
Author Topic: Gotham Tv Details  (Read 95 times)


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Gotham Tv Details
« on: November 05, 2005, 01:17:00 PM »

Some of this has been mentioned in the past but theres some new tidbits in here...

On the official Project Gotham Racing 3 website today, MS has unveiled further info regarding the game's innovative "Gotham TV" online spectator mode. What's interesting is that this sports-style broadcast, where you literally watch friends and legends competing over Live, is a functionality that's built into the 360's online service as a tool. As a matter of fact, PGR3 developer Bizarre Creations has gone on record saying that they hope more game designers take advantage of this unique community tool in future 360 games.

Through Gotham TV, gamers will be able to view the action "sitting in the stands, toggling between different cars, or even sitting shotgun in your friend's ride, you'll have access to the most intimate look at the active (and archived) proceedings." Seriously. Sitting shotgun as your friend competes in the race of his life in PGR3's intense in-dash view will probably make this game one of the most robust online racing experiences yet.

Here's what the rest of Gotham TV will feature:

# Heroes Channel: Watch the best of the best prove themselves.
# Friends Channel: Root on your friends and check their progress.
# News Ticker: Catch up on the latest news and important updates just for you.
# Today's Highlights: Dig into best of the PGR" 3 day.
# Hall of Fame: The best of all time.
# Saved Replays: Your own personal archives.

We absolutely cannot wait to get our drift on with PGR3 in a couple weeks. In the meantime, be sure to check out the latest 1UP Show for a comprehensive roundtable on the Xbox 360's biggest racing games at launch.
