
Author Topic: Call Of Duty 2 Vs. Quake 4  (Read 114 times)


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Call Of Duty 2 Vs. Quake 4
« on: December 21, 2005, 06:27:00 PM »

I am about to get a game to play on the system I ordered from circuit city this morning, and it is a choice between cod2 and quake 4.  I was hoping you guys could tell me which game I should get for:
 1) Singleplayer?
 3)multiplayer (live)?
 I would really appreciate this.......


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Call Of Duty 2 Vs. Quake 4
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2005, 06:39:00 PM »

haha nice....


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Call Of Duty 2 Vs. Quake 4
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2005, 06:42:00 PM »

Call of Duty 2's single player mode is much better than Quake 4's.  It is more intense and more interesting.  However, Call of Duty 2's multiplayer is nearly unplayable.  It constantly drops games and is very laggy.  Quake 4's multiplayer is very fun and frenetic on the other hand.  Overall, I'd get Quake 4.

Feel free to add my on live when you get one of them, I've got both.   biggrin.gif


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Call Of Duty 2 Vs. Quake 4
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2005, 06:45:00 PM »

Thank you for that fast reply, I was leaning towards quake 4 anyways mostly because I heard of the unplayable live for Call of Duty 2.  I'll be sure to pick up quake 4 tomorrow won't be playing until the 25 though.  We all know why...
 My GT is CurlySpade if you want to add me.


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Call Of Duty 2 Vs. Quake 4
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2005, 06:59:00 PM »

i own both quake4 and cod2. and i dont touch q4 since i got cod2. the single player on both are good. but cod2 is overall better (alot more depth, alot more intesne imo)

as for multiplayer, cod2 isnt as bad as people make it out to be. sure i get into the odd laggy game, but lately ive been host and it doesnt lag at all smile.gif

even when im not host, laggy games seem to only be about 1/4 of my time. if it lags quit and go into another.

i guarantee you youd enjoy cod2 more then  q4. the controls are beter, and its just overall alot of fun


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Call Of Duty 2 Vs. Quake 4
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2005, 07:10:00 PM »

QUOTE(iLLNESS @ Dec 21 2005, 09:06 PM) View Post
i own both quake4 and cod2. and i dont touch q4 since i got cod2. the single player on both are good. but cod2 is overall better (alot more depth, alot more intesne imo)

as for multiplayer, cod2 isnt as bad as people make it out to be. sure i get into the odd laggy game, but lately ive been host and it doesnt lag at all smile.gif

even when im not host, laggy games seem to only be about 1/4 of my time. if it lags quit and go into another.

i guarantee you youd enjoy cod2 more then  q4. the controls are beter, and its just overall alot of fun

 I'll have some thinking to do before tomorrow.


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Call Of Duty 2 Vs. Quake 4
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2005, 07:33:00 PM »

Well if you are a big fan of PerfectDark for the 64, I would not suggest PDZ.  

I too am a big fan of the original and am pretty disappointed with the new vesion.

Perfect Dark Zero is to Perfect Dark as Super Mario 2 is to Super Mario 1.


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Call Of Duty 2 Vs. Quake 4
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2005, 07:02:00 AM »

I rented Quake 4 for 5 days, dam game was boring. I thought I was in the past, nothing new or exciting here. Online was just like anyother FPS I played 5 years ago

COD2 awesome,, online, I have the odd lag, nothing more than you would except from any live game. I don't know why people are complaing. 8 players sucks, but I then go on xLink Kai (for free) and play via system link 12 people ROCKS


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Call Of Duty 2 Vs. Quake 4
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2005, 08:13:00 AM »

If I had to rank the Games it will be

1- Call of Duty 2

2 - PDz

3- Quake

Call of Duty is super intense

PDz Letdown from prior game

Quake nothing new to add from previous versions of Doom


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Call Of Duty 2 Vs. Quake 4
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2005, 08:29:00 AM »

PDZ single player is decent, but not great.  The multiplayer is horrible.  I jumped in to my first game where no one could figure out what was going on.  If a game is not intuitive enough for gamers to play it without reading manuals or going through tutorials then IMO it is not a good game.

I listened to Major Nelson's podcast where they interviewed a guy from the PDZ team, and did you notice he said that he would go in to multiplayer matches and tell people how to work the game... who would ever figure out that you could have dedicated chat channels, or that you can plot a waypoint on the map?


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Call Of Duty 2 Vs. Quake 4
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2005, 10:02:00 AM »

QUOTE(tommiwan @ Dec 22 2005, 10:36 AM) View Post

who would ever figure out that you could have dedicated chat channels, or that you can plot a waypoint on the map?

i did biggrin.gif . PDZ multi is awsome. very intense. also sniping is EXTREAMLY hard on it so some noob cant just pick up a sniper and get kills left and right with it. it takes practice


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Call Of Duty 2 Vs. Quake 4
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2005, 11:12:00 AM »

CoD2's online isnt as bad as some will say, just like any other online game, you get laggy games but nowhere near as bad as people make it seem.  i wasnt expecting much from the online but it is really fun, balanced, and addicting.  even though the options are minimal the game modes are plenty and everything is great fun even with the 8 player limit.  as for the single player, there isnt much more to be said that hasnt already, its THE best WWII shooter i have every played and one of the best FPSs i have played.  the AI is great and impressive, the graphics are awe-inspiring, and the gameplay is intense and great challenging fun.

Quake 4 on the other hand is also great.  havent played as much Q4 as i have CoD2 but what i have played the single player is fun and gives a good creapy tempo.  the story is said to be actually pretty good, the AI for the most part is usual run at you shooting and clawing except for your teammates who show some pretty good AI, the graphics are the Doom 3 engine pushed pretty good with all the snazzy effects that the engine supports looking good.  If you like past quakes and Dooms you will feel right at home with this game.  as for the multiplayer, i havent played that at all but from what i have seen and read its mostly a updated port of Quake 3 arena.  

as for PDZ, i wasnt even a fan of the original (felt it was held back by the N64's lack of power) but i enjoyed PDZ.  for a xbox port the graphics keep up pretty good for a next gen title, i can see how people say too much of the game looks "shiny" but other then that its pretty good looking.  character models may leave something to be desired sometimes but i think that has more to do with the art style and not a technical set back (character are composed of around 8k polys like the models in condemned) but in the end it should be remembered that this game isnt trying to be super realistic.  the controls take a little time to come to grips with, the AI is nothing special what-so-ever, and the story can range from hokey to just OK.  all of this is expected because the game isnt trying to be anything other then a good shooter which IMO it is.  as for multiplayer, i dont know how some people were confused.  yes with some modes it wasnt clear to me but all i had to do was ask someone in any game and they could tell me.  mostly played TD and it was a blast.  the levels were huge, the lag was kept to a minimum to non-existant, the weapons were balanced, and the action was fierce and fun.  

hope any of this multi-game rant helps.  

my order is as fallows for many reasons:

1. CoD2

2. TIE:  Q4 and PDZ.

on a side note, if your into FPS, i would check out condemned.  its gorgeous, fun, scary as hell, and a new take on FPS.  i would put it up there as one of the best launch titles for sure with CoD2 and PGR3.


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Call Of Duty 2 Vs. Quake 4
« Reply #12 on: December 22, 2005, 12:37:00 PM »

I havent played COD2 or Q4 but I can tell you from my opinion PDZ is a great game. The multiplayer has a bunch of really fun and addicting modes and the weapon choice is the best I have seen in a game. I have only played like 5 single player levels on agent and it seems to be too easy so I think im gonna move it up a notch but nonetheless still fun. The multiplayer maps are fun especially when you learn them good. Granted its not as fast paced as some FPS like halo1/2 but its a nice change. I think from most people's opinions its kinda a love it or hate title.