
Author Topic: Need Others For Ffa Tourny Style Play  (Read 142 times)


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Need Others For Ffa Tourny Style Play
« on: November 10, 2007, 04:37:00 PM »

My cousin is registered for the FFA in Dallas December 18th.. we are looking for a few really good players who wish to play with the FFA rules.  

- Battle Rifle Start
- Assualt Rifle Secondary
- No Rockets
- No Vehicles
- No Equipment
- No Radar

We've forged the maps.  The maps are Epitaph, The Pit, Guardian.

10 minute rounds, unlimited kills.  Whoever has the most kills total per 3 maps moves on.  We'd like to play this style, 4 people, more ok for practice.  

For the record my cousin is a lvl 50 general.  Check it out for yourself, Gamertag: PMX DCHROME

Not bragging, just saying he wants so really serious competition for practice.  Nobody on live has really given him a run for his money and friends out his list that he invites to customs usually leave after he has dominates every game.  Peace.


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Need Others For Ffa Tourny Style Play
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2007, 10:43:00 AM »

I don't play Halo 3 often enough to be a General right now, but I am really good with a Battle Rifle. My GT is Vektor0.


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Need Others For Ffa Tourny Style Play
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2020, 10:39:00 PM »

ill play but thats prolly the worst set up mlg setting ever epitaph isnt even a map in mlg they have them all available for download. and general means nothing.


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Need Others For Ffa Tourny Style Play
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2007, 01:18:00 AM »

QUOTE(Maertz @ Nov 13 2007, 06:39 AM) View Post

ill play but thats prolly the worst set up mlg setting ever epitaph isnt even a map in mlg they have them all available for download. and general means nothing.

For starters, it's the CPL league, not MLG and those are the setting they are using in the tournament, including epitaph.  Furthermore, what Halo 3 MLG tournaments are you reffering to, and available to download - explain?  And you know what, General does mean something.. he's a level 50 for a reason, because he's got skill, theres no luck or what not.. pull up his GT on ,  so you could of left out the comment, I already said it wasn't bragging.  Add PMX DCHROME, see how you do against him.


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Need Others For Ffa Tourny Style Play
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2007, 10:34:00 AM »

Yeah, he, I, and about five or six others played this on Epitaph last night. There was no kill limit, just a time limit. He won with 44 kills. I got second with 26 kills. So yeah, he's got skill.


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Need Others For Ffa Tourny Style Play
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2007, 09:24:00 PM »

QUOTE(ProphetOfPain @ Nov 15 2007, 04:53 PM) View Post

Hey Vektor, thanks for joining up!  I know not everyone is interested because they're either not going to the tournament or don't like the settings, but i'm DChrome's older cousin and i'm footing the whole bill for the trip and tournament and I already told him I don't care if he's the first one eliminated, just to try his best.  I'm 34, he's 15.  If you or anyone else still interested in getting more practice with those setting, join up.  Thanks again smile.gif

He's 15 years old?... Wow. So am I. smile.gif

I love those settings. The only thing he could do to make it better is add in a Sniper Rifle.  ph34r.gif

Anytime you get a group together to play with those settings, invite me, 'cause I'm so totally in.

It's a good idea to play with a variety of different players, though, because when you play with the same players over and over, you normally develop habits because they tend to do the same things repeatedly. Different opponents give a unique experience each game and therefore different practice.

Molten Universe

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Need Others For Ffa Tourny Style Play
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2007, 07:33:00 AM »

I play with him today, hes real good hope he wins, i was Whispbox and my mate Mr Mc G came close in the early stages of both games we played but he end up winning by a fair bit in the end, it was funny my mate is level 45 and im only 28 and i did better than him  tongue.gif

I hope they post videos of the actual tournament smile.gif it will be good to see them all in action