
Author Topic: Weapons And The Levels They Can Be Found In.  (Read 674 times)


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Weapons And The Levels They Can Be Found In.
« on: April 01, 2006, 10:56:00 PM »

My 2nd play through I decided I was going to record ever weapon I encountered on every level. So if you're having trouble locating a particular weapon or want to know which level has that one rare one you can't seem to find. Here's your guide:

Chapter 1
-.45 Cal (handgun)*
-2x4 Bolts
-2x4 Nails
-Fire Axe
-Large Pipe
-Rebar Bent
-Rebar Concrete
-Small Pipe

Chapter 2
-.45 Cal (handgun)
-2x4 Bolts
-2x4 Nails
-Fire Axe
-Large Pipe
-Mannequin Arm
-Pump Shotgun
-Rebar (straight)
-Rebar Bent
-Small Pipe

Chapter 3
-.45 Cal
-2x4 Bolts
-Desk Drawer
-Fire Axe
-Gas Pipe
-Pump Shotgun
-Small Pipe

-.45 Cal (handgun)
-2x4 Bolts
-2x4 Nails
-Fire Axe
-Gas Pipe
-Large Pipe
-Large Plank
-Pump Shotgun
-Rebar Bent
-Rebar Concrete
-Sawed Off (shotgun)
-Small Pipe
-Steam Pipe

Chapter 5
-.45 Cal (handgun)
-2x4 Bolts
-Clothes Rack
-Fire Axe
-Mannequin Arm
-Pump Shotgun
-Rebar Bent
-Rebar Concrete
-Sawed Off (shotgun)
-Small Pipe

Chapter 6
-2x4 Bolts
-2x4 Nails
-Locker Door
-Pump Shotgun
-Rebar Bent
-Rebar Concrete
-Small Pipe

Chapter 7
-.45 Cal (handgun)
-2x4 Bolts
-2x4 Burnt
-2x4 Nails
-Desk Drawer
-Fire Axe
-Gas Pipe
-Paper Cutter
-Pump Shotgun
-Rebar Bent
-Rebar Concrete
-Sawed Off
-Small Pipe

Chapter 8
-.45 Cal (handgun)
-2x4 Bolts
-2x4 Nails
-Fire Axe
-Gas Pipe
-Meat Cleaver
-Paper Cutter
-Large Pipe
-Locker Door
-Pump Shotgun
-Rebar (straight)
-Rebar Bent
-Small Pipe
-Sub Machinegun

Chapter 9
-2x4 Bolts
-2x4 Nails
-Fire Axe
-Fireplace Poker
-Gas Pipe
-Large Pipe
-Large Plank
-Pump Shotgun
-Small Pipe
-Steam Pipe
-stick (A)
-stick (cool.gif

Chapter 10
-2x4 Bolts
-2x4 Burnt
-2x4 Fire
-2x4 Nails
-Fire Axe
-Large Plank
-Small Pipe
-stick (A)
-stick (cool.gif

*In this level the game gives you this particular weapon automatically and it is the only instance of this weapon in the level, therefore it is questionable as to wheather or not using it counts towards the mele meyham or fire arm freedom achievments.

A complete list of all the Fire Arms required for Fire Arm Freedom (must be fired)
-.45 Cal (handgun)
-Pump Shotgun
-Sawed OFf (shotgun)

A complete list of mele weapons required for the mele meyham achievement (must be swung)
-.45 Cal (handgun)
-2x4 Burnt
-2x4 Bolts
-2x4 Fire
-2x4 Nails
-Clothes Rack
-Desk Drawer
-Fire Axe
-Fireplace Poker
-Gas Pipe
-Large Pipe
-Large Plank
-Mannequin Arm
-Meat Cleaver
-Large Pipe
-Locker Door
-Paper Cutter
-Pump Shotgun
-Rebar (straight)
-Rebar Bent
-Rebar Concrete
-Sawed Off (shotgun)
-Small Pipe
-Steam Pipe
-stick (A)
-stick (cool.gif
-Sub Machinegun

Some things to keep in mind:
-All of the fire arms can be found in chapter 7 (the library) with the exception of the rifile which can be found in chapters 8 and 10
-Weapons do not count towards the fire-arm freedom award unless they are fired
-Weapons do not count towards the mele-meyham award unless they are swung
-Fire arms in mele mode (RB to switch to mele mode) count toward the mele-meyhem achievment
-Entry tools must also be swung , simply using them as a tool does not count towards the award
-Some of the most often missed mele weapons are the "Rebar (Straight)", "Handrail", and the "Meat Cleaver" all of which can be found in chapter 8 (the school). In this chapter the Rebar is plentaful (check the shelves) and it is also the only level where the handrail and meat cleaver make an apearance.
-you can choose how you swing your mele weapon depending on which direction you are pushing on the left analog stick when the trigger is pulled. Down typically does an overhead swing, left will do a back handed, left to right swing (or if you have an entry too, a stabbing motion), and up, right or no direction will do a standard right to left swing.


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Weapons And The Levels They Can Be Found In.
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2006, 07:51:00 AM »

I'm glad someones getting some use out of this beerchug.gif