
Author Topic: The Secrets Of Ayleid Magic  (Read 118 times)


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The Secrets Of Ayleid Magic
« on: April 21, 2006, 03:26:00 PM »

Source: http://inthexis.stan...vion/index.html

Most people are aware that "Weakness to magic" effects all sorts of magic. If you do weakness to magic 100% on an enemy and then cast 5pts of fire damage, it is worth 10pts of fire damage.

The guy in the link above discovered that Weakness to magic effects... weakness to magic, and that he can chain spells together to exponentially increase the effects of the magic.

I know that didn't make any sense, so an example:

Drain Health 100pts for 1 second
Weakness to Magic 100% for 3 seconds

Cast 1 - Enemey has 0% weakness to magic, drain health 100pts, increase weakness to magic to 100%
Cast 2 - Enemy has 100% weakness to magic, drain health 200pts, increase weakness to magic to 200% (since the spell is twice as effective)
Cast 3 - Enemy has 200% weakness to magic, drain health 400pts, increase weakness to magic to 400%

I'm not sure I explained it all correctly, but you get the idea.

He also figured out a way to set this effect on yourself, so that you can chain cast weakness to magic on yourself in combination with something like Fortify Magicka 100pts and get insane amounts of magicka. Finishing it off with a Fortify Magicka 100pts for 120 seconds so that you can go into battle with it.

Check the link for a waay better explanation and examples of it's use.


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The Secrets Of Ayleid Magic
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2006, 06:42:00 PM »

Drain resistance spells cannot be used on a spell with the damage.

Ugh, again?

Spell 1: If you have 5pt damage health for 1 sec with drain magic resistance for 10 sec, it does diddly squat - spell does 5pts damage.

Spell 2: If you have 5pt damage health  for 2 secs with a drain magic resistance for 10 sec, the drain health multiplier from drain resistance only comes into effect for the second second, giving you 5 + 10 damage = 15 damage.

Spell 3: drain magick resistance for 10 sec
+ Spell 4: drain health 5 pts for 2 sec

Casting spell 3 and then spell 4 will give you 20 total damage. I have a damage all elements for 10 sec with 3 sec paralyze (all on target). I cast that when approaching enemy. I then cast a 50pt fire/frost/shock spell on touch. It's not a 1 hit kill for all creatures (warlords can be a bit tough, as can some magic-resisting liches and other daedra), but it's effective. Costs around 150-200 magicka at the end of it all to cast both.


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The Secrets Of Ayleid Magic
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2006, 12:30:00 AM »

You're missing the point. It's not that they work at the same time as much as the fact that the CHAIN works. You cast it multiple times and the effects (weakness to magic) compounds. Your right, the weakness to magic does not effect that cast, but it does effect the next. The 100% weakness to magic does not reset to 100% weakness each time, because that spell itself is effected by the current weakness (so 100% weakness to magic on a person with 100% weakness to magic results in 200% weakness to magic). Erghh, so non-obvious of an effect to try and explain.

Just to show i'm not totally full of shit, and the link may actually be worth reading, here is some screenshots of a spell on my self that I used to increase my magicka to ~2000 via a "Foritify 100" spell.
(sorry for size and quality, i'm excessively drunk right now and trying to do this with minimal effort).

If you follow the link there is also an example of a 3000+ damage spell that can be achieved through 3 chained spells costing no more than 60-100'ish magicka.


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The Secrets Of Ayleid Magic
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2006, 12:33:00 AM »

i feel drunk and my eyes hurt just looking at the last pic. all in all it proves it works.


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The Secrets Of Ayleid Magic
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2006, 12:47:00 AM »

It makes complete sense. Thanks for this.


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The Secrets Of Ayleid Magic
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2006, 11:02:00 AM »

A neat spell:

Ayleid Acrobatics:
3 pts fire damage on touch
Fortify skill Acrobatics 100pts for x seconds (expensive, so pick what you can cast 2 or 3 times)
Fortify magicka 100pts for 3 seconds (this will build your magicka during the chain so that you regenerate faster then the spell costs after a few steps in the chain)
Weakness to magic 100% for 3 seconds

The game seems a bit buggy at really high acrobatics level, my character just started convulsing like crazy and then when i jumped he went flying out of orbit for about a minute.


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The Secrets Of Ayleid Magic
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2006, 04:11:00 PM »

lol. who needs paint brushes when you can fly.