
Author Topic: Recommended Strategies  (Read 810 times)


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« on: June 28, 2006, 01:03:00 PM »

I'm currently renting this from Gamerang...

I played through the tutorial without much of a problem and doing a tournament I was able to come close to shutting out the first two opponents and then the 3rd guy in the tournament completely dominated me (the Swedish guy I can't remember his name). I was playing as Chinese guy and the best I could do was 2 points behind. I did about 10 rematches and just couldn't score on him for the life of me.

I think it's safe to assume I throughly suck at this game.

So I'm open to any pointers you could provide, strategies for playing against certain characters, or general techniques.

I've tried a few different things like hitting far left two or three times and then hitting it far right with right spin. or hitting it far and hard a few time and then knocking it short.... maybe these techniques are too simple but I just can't seem to progress in this game.

Almost every serve I end up in 30+ hit rallies before I either fall short of hitting the ball or my opponent knocks it out. Either way I'm not actually scoring  sad.gif


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« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2006, 06:39:00 PM »

yea, the learning curve is pretty steep for sure,.....  i've learned that against that stupid swede (no offense to swedish readers, but this particular swede is truly stupid) the best strategy is to just keep top spinning him and play back a bit,... his accuracy isn't the best, so you can hope he'll just eventually hit it off the table,.... also, it seemed to me that he missed more top spin shots than side spin shots.

that's one of the things i don't really like about this game, it seems to give the advantage heavily to top spin, it's way too easy to counter side spins,... unlike in real life where you have to be careful which sort of spin your opponent put on the ball because if you misjudge the spin your ball will go SAILING off to the side.

so,... in general work on returning slams, dont be afraid of them, the computer misses a decent amount when trying to slam against you.  and work on fast rallies with heavy top spin.  another thing that has kinda worked is back spin, but you have to be careful because if you do too much and pull back on the left stick too much you'll net it,.... but if you get good at dropping it right over the net, that'll definately get you points,.... and backspins are the hardest to return in this game (i think)... i seem to notice more of a difference in my return shots of backspin than to my return shots of side spins....

these are a few things i can remember, i haven't played this game in a lil bit.... but those are a few things that helped me get through the second tourney at least,..... now as far as the PRO tourney goes, fuggetaboudit


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« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2006, 06:49:00 AM »

Thanks for the tips... I managed to get through the Amateur and Rookie levels by playing AS Jesper (so I didn't have to play against him  laugh.gif ) Despite his low stats he's a pretty good pick because of his size. His long arms make it so you don't have to move very far to hit the ball.


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« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2006, 06:27:00 PM »

he's definately the man of choice for the first few tourneys at least,.... it gets much harder though,.... beyond there, i'm no longer of any help...yet.....

it just sucks (in my opinion) that they made jesper so dominant,.... bc that's not my style of play, i think they really shoould have made spins harder to return..... but then maybe it'd be too dominant on a heavy spin player,..... i don't know,... it just doesn't seem balanced,....


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« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2006, 05:50:00 AM »

yeah I agree...

Now that I've got Juergen unlocked I think I'll try my hand with him. I'm going to try the pro and All-star circuits if I can, if not I'll just keep play exhibition games trying to unlock costumes and new arenas until I've also unlocked all the characters.


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« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2006, 10:04:00 AM »

The easy way to unlock characters if you haven't figured out is to set up short exibition matches. 45 wins will get you all the characters.

I beat the first two tourneys with Liu Ping.  Then I got to 3rd match with Jesper and it was rediculous.  He had tons of accurate backhand lefts that spun off the table short to my left.  I played with Ping b/c I thought he was the best statistically, but I don't think that stuff matters.  By the time Jesper hit 3 win shots in a row off the right side of the table I put it back in my gamefly sleeze and got rid of it.  I was only an hour away from the 10 hr achievement, but I was too pissed to play another minute.   laugh.gif

When the game comes down in price I may pick it back up though.  There is a lot of fun in the game.  I do agree with you fastTOE that it is a bit unrealistic with the spins in the way you can return shots.

Oh and another tip.  I didn't realize this until about my last hour of play is that you can start charging for a shot as soon as you hit a shot.  I had thought up to that point you had to start charging when the opponent hit the ball.


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« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2006, 01:49:00 PM »

Same thing happened to me only the first thing I did after finishing the tutorial was to play the tournament using Liu Ping 3rd match against Jesper and the same thing you experienced...

I've unlocked every character and every location so far and done the first 2 tournaments. I think getting all the costumes will be tricky. as will the online achievements if I even go for them.

You can see how the stats DO effect your character but while Liu Ping has good stats he's short and has a very small reach which means he needs to run all over the friggin place to play competitively. Jesper on the other hand is the tallest character meaning when he stands in the center he can cover 80% of the table without moving.

You can see how the spin stat helps by how much the ball actually curves after hitting the table and how the serve stat helps by slowing down the moving bars when you serve but I think the stats play a back seat to the characters physical presence at the table. Mark is a good character because he's almost as tall as Jesper but has stats almost as good as Liu Ping... a great combination.

I think characters like Luc and Hailey are only there to make beating the game with every character more challenging.


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« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2006, 11:33:00 AM »

I've only used Haley in this game.  I tend to always pick the person you least expect to win in games.  I'm an underdog fan; although, her stats are decent.

The middle and pro level tournaments have been a major pain in the ass with Haley.  Carmen has been my toughest opponent by far.  I prlly played against her 12-15 times to finally beat her by 1 point.

I'm in the first round of the Pro Tourney now.


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« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2006, 10:36:00 AM »

This game had me more upset than DOA4!!  Playing the rookie tourney, using Jesper, and i get all the way to the very last match, dam near shutouts every single game......and so the last match is against Jergen, and he whoops me every time!  rematch after rematch and some of the sweetest shots i've ever made and he counters them!

i was so fed up, i fuggin threw my controller......but just against the couch.  dam thing bounced off of it and smacked against the wall, and split the seams.  luckily it snapped back into place enough to still work.  stupid, i know...... haven't broken a controller since SNES!

I also went thru the same stuggles, using Ping first because of stats but getting schooled by Jepsen every single time.  he'd hit the ball so dam hard, i finally gave in and used him against everyone else, which proved that he is way overpowered.

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« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2006, 11:10:00 PM »

I love this game to death! I got it with my 360 for Christmas, and I have enjoyed every single bit of it. I played the amateur tournament with Liu Ping and DOMINATED everyone, including Jesper (who I owned in BOTH 2 of 3 games with me having 11 and him having NOTHING, the guy SUCKS). If any of you wanna play it online (since no one does), I'll try to add you guys and maybe we can play a couple matches.