bogus youre a trip.

One of the few whos humor I understand (I think?)


I post 10, well sometimes 50 a day, I surely hope noone looks down on me for that. There are MANY other reasons to rip on me for poops sake  :lol: I can name several. Ask Deftones for a few reasons, hes President of the "we hate Deftech" fanclub  :rolleyes:

And with all the different kinds of people here, making comments and asking the questions they do, it's VERY easy to get carried away, and after 2 hours you realize you made 30 posts  :ph34r:

I'm more a gamer than a modder though, thats no secret, so once the Gaming forum hit this community, I was doomed to be a post whore  :(

who wants fresh  :popcorn:

Ive got a 18 mile creek hike tomorrow, I wont be posting here till Monday, what will I do without this place!!!  B)



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« Reply #20 on: September 03, 2005, 05:55:00 PM »

Lmao. I'm gonna talk to Deftones about the terms and agreements to getting into that club you speak of.

I'm more of a gamer as well. I don't like to mess around with stuff I paid that much money for (I'm not bashing modders,I'm just saying I don't have the cash to mod).


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« Reply #21 on: September 03, 2005, 06:07:00 PM »

another hater?

damn, I hope hes atleast asking for club dues and making $$

 :beer: ]

see, thats 2 pointless posts I made, plus one recently in General. Its so easy to be a whore  :popcorn:


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« Reply #22 on: September 03, 2005, 06:10:00 PM »


Oh! Here's another useless post.  :rolleyes: Silly me.


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« Reply #23 on: September 03, 2005, 06:51:00 PM »

ill start the "I can tolerate deftech......every now and then" club  :P


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« Reply #24 on: September 03, 2005, 06:56:00 PM »

I dunno if can adapt to that sort of a club. I'll miss the 'Arron-roasting-Fridays".


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« Reply #25 on: September 03, 2005, 07:12:00 PM »



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« Reply #26 on: September 03, 2005, 07:13:00 PM »

Oops, I spelt your name wrong. I'm not worthy of the fanclub.  :(

Master X

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« Reply #27 on: September 03, 2005, 07:20:00 PM »

Can you use a NON Xbox 360 Harddrive on the Xbox 360 or can you? This is what I am trying to figure out here.


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« Reply #28 on: September 03, 2005, 07:24:00 PM »

I can't believe how obvious the answer to that question is.


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« Reply #29 on: September 03, 2005, 07:37:00 PM »

you must meet the long as your not deftones, ur invited........he flip flops too much  :P

This post has been edited by incognegro: Sep 4 2005, 02:39 AM
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