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Author Topic: Developer's Can't Count On Hard Drive  (Read 723 times)


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Developer's Can't Count On Hard Drive
« on: August 15, 2005, 09:59:00 AM »

This sucks ass

This news is being reported on a few web pages. The main page on XS being one of them. Does this mean that all the advantages that having a hard drive gave to the xbox are gone in it's younger brother? Hard drive caching, custom playlists (supposed to be in every game according to MS itself) and the ability to update it's dashboard. Not to mention live downloads that you've paid for. This absolutely pisses me right off. What do you all think?


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Developer's Can't Count On Hard Drive
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2005, 10:42:00 AM »

I think that they are telling the developers to make sure there games will run with or witjout the hard drive. Have options for both.


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Developer's Can't Count On Hard Drive
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2005, 11:18:00 AM »

they arent saying it wont have a HD, because thats already confirmed. and so is the fact it can run the dash and live w/o one.  now i guess they are looking at not needing one for game either. no big news


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Developer's Can't Count On Hard Drive
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2005, 11:31:00 AM »

Look, they are saying that devs should program the games to offer the ability to play without a HDD for future releases.  This means one of two things:

1.) Xbox3 might not offer a HDD and MS is planning WAY ahead (and yes, companies do plan upwards of 5 years ahead) for backwards compatibility.
2.) MS will offer a no-HDD version of the 360 later on as a "budget" solution for non-Live using gamers.  

Would it really be that difficult to offer the user the change the option of caching on the HDD?  Allard said the 360 would be totally customizable, so maybe they are putting the choice of HDD caching and storage in the devs' hands.  I really don't see how MS could accomplish their plans for Live without the HDD anyway...


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Developer's Can't Count On Hard Drive
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2005, 10:57:00 AM »

i think this is only being said because you can remove the hard drive.  it has been known for a long time that you will be able to play games on your 360 without a hard drive.  i see this as a way as MS saying "look we need your games to be able to work without a hard drive for whatever reason it may be."  if a customer loses his/her hard drive (it could happen) then i dont think MS wants them to be left out.

the whole not announcing anything final deal i think is just a way for MS to raise interest in the product.  also your forgetting on what MS has already said that every game will support custom soundtrack.  also in the same magazine where that site got its info they forgot to mention that J Allard also confirmed that you will need a hard drive for backwards compatiblity to work which is of the least bit improtant to MS.  

so i just say relax you will get your hard drive and any benefits it may offer.   beerchug.gif


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Developer's Can't Count On Hard Drive
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2005, 11:52:00 AM »

i forsee a lot of people loosing their HDD and then having to buy a new one



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Developer's Can't Count On Hard Drive
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2005, 11:48:00 AM »

I really can't wait until that meeting in Germany where we get the final word on all this stuff, I'm tired of guessing. rolleyes.gif


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Developer's Can't Count On Hard Drive
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2005, 12:59:00 PM »

QUOTE(Hoogabooga @ Aug 15 2005, 01:27 PM)
i forsee a lot of people loosing their HDD and then having to buy a new one

I want to lose it as soon as possible.


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Developer's Can't Count On Hard Drive
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2005, 01:03:00 PM »

The reasons are obvious, and i don't give a shit them.  The problem being is, as stated, games will not use the hdd for cacheing, or for virtual memory.  These two things offer a substantial performance boost that the orignal xbox games took advantage of, but the 360 will not.  Bad move, imo.

Don't be freaking stupid, MS; if the 360 will ship with a 20gig hdd, then keep it that way for good, and for hell sake let the developers use it then, as it was ment to be used!  

If games won't require an hdd, then MS might as well not have the 360 come with an hdd, and just have it as an add on, because as is, it will be treated as such.

This post has been edited by Foe-hammer: Aug 15 2005, 08:04 PM


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Developer's Can't Count On Hard Drive
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2005, 12:50:00 PM »

yeah we've all known that MS wanted the 360 to function without the hard drive...

I think that considering the Xbox360 will (at least in it's initial form) ship with a hard drive most devs that want/need the caching will just give a big FU to MS and use the HDD for caching anyway...

If enough devs do that then MS won't be able to sell a version without a hard drive down the road because too many games will depend on it...

If the initial 5 million consoles all have hard drive and 90% of the games "require the hard drive accessory" MS would be stupid to NOT continue to include it in future iterations of the console.

As it is now from the developer interviews I've read most of not all developers are making use of HDD caching.

As for custom soundtracks... you can stream media from a USB device or network too... not all custom soundtracks need to come from the HDD   wink.gif


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Developer's Can't Count On Hard Drive
« Reply #10 on: August 15, 2005, 04:39:00 PM »

Look, Allard never said that games won't use the HDD. He just stated that he wants the games NOT TO REQUIRE a hdd so people who have run out of space on their hdd or lost it can still play the games, but without the benefits.
The games will have to be able to store save files and profiles etc. MS just wants to be sure that you can PLAY THE GAME without doing any of this, kind of like playing a ps2 game without a memory card.

Don't jump into things so quickly without reading through the facts first.


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Developer's Can't Count On Hard Drive
« Reply #11 on: August 15, 2005, 04:34:00 PM »

To be able to play games without the hdd, the developers will not use it then for caching or virtual memory.  It's as simple as that.

Hopefully devs do not listen to MS, and use the hdd for game performance.  Thereby requiring the hdd to play games. beerchug.gif


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Developer's Can't Count On Hard Drive
« Reply #12 on: August 15, 2005, 05:26:00 PM »

QUOTE(Carlo210 @ Aug 16 2005, 12:14 AM)
Look, Allard never said that games won't use the HDD. He just stated that he wants the games NOT TO REQUIRE a hdd so people who have run out of space on their hdd or lost it can still play the games, but without the benefits.
The games will have to be able to store save files and profiles etc. MS just wants to be sure that you can PLAY THE GAME without doing any of this, kind of like playing a ps2 game without a memory card.

Don't jump into things so quickly without reading through the facts first.

That makes sense.
I haven't even seen Allard's complete interview anywhere on the net, all I have seen are quotes that can easily be taken out of context.


lex luther

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Developer's Can't Count On Hard Drive
« Reply #13 on: August 15, 2005, 05:47:00 PM »

I hope wednesday all this stuff is cleared up i hope MS will lets it fan base know what the hell is going with the 360 and get into more detail on the hard drive issue and the price launch date etc. After this month is gone it will be 60 days untill launch if the plain is still november. Dam the small quotes that are very lacking in detail. If their going to say somthing get in detail about it don't just drop a line and hope every one else can guess wtf is going on come on Micorosoft let us know!!

I would like to know

1. how much the system will cost? we all been hearing $299 but it would be great to hear it from M$ lips

2. what all games and accessories are going to be at launch?

3. The dirt on the hard drive all togather!!

4. exact launch date!!

All this info very in handy when your trying to deside what games to preorder and what stuff your going to need to get to go with it and when your trying to calculate for xmas and for launch of the 360. I'M SURE i speak for most of us when i say we all like to do our xmas shopping a little early like in sept or october when things are not picked over and you don't have squeeze to get around crowds of people. Money is not the issue i just need to separate how much im going to spend at launch and how much on gifts.

This post has been edited by lex luther: Aug 16 2005, 12:55 AM


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Developer's Can't Count On Hard Drive
« Reply #14 on: August 15, 2005, 10:34:00 PM »

This is not good news by any stretch.........
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