
Author Topic: Streaming With Latest Version Of Xbmc  (Read 34 times)


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Streaming With Latest Version Of Xbmc
« on: May 16, 2004, 01:50:00 AM »

I've just put XBMC on my xbox 2004-05-16 version
I'm trying to get some streaming video to work on it but I just can't seem to get it sorted out. The strm extension is already present as are the asx and asf extensions. I have tried just dropping the asx file in a folder on the xbox and that has not worked just hangs the xbox. I've also tried copying the mms:// out of the asx and making a strm file. When I did this it run through something on the screen before sitting idle doing nothing. This happens with every strm file I have tried.

Please help me someone.   <