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Games I Am Currently Digging

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I've beaten Rage and Dead Space 2

.... Great Games !!!

Completed 1 campaign in Resident Evil 6.  Two more to go.  Wow - stunning graphics.  An exceptional sequel

Also playing X-men: Wolverine, Dead Space (one), Hitman 2012, and I might wiggle Mass Effect 3 in

...  As for lousy games

  -  Can't stand Fallout New Vegas.  Boring as shit.  Anyone want to buy it from me?

Nice thread. I'm not feeling RE 6. Maybe i'm spoiled by RE5 it was just an amazing game and 6 was not what i was expecting. I wanted to continue from RE5.

Just started Far Cry 3 seem to be a good game so far. When i'm done i'' post on the game play.


QUOTE(ethelmonk @ Dec 23 2012, 10:45 PM)
Nice thread. I'm not feeling RE 6. Maybe i'm spoiled by RE5 it was just an amazing game and 6 was not what i was expecting. I wanted to continue from RE5.

Just started Far Cry 3 seem to be a good game so far. When i'm done i'' post on the game play.

hey dude.

Not feeling RE6 - why not?  ... Yeah, RE5 was a great game, but what's wrong with RE6???

I'll admit there is a bit of a story gap, but that might be due to all that DVD movie releases that Capcom has done.  I haven't watch any of those.  Maybe those would fill in some huge story holes for both of us.

I feel like the equipment menus work so much better in RE6.  RE5's were a bit difficult, especially compared to RE2, 3 and 4.

What did you think of RE: Operation Raccoon City ?

Far Cry 3  ... a Very Decent game.  Really well done development.  Sections of it are sort of slow.  Lots of wandering.  I do like tight mission to mission progress.  Only put a few hours into - so not a full opinion yet.

I plan on finishing Far Cry 3 here over the next week or so..  I'm enjoying it.  Writing/Acting on the cut-scenes is really good IMHO; I've also not played a game that had a story that grabbed me as quickly/tightly as FC3.  

"Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?"  Only problem I had with that monologue is that I died no less than 3 times immediately after it and had to listen to the whole thing again.

@wilgo45 I 'm spoiled by RE5 the game play and the story was just great.  RE6 is just not for me. 3 or 4 different stories that tie in together. Come on and make one stories and to be honest, the story has gone crazy and not making sense anymore.  

Operation Raccoon City was not a classic RE game so i'm glad i passed on it. I have RE6 and sooner or later i'll get to it.

Far Cry 3 i hope to play  it while i'm off from work.


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