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Author Topic: Can't Detect Flash Controller Error  (Read 113 times)


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Can't Detect Flash Controller Error
« on: March 17, 2011, 11:43:00 AM »

up until the other day,my lpt was working perfect and was able to test in NandPro20b but now all i keep getting is the message "Can't detect flash controller" when trying to read my flashed nand to switch from XBReboot to Freeboot.I've even tried another homemade lpt and checked all my soldering points to the board (Xenon).I have also shorted the nand chip using the piece of wire trick to send the chip into recovery mode but i still keep getting the flash controller error.The reason i need my lpt working properly is incase i encouter any problems from trying to change from XBReboot to Freeboot and if i need to re-flash my original nand.bin back onto the chip to start from scratch.Please if anyone can be of help i would be so gratefull indeed.Thanks guys (ps,hope i've posted in the right section for this)


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Can't Detect Flash Controller Error
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2011, 06:55:00 PM »

if you have checked lpt settings plus port95nt is installed ok then i would check the cable with a meter to the points on the motherboard and even better the southbridge itself! if thats all fine use a meter set to ohms and check from grd to the motherboard spi points they should be around the same if any are low then the spi is fried and its time to buy a cygnos dont buy a usb to spi or xecuter device they still use the spi so wont work cygnos has its own contoler so doesnt need the spi! ive just fitted one in mine after having the same problem



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Can't Detect Flash Controller Error
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2011, 09:29:00 AM »

is the spi points the one that's labeled J1D2 which is where i solder my lpt cable into ?


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Can't Detect Flash Controller Error
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2011, 11:59:00 AM »

test these points from lpt to motherboard if they are ok test them from ground to motherboard with meter set to ohms if one is low almost zero then the spi is fried

This post has been edited by warbeast: Mar 18 2011, 07:04 PM


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Can't Detect Flash Controller Error
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2011, 08:06:00 PM »

QUOTE(evertonman67 @ Mar 17 2011, 05:43 PM) View Post

up until the other day,my lpt was working perfect and was able to test in NandPro20b but now all i keep getting is the message "Can't detect flash controller" when trying to read my flashed nand to switch from XBReboot to Freeboot.I've even tried another homemade lpt and checked all my soldering points to the board (Xenon).I have also shorted the nand chip using the piece of wire trick to send the chip into recovery mode but i still keep getting the flash controller error.The reason i need my lpt working properly is incase i encouter any problems from trying to change from XBReboot to Freeboot and if i need to re-flash my original nand.bin back onto the chip to start from scratch.Please if anyone can be of help i would be so gratefull indeed.Thanks guys (ps,hope i've posted in the right section for this)

i also have a very similay problem. both my lpt and usb both fail to find the flash controler on my jtag,
i have checked another box and the interfaces are working fine. so must be the box. still dont know why box works perfectly.

it would be worth if possible checking your lpt on another box to see if it detects.


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Can't Detect Flash Controller Error
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2011, 10:33:00 PM »

QUOTE(sccs @ Mar 18 2011, 09:06 PM) View Post

i also have a very similay problem. both my lpt and usb both fail to find the flash controler on my jtag,
i have checked another box and the interfaces are working fine. so must be the box. still dont know why box works perfectly.

it would be worth if possible checking your lpt on another box to see if it detects.

correct in this situation the SPI port is blown.. only way to read/write to the nand from this point is a cygnos v2 chip.. Jaspers have to use revision F  unless its a 16mb jasper any 16mb nands u can use rev D/E/F  D and E are dual nand chips not really useful these days unless u wanna test some nand programming out u can run 12611 on the onboard cygnos nand and u can run 12625 on the 360 mobo nand.. flip a switch between the 2..


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Can't Detect Flash Controller Error
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2011, 06:24:00 AM »

Took the readings using my multimeter and i'm getting good constant readings showing on my multimeter readout screen from J1D2.1,J1D2.2,J1D2.3,J1D2.4 and J1D2.6,i'm also getting the same results from the J2B1.5 and J2B1.6 points.The results are constant and don't drop to zero's at all.Is this good news or bad ?



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Can't Detect Flash Controller Error
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2011, 10:20:00 AM »

sounds good but to give you a idea on mine with a dead spi with the meter set to ohms i get a reading of and around 2.8 on all good points apart from pin1 witch is now 0.5

apart from that all i can think of is check ur pc port isnt 3v instead of normal 5v if its 3v remove the 5 resistors oh and check the cable isnt to long i wouldnt go longer then 1ft the shorter the better


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Can't Detect Flash Controller Error
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2011, 10:42:00 AM »

Just an update guys,my xenon board is lifeless,there's just nothing turning on,tried my sons power brick and still the same.Looks like the board is bust for sure


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Can't Detect Flash Controller Error
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2011, 01:43:00 PM »

Don't give up just yet! Read through my post and try what I did. I thought my board was toast and I tried everything too. I brought it back to life using this method:



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Can't Detect Flash Controller Error
« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2011, 03:29:00 PM »

I've checked both the top and bottom of the board for any scorch marks or damaged traces but it looks as it should do.There's just no response from the console at all,no lights or spinning fans,just an orange light on the power brick


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Can't Detect Flash Controller Error
« Reply #11 on: March 19, 2011, 03:49:00 PM »

Did you try my suggestion?


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Can't Detect Flash Controller Error
« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2011, 04:10:00 PM »

Looks like i've found the problem to my xenon board not working.I took off the x-clamps (again) and looked underneath the gpu chip,i've noticed 2x tiny capsistors have broke.1 is totally broken off,the other one is hanging one by one side of it only.I must have knocked them today when i was putting the x-clamps back onto the heat sinks.Oh well f****ed this up good style,recken the only good place for it is the bin sad.gif


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Can't Detect Flash Controller Error
« Reply #13 on: March 19, 2011, 06:53:00 PM »

ive seen many boards with one or two caps missing under the gpu from people removing the clamps and the black plasic on the clamp breaks them off!  normaly they still work ok as they just filtter  or somthing its a good idea to replace them if you can but i wouldnt say it would cause the box to be totaly dead i have a xenon here just the same brought from ebay and working fine...

you said xbr was working but is there any chance you may have tried to write or erase in nanpro?
have you tried to short the nand? if no then try it and if yes did you short all the pins maybe killing the nand?

as above you said xbr was working ok i have no idea if shorting the nand could blank the nand causing ur problem but most people only short the nand if it has a wrong image/smc shorting pin 41 to 46 stops it using the smc to detect the nand. but as xbr was working fine for you i cant see any reason to have tried this

dont bin it give it a good clean up and a once over for other damage then try shorting the nand if you still have no luck sell it as im sure somone will buy it with the hope of a new nand or southbridge fixing it or even removing the cpu to fix another these things are rare now (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)

one last thing mate if this is a xenon so a 16mb nand and u have the cash to try it buy a cygnos dual nand then it wont matter if ur spi is fried as it wont need spi and if ur nand is dead you could use the cygnos onboard nand so it may get ur xenon running again

This post has been edited by warbeast: Mar 20 2011, 02:49 AM


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Can't Detect Flash Controller Error
« Reply #14 on: March 20, 2011, 09:20:00 AM »

Dude, I'm telling you, short the nand! Look like 4 or 5 posts up I've linked all the guides you need.

I had a Jasper that had been flashed with a xenon nand. All the symptoms you describe. Wouldn't power at all and wouldn't detect in nandpro.

I shorted the nand and brought it back to life.

This post has been edited by highonxbox: Mar 20 2011, 04:22 PM
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