
Author Topic: Dvi-hdmi Not Working On One Console Only  (Read 280 times)


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Dvi-hdmi Not Working On One Console Only
« on: November 17, 2012, 08:33:00 PM »

I've got an LG 194WT 19" monitor (max resolution 1440x900, so not full HD) that I have a DVI-HDMI cable plugged into so that I can use an Xbox 360 on it in my spare room.

This has been working fine for months. However this evening I brought my other Xbox 360 through from the living room and tried connecting that to the monitor - there is no display from it.

As it's been used on my HDTV in the living room, the second Xbox 360 was set to 1080p, but Display Discovery is enabled so I assumed it would automatically adjust to being plugged into the monitor. When it didn't, I tried booting it with Y and Right Trigger held down on the controller to reset the display settings, but that didn't work either. I also tried reconnecting it to the HDTV and manually setting the resolution to 480p and then 1440x900, but nothing works.

So why wouldn't I get any display on an LCD monitor using a HDMI-DVI cable? I know the cable works and I know the monitor supports Xbox 360s because I've been using it with one console. The second console works fine, I just can't get any video from it on the monitor. If it helps, first (working) Xbox is a late 2007 (Falcon) Elite and the second (not working) console is a mid-2009 (Jasper) Elite.