
Author Topic: 360 Bugs: DOA4 Glitch Killing GameSaves and COD2 Lag Patch Coming  (Read 132 times)


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360 Bugs: DOA4 Glitch Killing GameSaves and COD2 Lag Patch Coming-- Posted by XanTium on January 11 00:15 EST


A forum thread titled "WARNING: DOA4 has a major glitch" popped up on GameSpot's community. The original poster, gintheplacetobe, said that he had spent hours going through all the story modes and unlocking almost all the characters. "I played a few more sessions after that, and then booted up the game again only to find out that all of my [DOA4] save data was gone," wrote gintheplacetobe. "All of my unlocked characters, costumes, leader-board achievements, online ranking, ALL GONE!"

Was gintheplacetobe's experience an isolated case of bad luck, or a more widespread problem? After a several-day lag, a Tecmo rep indicated that there is a problem with some copies of the game. "We're aware of the issue you're referring to," the rep told GameSpot. "We're working to identify and resolve the potential problem with the technical folks at Microsoft." The rep said a patch would be coming soon.

So what can DOA4 players do in the meantime to ensure their hard-fought DOA4 victories don't vanish into thin air? Tecmo technical support says to do the following: (1) With your copy of DOA4 already inserted, turn on your 360 by pressing the "open tray" button. (2) Wait until all the information from your Gamer Profile is fully displayed on your Gamer Card, including achievements and other awards. (3) Close the tray again with DOA4 still inserted.
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Since the title's release, almost everyone who'd tried out Call of Duty 2's for the Xbox 360 has been clamoring for an update to the online multiplayer component. Well, apparently the developers have been listening, or have known all along. According to a post by Infinity Ward on, a multiplayer patch is indeed in the works.
According to the post, the patch will target persistent issues with lag.
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Altima NEO

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360 Bugs: DOA4 Glitch Killing GameSaves and COD2 Lag Patch Coming
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2006, 11:23:00 PM »

Well, it doesnt kill the saves, it overwrites your save when you load up a different profile. Which is still a problem if you ask me, since it just hapened to me too.

As for the COD2 thing, yeah the lag sucks, but I hope they actually add more to the Live mutliplayer, such as 2 people on the same console, or at least for system link.

The perfect game = COD2 gameplay + PDZ online component


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360 Bugs: DOA4 Glitch Killing GameSaves and COD2 Lag Patch Coming
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2006, 10:51:00 PM »

The perfect game = COD2 gameplay + Halo 2 online component  tongue.gif


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360 Bugs: DOA4 Glitch Killing GameSaves and COD2 Lag Patch Coming
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2006, 11:35:00 PM »

I'm excited to hear about the COD2 patch.  What an excellent single player game, and a could be awesome multiplayer game.  We'll see.


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360 Bugs: DOA4 Glitch Killing GameSaves and COD2 Lag Patch Coming
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2006, 06:33:00 AM »

OMGSTFUBBQ!!  A patch for COD2?!?!  You cannot comprehend how happy that makes me.   We've been writing activision and infinity ward for weeks now about the multiplayer lag and crappy lobby system  Activision basically tells us to shove it, while Infinity Ward hasn't replied to a single email.  I signed the petition and everything, but I never thought anything would ever come of it.    I'm going to have to take a few days off work to play COD2 online when the patch comes out.

<---  One happy camper  biggrin.gif


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360 Bugs: DOA4 Glitch Killing GameSaves and COD2 Lag Patch Coming
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2006, 08:30:00 AM »

They really need to sort out two things:

lag and party support. It's so bad that you can't join your friends.


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360 Bugs: DOA4 Glitch Killing GameSaves and COD2 Lag Patch Coming
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2006, 08:50:00 AM »

They only talked about addressing the lag. They haven't said anything about the lobby system. Hopefully they'll surprise us, but I wouldn't count on it.


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360 Bugs: DOA4 Glitch Killing GameSaves and COD2 Lag Patch Coming
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2006, 09:53:00 AM »

If they can fix the lag, they sure as hell can fix the party system. Maby it wont come out when the lag patch comes out but im sure it will come out eventually or they will still just have alot of angry people. My blood pressure would go down alot though if they fix the lag issue. Nothing aggrovates me more than trying 10 games in a row with nothing but lag.

This post has been edited by Killa420: Jan 11 2006, 05:54 PM

Altima NEO

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360 Bugs: DOA4 Glitch Killing GameSaves and COD2 Lag Patch Coming
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2006, 10:17:00 AM »

if everyone on xbox scene emailed them about it im sure theyll get the picture


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360 Bugs: DOA4 Glitch Killing GameSaves and COD2 Lag Patch Coming
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2006, 09:46:00 AM »

QUOTE(Storm28 @ Jan 11 2006, 04:21 PM) View Post

They only talked about addressing the lag. They haven't said anything about the lobby system. Hopefully they'll surprise us, but I wouldn't count on it.

They talked both about working out Live "lag" and Live "issues" so obviously there's more than just 'lag' that they're trying to fix.

This news is actually 4-days old (but who's counting). Not that this matters...

But anyway, no, CoD2 gameplay plus Halo 2 Live setup would not be the best match. Although 'matchmaking' is a good thing, Bungie essentially says "screw you" to players like me who want to play H2 on Live without matchmaking. The only way to play it non-matchmaking on Live is via friends. Although this isn't a total loss, there's a huge segment of people who want to play custom gametypes/game options/game maps/player limits/etc. without it -having- to be via friends. I am not the only one who quit playing H2 on Live within a month of it's release because of this.

Please keep in mind people that I'm just stating fact. In conclusion, the best Live setups for FPS have been RTCW, PDZ, CS to name a few.

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360 Bugs: DOA4 Glitch Killing GameSaves and COD2 Lag Patch Coming
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2006, 10:56:00 AM »

QUOTE(BasicAir @ Jan 11 2006, 08:53 AM) *

They talked both about working out Live "lag" and Live "issues" so obviously there's more than just 'lag' that they're trying to fix.

This news is actually 4-days old (but who's counting). Not that this matters...

But anyway, no, CoD2 gameplay plus Halo 2 Live setup would not be the best match. Although 'matchmaking' is a good thing, Bungie essentially says "screw you" to players like me who want to play H2 on Live without matchmaking. The only way to play it non-matchmaking on Live is via friends. Although this isn't a total loss, there's a huge segment of people who want to play custom gametypes/game options/game maps/player limits/etc. without it -having- to be via friends. I am not the only one who quit playing H2 on Live within a month of it's release because of this.

Please keep in mind people that I'm just stating fact. In conclusion, the best Live setups for FPS have been RTCW, PDZ, CS to name a few.

I dunno about you guys, but I think Halo2 sucks on Live. After playing it on Xlink first, Live is really lacking.

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360 Bugs: DOA4 Glitch Killing GameSaves and COD2 Lag Patch Coming
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2006, 11:10:00 AM »

I think fixing the fact that you have to try repeatedly to even get into a game (the dreaded "Unable to join game session" notice grr.gif ) will be the biggest thing. Lag is a close second, but I was under the impression that the lag is due to slow connections, can this be fixed via a patch? I've also had a lot of games end with "Disconnected from server", hopefully they'll address that as well. Also, how will the patch be downloadable? Through XBOX live I assume?

More run and gun friendly maps would be nice as well. Maybe a map pack in the not too distant future?

Such a great game deserves fixing, I can't wait!!


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360 Bugs: DOA4 Glitch Killing GameSaves and COD2 Lag Patch Coming
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2006, 11:46:00 AM »

I wish they would fix it like halo where if the host quits, the whole game doesnt end. I hate when your kicking peoples asses that they pu$$y out and quit. I like how you can avoid them though by saying they "quit early" in their profile.

is this name taken too?

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360 Bugs: DOA4 Glitch Killing GameSaves and COD2 Lag Patch Coming
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2006, 12:09:00 PM »

yeah, win or lose, i never quit unless lag makes the game unplayable. I had a guy quit last night and leave his teammate alone. It was a 3 on 2 game, so I jumped over to help him. I say the more targets the merrier, but I have been in many situations where it was 6 on 2 or 5 on 3 and nobody comes over to help out. I refuse to be on a team that has a 2 or more player advantage.