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Author Topic: Halo 3 Purchased by 52pct of Xbox 360 Owners in U.S.  (Read 275 times)


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Halo 3 Purchased by 52pct of Xbox 360 Owners in U.S.
« Reply #15 on: December 20, 2007, 08:38:00 AM »

I don't really like Star Wars. After reading all this, I realized that the only reason I ever watched the movies was because it was extremely popular.

How often do you see a non-Star Wars fanatic play and love a Star Wars game?

Rarely, 'cause let's face it, most of them suck.

How often do you see a non-Halo fanatic play and love a Halo game?

Rarely, again. It doesn't have as much to do with it's fun factor as it does the fact that it's HALO.

I'd really like to know what the significance is of knowing that 52% of X360 owners have Halo 3. It doesn't seem good, nor does it seem bad, it's just kind of a useless statistic that has no effect on anything--kinda like the percentage of PC owners that use white-colored monitors. What's the point?


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Halo 3 Purchased by 52pct of Xbox 360 Owners in U.S.
« Reply #16 on: December 20, 2007, 01:25:00 PM »

some guys are just so simple minded... its marketing, it helps to sell the game and it tells the kind of gamers that have a 360 and what software they buy. Thats the significance.

Am I the only one that dont understand this halo backlash that all the "cool attention-loving kids" are doing now?  I like halo 1 but not halo halo 3. 4 player coop is genious. I like call of duty but its not stopping me from playing 3....maybe if it had coop i would play it more. I personally thnk the MP in COD4 is a bit cheap also and not as NOOB friendly.

I guarrantee u that if halo ddint get such a big marketing push everybody would love the damn game. If you dont like halo then why disrespect the ppl that do by putting down the game? Obviously there is alot of ppl out there that do like halo 3 and if u dont then dont say anything. Dont talk about halo if u dont like it, its very whiney and annoying, like kids.

I mean i think zelda is overhyped and boring but u'll never hear me saying running around bad mouthing the game or saying stupid shit like "i bought zelda but the game is crap". I mean other ppl like and I would never buy a game i dont

This halo backlah crap is getting really old...
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