
Author Topic: Bad Flash Recovery  (Read 68 times)


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Bad Flash Recovery
« on: April 04, 2011, 10:56:00 AM »

Can you get to xell? I you can then there are many methods that can work for you. Let me know and I'll share them.

If you can't get to xell then read this thread and try shorting it using the method I used. I couldn't believe that I was able to bring these boxes back to life by shorting nands. Way cool:



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Bad Flash Recovery
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2011, 11:56:00 AM »

I can not see if I get to xell, I get no video.  I will read over your other post and see if that will help.


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« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2011, 02:08:00 PM »

I will try that way.  Did you us a stranded or solid wire?  I tried a solid and was thinking of finding a stranded wire to try.  I may even just make a batch file with the a bunch of nand erase commands in it.


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« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2011, 03:46:00 PM »

I took a CAT5 cable and pulled a single strand out of that and stripped both ends and looped it back to the other side of the nand.

I think the key to that method was that I had the erase command repeating while I moved the wire around on both sides of the nand. Eventually it detected it (only for a brief second) and managed to fire off a quick erase command that immediately failed but after that I was able to flash normally.


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Bad Flash Recovery
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2011, 04:09:00 PM »


@echo off
nandpro lpt: -e16
if not %errorlevel%==0 goto top


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« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2011, 12:01:00 PM »

Thx, that is a much better batch file than I was going to make.  I tried the solid wire from a cat5 also, but I didn't move it around.  I will try to try it soon.  Thank you both.


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« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2011, 01:03:00 PM »

as far as moving it around, theres a chance that you could fry your nand so be aware. I was moving it around as a last resort hoping that it might make the right contact in the process. Luckily it worked but I wanted you to know the risk.


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« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2011, 08:04:00 PM »

I just tried it and am still having no luck.  I read over your other post again and then saw that your supply went red and that was when it worked for you?
Did you also unplug the ac cable each time you tried to short all the pins?  Are there certain pins that have to be shorted to get it to work?


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« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2011, 10:18:00 AM »

No I had the AV cord plugged in and the power plugged in and lit up.

I then got a short piece of cat5 cable, stripped both ends long enough to cover all the pins on one side of the nand, and then looped it around and covered both sides of the nand pins with the stripped ends of the wire.

I fired up the erase command and just kind of slid it back and forth while pushing down hard to ensure that contact was being made. I noticed that the power supply would go red sometimes while trying this. I had to unplug and plug the power supply back in when it did this and start over.

I noticed that when it finally recognized and started to erase the power supply was red again but thats also when it failed and stopped erasing.

After that I just hooked everything up normal and tried to do a normal flash and it worked.


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Bad Flash Recovery
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2011, 05:24:00 PM »

I have tried this so many time I think I am going cross eye.  I was looking at sending to someone else to try to fix it, but I thought I would try to hook it up to my sons pc and see if that makes it any better before I  spend any more money.  Any other ideas.