
Author Topic: Anyone Miss The Ability To Dupe?  (Read 318 times)


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Anyone Miss The Ability To Dupe?
« on: October 05, 2007, 03:43:00 AM »

Sitting around the other day and suddenly it dawned on me, what if the game wasn't patched anymore?

Here's a little something i came up with:

1. Go to your system blade and highlight "Memory"
2. Hit Y then Mash in X, X, LB, RB, X, X, when the system asks if you're sure, say yes to clear all updates and cache from your hard drive.
3. Fire up Oblivion, but DON'T update.
4. There is no step 4.

Dorian's gold, Arrow duping and Horseback shopping all work again, go crazy. once you're stocked up, re-update if desired. if you find you need to dupe again, repeat. The game will complain about missing data files but i have not observed any ill effects from this in the 3 days I've been playing unpatched.

Now if only we can find a way to delete all the useless low level spells cluttering up our inventories.


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Anyone Miss The Ability To Dupe?
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2007, 12:55:00 AM »

ive also tested this dupe ..... swing your sword around then clk right into menue find the most scrolls you got then press the green button twice then drop the item you wish to dupe ...... i tried and tested that1 with the shivering isle pack and works good.


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Anyone Miss The Ability To Dupe?
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2007, 04:21:00 PM »

Go to your inventory and equip the same scroll twice then drop the item you want duped. It will give you as many of the item as you have scrolls and the amount will not accrue. If you want more of it, drop all but one and dupe some more. Pick up the rest when you finish.

You shouldn't have to clear your memory to get it to work.