
Author Topic: Digital Audio Dropout Problem  (Read 95 times)


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Digital Audio Dropout Problem
« on: January 16, 2006, 06:09:00 PM »

this happens in halo2 with me but i assumed it was a emulation error


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Digital Audio Dropout Problem
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2006, 08:59:00 PM »

it's a problem with the 360 in general acutually...

Basically when the 360 changes scenes in a game or the audio drops to nothing, even for a split second the 360 completely drops out the digital audio signal, most GOOD AV devices will output an inaudible low level signal so that receivers have something they can continue to latch on to.

basically I have my receiver set to auto detect the surround sound mode being used, so this audio drop out causes my receiver to re-detect the signal type being used whenever it happens, I can get around this by manually setting my receiver to Dolby digital 5.1 mode. so it only drops to zero when the Xbox does...

just another software bug they'll need to hammer out...


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Digital Audio Dropout Problem
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2006, 04:20:00 AM »

I have the same problem with COD2 and halo 2. So twistedsymphony you are saying it a software problem and not hardware.  Because I have been thinking about geting a another 360 because I thought this one was defective.  Its a small problem but stil annoying.  Also my red/white audio cables do not drop but my digital does.


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Digital Audio Dropout Problem
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2006, 04:39:00 AM »

Twisted Symphony seems to be right. I read the same problems several times before. Getting a new xbox won't make any difference. Set your receiver not to autodetect the input if it is possible. If not, you'll need to learn to live with it I'm afraid. Maybe MS will make a patch in the near future.

If the problem is indeed the fact that the xbox drops the digtal audio signal when no sound is present, it should help to play background music and set the volume just above zero.


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Digital Audio Dropout Problem
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2006, 06:27:00 AM »

I have also noticed this problem and was thinking of phoning the ms helpline. I have also made a few test and found that the audio still comes out the 2 analog phono leads fine even at the point the digital signal is lost. I have noticed this problem mostly on Kameo when entereing/leaving rooms. It has also happened on PGR 3 a few times also a few seconds after the initial loading of a race. I find that it seems to show itself worst after some sort of loading activity.  
My receiver indicates that it losses the channel information from the signal and not the actual signal connection if that means anything to anyone.
I think I will still phone MS up at some time though and have a moan about it.


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Digital Audio Dropout Problem
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2006, 07:19:00 AM »

Technically the thing that's causing the audio to drop out is your own digital receiver not the xbox... the receiver take a second to recognize the type of signal incoming before it begins decoding it.

When the Xbox is loading or changing scenes the Xbox stops outputting a digital signal... so when it starts again your receiver has to re-initialize. In an analog environment this doesn't matter at all, which is why your receiver doesn't have any problems, but a digital environment it makes a difference. Nothing is wrong with YOUR xbox, that's how they all work.

Imagine your digital audio receiver is like your car, and the engine revs are the sound output. Imagine loading screens are like traffic lights, the xbox has to stop and wait. but the Xbox 360 is stupid instead of letting the car idle, it drops the revs to complete 0 and stalls the car. When the light turns green the Xbox starts pushing on the gas to go but the car (your receiver) needs to start itself again because the Xbox was stupid and let the revs drop to zero...  that's where the drop out comes from.
Forcing your receiver into Dolby Digital Mode instead of auto detecting is like forcing your car to stay running at the traffic light.

Cheap DVD players have this same behavior... any GOOD AV devices keeps a low level signal available to keep this from happening this can be fixed with software, so MS could do a dash update down the road and remedy the situation...

You'll notice on the Xbox 1 Games and the official DVD play don't have this problem but Xbox media center does... again it can be controlled with software.


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Digital Audio Dropout Problem
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2006, 10:46:00 AM »

it's not the fault of the reciever... even the best receiver in the world will do that.

The receiver is what causes CREATES the drop out but the Xbox is what CAUSES it (I probably should have phrased that better in my last post).

it's the Xbox 360 that is not the "GOOD AV device"

Even if the signal disappears for an inaudible split second it will trip up your receiver.

like your computer even if the power in your house disappears for a split second, fast enough that the lights don't even shut off completely, it still might cause your computer to shut off. or your car to stall, etc.

EDIT: and AFAIK there is no name for it... if I were to call it anything I'd call it a bug with the Xbox 360 that needs to be fixed  wink.gif