
Author Topic: How To Score A Game  (Read 839 times)


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How To Score A Game
« on: April 18, 2006, 10:36:00 AM »

How to score your games.

Following this guide when scoring games isn't necessary but it gives a good feel for where your scores should be based on the overall impression the game will leave on most gamers. By no means is following this guide necessary or required by XS. These are the general Rules I follow when scoring my games. I recommend using these as a starting point, if after your review your game fits one of these descriptions or is between two, then judge the game according. The final score should be an overall impression of the game as opposed to just an average based on merits in the individual areas.

In General I look at the scores like I do grades: a 9.0 would be an A (dramatically above average), an 8.0 would be a B (above average), 7.0 would be a C (average), a 6.0 would be a D (below average), and a 5.0 would be an F (dramatically below average). 10s should only be awarded to those at the top of the class.

10 - The game is revolutionary, and leaves little to no room for improvement. If the game does something so spectacular that it turns the gaming world upside-down, AND has little to no room for improvement within the confines of technological limitations it's deserving of a 10. This is a rare score only to be handed out for rare games that are near flawless in every aspect. The game is so good that everyone who owns the console should have this game in their collection

9 - The game is either revolutionary OR is near flawless in every aspect. Basically games that score a 9.0 or higher should be so good that even gamers who don't usually like games in that genre will probably still enjoy it. Again it should be considered that any serious gamer who owns the platform should have this title in their collection.

8 - The game is near flawless and is a shining example of games in their genre. Scores of 8.0 and higher should be reserved for games that really do well for their genre. They might not be so good that people who don't like the genre would play them, but any serious gamer who likes the genre should have this title in their collection.

7 - The game does well but elements are a bit stale. Scores of 7.0 and higher should be reserved for games that are pretty good for their genre but are either too similar to previous versions or other titles, is too short, or is missing either a major feature (like multiplayer) or a few minor ones (like a map builder or player creation) that should have been included. Hardcore fans of the genre or franchise will probably like it, but most other gamers wont find anything interesting.

6 - The game is OK, nothing special about it AND it's lacking in a few major areas, Basically you can see what the developers were going for but they missed the mark somewhere along the way. It will probably still appeal to hardcore fans of the franchise and some hardcore fans of the genre, but in general you'd be better off saving your money for another game.

5 - The Game suffers from one major aspect that is severely damaging to the gaming experience. Either gameplay, graphics, sound, AI, or just generally buggyness cause the player to get frustrated from it's problem rather then from the games intended challenges. Some hardcore fans of the franchise or genre might still attempt to suffer through it but it should be avoided by all else.

4 - The Game suffers from at least two major aspects that are severely damaging to the gaming experience. Gameplay, graphics, sound, AI, or just generally buggyness cause the player to get frustrated from it's problems rather then from the games intended challenges.
Even fans of the franchise will probably turn their nose up at this title.

3 - The Game suffers from at least three major aspects that are severely damaging to the gaming experience. Gameplay, graphics, sound, AI, or just generally buggyness cause the player to get frustrated from it's problems rather then from the games intended challenges.
This game should just be avoided in general, but might be good for a laugh if it's free.

2 - The Game suffers from problems in EVERY major aspect Gameplay, graphics, sound, AI, AND just generally buggyness, etc. cause the player to get frustrated from it's problems rather then from the games intended challenges. The game looks and plays like a beta that hasn't gone through any testing at all. Avoid it like the PLAGUE!

1 - The Game made it to print and was distributed... past that it has no merits.