
Author Topic: Halo 3 Reviews  (Read 753 times)


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Halo 3 Reviews
« on: November 24, 2010, 12:20:00 AM »

So, what did you make of Halo 3 then? Post your impressions, and please leave a vote in our poll.

A 10 should only be given for a landmark game that sets new rules, a 9 for a truly excellent game without flaw, and an average game that does things right but nothing special should get a 5 (not a 7 or 8 like some would have you believe).

Please only vote if you've played enough of the game to comment.

[MOD COMMENT] We have had spoiler votes for this game now from people who have no record of playing the game. Infractions may be given for such actions if you are perceived to be poll spoiling.


Finally just finished the campaign on heroic, i wanted to finish it all before i gave an opinion, also wanted the "zomg i got Halo 3 a week early" effect to fade away before i gave a review, but im all done now so here we go.

There will be no spoilers ahead so read on without fear!

When you first boot up the game and hear that music it feels good, real good, ill preface my comments by saying you could probably class me as a Halo fanboy, played all the games read all the books and soaked up every little snippet i could find about the game up until this point. Taking that into account you can appreciatte how hard it is for me to say that at first the word i would use to describe Halo 3 would be underwhelming.

Microsoft have hyped this game to the moon and back, twice! The beginning of the game is quite slow paced, we dont get too much story, its seems as if we are being eased in, which having finished the game and being able to see the whole experience in context makes sense.

To me this game is very much like a movie, Bungie know they have something big here and they are making sure they make it the best experience possible, from the sweeping orchestral score, to the epic battles with multiple enemies.

They have used the last game to completely flesh out all of the Halo canon, the UNSC now have flying vehicles, mongooses and spartan laser, the brutes now have a full ranges of weapons and vehicles, this gives the game a lot of variety in weapons and ways to play.

And the play is what this game is all about, i said i was underwhelmed before, around an hour in i hit a few set peices and i got a nice chunk of story cutscene, and all of a sudden i realised i was sucked in , hours flew by as i wanted to get to the next section, ive found the game to be well paced, with varitions in objectives and missions, you get the FPS, the driving sections, all of it presented in a truly epic way everytime, to avoid spoilers i wont describe any of the set peices, but suffice to say there are many which are satisfying to complete.

Ultimatly its the Halo you know and love with new things to do and very nice graphics, alot has been said about the graphics not looking amazing, i agree they arent Gears of War, but on Gears you never had dozens of enemies, multiple vehicles in huge battlefields, and never once did i notice the frame rate drop or any other technical issues. And it doesnt look bad by any stretch in places i was genuinely impressed, but at the end of the day its no COD4 or Gears and its not trying to be.

When it comes down to it, like the beta said this game is "Love Bungie", this game is made for the fans, its more of the Halo you know and love and i dont think fans will be disappointed, as always those who arent fans but get wrapped up in the hype may not see what is so special, however the amount of game presented here and the amount of polish applied cant but be admired.

That being said new comers are taken into account with an adaptive help system kicking in if you having trouble and frequent checkpoints to make dying less frutrating, i will advise anyone who has played a few FPS to go for Heroic, i managed to complete it comfortably in a couple of days, i have left legendary for coop when everyone else gets the game next week.

Obviously theres a lot more to this game than just singleplayer, i dont need to go through it suffice to say theres alot of game here, they seem to have achieved what everyone wanted, the Singleplayer of Halo 1 (again without spoiling there are alot of nods) and the multiplayer of Halo2.

No doubt i will be playing the multi for a long time to come, and with all the single player options i be getting very familiar with the campaign.

All the way through this review i used the word experience, and thats exactly what this game is, from the menu to the multi, the myriad of options and customisations, this is an experience, one you can create and play anyway you want, from the weapons you choose in single player, to the game and map types you create in Forge.

This truly is a "Best Of" version of Halo, you can replace my underwhelmed with overwhelmed. Halo is back.

xbox360 controller for windows

This post has been edited by jornron: Nov 24 2010, 08:22 AM


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Halo 3 Reviews
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2010, 06:47:00 PM »

Im sorry but you lost me
exactly how is this hardware chat related?

if you were discussing the actual halo 3 LE console or the drive or the controller or something that was