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Author Topic: Completly Messed Up Jasper From Start To Finish  (Read 294 times)


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Completly Messed Up Jasper From Start To Finish
« on: January 21, 2011, 09:40:00 AM »

I am praying someone here that is waaay smarter then me can teach me how to fix this disaster...
I sold my Falcon Jtag unit and used the money to get a Jasper 256m unit. Got off work last night and tore into Jtaging it......  sad.gif
I wired it up just like my falcon and ran nandpro (nandpro lpt: -r16 nand.bin) did this three times and compared all the dumps with total commander and all were identical.
I then fired up jtag tool and told it to write xell, once done I plugged it into the tv and turned it on and had a blank screen... Just the green light on the xbox would come on and nothing else.
So I plugged it back into the pc and told jtag tool to remove xell... After it ran writing the nand I made using (nandpro lpt: -r16 nand.bin) I plugged it into the tv and omg... it wont even power on now!
After trying to figure out what in the world I did wrong I think I made two mistakes.
First one made was the command I did with -r16 isnt what you use with jaspers and secondly after writting xell to it I tried to turn it on with the aud_clamp wiring already done, hence it went to black screen. I think I should have wired it normal until I patched the smc...
Please of please can anyone help me fix this? ATM I have a $250 paper weight  sad.gif

Thank you.


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Completly Messed Up Jasper From Start To Finish
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2011, 10:57:00 AM »

So I wired it for now using this method IPB Image
reflashed xell and it turns on again with just a green light and no picture.
I just dont no what to do  sad.gif
I think it boils down to I didnt get the complete nand dump because I did the dump using -r16
Now I dont have a complete dump to work with??


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Completly Messed Up Jasper From Start To Finish
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2011, 12:12:00 PM »

Flash it back to stock and see what happens


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« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2011, 12:15:00 PM »

QUOTE(Jimbobjoeyman @ Jan 21 2011, 07:12 PM) View Post

Flash it back to stock and see what happens

Flashed the orginal back but then it doesnt turn on again. I only dumped 16mb of it instead of the whole 256mb so I am thinking flashing back the 16mb nand is hosing it?....
I am just not sure what to do.


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Completly Messed Up Jasper From Start To Finish
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2011, 12:48:00 PM »

QUOTE(Sheriff @ Jan 21 2011, 03:15 PM) View Post

Flashed the orginal back but then it doesnt turn on again. I only dumped 16mb of it instead of the whole 256mb so I am thinking flashing back the 16mb nand is hosing it?....
I am just not sure what to do.

first, take a breath.

second, please open up the valid 16mb original dump you have in your favorite hex editor, xnandhealer, etc.  you need to know what the CB is (ie, making it possibly a paperweight).  if it's not exploitable and for some reason you lost the part of the nand, yes, it is a paperweight.  if it is exploitable, you will be able to get it to run (assuming you didn't fry some component).  if using a hex editor (i use xvi32), scroll to offset 0x8400.  what is there?  if you're using xnandhealer, go to nand info and open up your dump.  is it green & exploitable or red & a paperweight?

assuming it's a paperweight, get your video camera out, go to the roof of a tall building and record it being thrown.

assuming it's exploitable, you at the very least should be able to use a donor nand -- but you may end up fighting with bad blocks.  

i've done very little of the above (just once) and i don't share nands/keys so i probably can't help you too much there.

i would read what's on there and store it off just for future reference.  someone with greater knowledge of nandpro may say that the -r16 was just fine but the -w16 caused some valid data to be overwritten with what is assumed to be the reserved area.  this may not be the case, but i'll leave it for someone else.

and finally, and most importantly.  pics.  good ones.  maybe you grounded something out.   let's see anywhere near where your iron went.  i use macro mode on my camera with no flash, but a lamp shining on the spot i'm attempting to capture.



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Completly Messed Up Jasper From Start To Finish
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2011, 01:00:00 PM »

QUOTE(boflc @ Jan 21 2011, 07:48 PM) View Post

first, take a breath.

second, please open up the valid 16mb original dump you have in your favorite hex editor, xnandhealer, etc.  you need to know what the CB is (ie, making it possibly a paperweight).  if it's not exploitable and for some reason you lost the part of the nand, yes, it is a paperweight.  if it is exploitable, you will be able to get it to run (assuming you didn't fry some component).  if using a hex editor (i use xvi32), scroll to offset 0x8400.  what is there?  if you're using xnandhealer, go to nand info and open up your dump.  is it green & exploitable or red & a paperweight?

assuming it's a paperweight, get your video camera out, go to the roof of a tall building and record it being thrown.

assuming it's exploitable, you at the very least should be able to use a donor nand -- but you may end up fighting with bad blocks.  

i've done very little of the above (just once) and i don't share nands/keys so i probably can't help you too much there.

i would read what's on there and store it off just for future reference.  someone with greater knowledge of nandpro may say that the -r16 was just fine but the -w16 caused some valid data to be overwritten with what is assumed to be the reserved area.  this may not be the case, but i'll leave it for someone else.

and finally, and most importantly.  pics.  good ones.  maybe you grounded something out.   let's see anywhere near where your iron went.  i use macro mode on my camera with no flash, but a lamp shining on the spot i'm attempting to capture.

Thank you, I followed your post and took a moment to breath... Then read your line about about getting the video camera out and throwing it off the roof. That made me ROFL! I needed that!
So firstly I did what you suggested and checked the dump with Xnand healer and it is a green! CB: 6712
So thats good biggrin.gif


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Completly Messed Up Jasper From Start To Finish
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2011, 01:21:00 PM »

QUOTE(Sheriff @ Jan 21 2011, 04:00 PM) View Post

..checked .. with Xnand healer and it is CB: 6712

good news.  at the very least, you have a potentially quirky banned jtag.  quirky as in maybe you've got a bad block low that you may need to spend some time trying to find.

also, good news that you have your original KV if the first 16mb are valid.

do yourself a favor and:

nandpro VALID16MB.BIN: -r16 my-good-encrypted-keyvault.bin 1 1

btw, i just checked.  nandpro saw this as a flash config: 0x008a3020, so it knew it was a bigblock system.  writing as well, should have seen the same flash config so nandpro probably saved you a little bit from yourself.

i would try this, just cuz (again, i'm only "decent" at this stuff, and someone who's "pro" may counter what i'm going to recommend):

nandpro usb: -r256 all256minus16-0.bin
nandpro usb: -r256 all256minus16-1.bin
nandpro usb: -r256 all256minus16-2.bin

once you've got a match above:
ren all256minus16-X.bin all256minus16.bin

copy all256minus16.bin maybeFull256.bin
nandpro maybeFull256.bin: -w256 valid16mb.bin 0 3ff
nandpro maybeFull256.bin: -w16 valid16mb.bin

then finally:
nandpro -usb: -w256 maybeFull256.bin

given, i believe that nandpro is already recognizing your flash controller correctly, so the steps above are probably not necessary.  ie, you should be able to just -w16 the valid16mb.bin you have to the nand and then -r256 the nand to get a full one.

once maybeFull256.bin is written, your system -should- boot stock dash.  installed jtag wiring shouldn't affect that.

if not, i think we're talking either:
1) your nand read wasn't valid (and maybe 0-8401 were valid)
2) you've grounded something out with your soldering
3) i've missed something that nandpro may have done when you wrote the 16mb back to the box.

i'm interested in #2 myself and require pix as initially requested.  (picticus exposicus, or get the frak outtacus as that harry potter meme would illustrate [of course, usually it's not "pic"]).



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Completly Messed Up Jasper From Start To Finish
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2011, 01:35:00 PM »

QUOTE(boflc @ Jan 21 2011, 08:21 PM) View Post

good news.  at the very least, you have a potentially quirky banned jtag.  quirky as in maybe you've got a bad block low that you may need to spend some time trying to find.

also, good news that you have your original KV if the first 16mb are valid.

do yourself a favor and:

nandpro VALID16MB.BIN: -r16 my-good-encrypted-keyvault.bin 1 1

btw, i just checked.  nandpro saw this as a flash config: 0x008a3020, so it knew it was a bigblock system.  writing as well, should have seen the same flash config so nandpro probably saved you a little bit from yourself.

i would try this, just cuz (again, i'm only "decent" at this stuff, and someone who's "pro" may counter what i'm going to recommend):

nandpro usb: -r256 all256minus16-0.bin
nandpro usb: -r256 all256minus16-1.bin
nandpro usb: -r256 all256minus16-2.bin

once you've got a match above:
ren all256minus16-X.bin all256minus16.bin

copy all256minus16.bin maybeFull256.bin
nandpro maybeFull256.bin: -w256 valid16mb.bin 0 3ff
nandpro maybeFull256.bin: -w16 valid16mb.bin

then finally:
nandpro -usb: -w256 maybeFull256.bin

given, i believe that nandpro is already recognizing your flash controller correctly, so the steps above are probably not necessary.  ie, you should be able to just -w16 the valid16mb.bin you have to the nand and then -r256 the nand to get a full one.

once maybeFull256.bin is written, your system -should- boot stock dash.  installed jtag wiring shouldn't affect that.

if not, i think we're talking either:
1) your nand read wasn't valid (and maybe 0-8401 were valid)
2) you've grounded something out with your soldering
3) i've missed something that nandpro may have done when you wrote the 16mb back to the box.

i'm interested in #2 myself and require pix as initially requested.  (picticus exposicus, or get the frak outtacus as that harry potter meme would illustrate [of course, usually it's not "pic"]).

Okay, following your lead. It is dumping as I type this. It is sloooow going since I am doing this via lpt.
I did try your command "nandpro nand.BIN: -r16 my-good-encrypted-keyvault.bin 1 1" and I get an error that says "Could not open virtual nand device file: nand.BIN"

But at least it is dumping.

Just for the record of keeping what I have done in the time line... I flashed back the good 16mb dump I have and removed the wiring and it wouldnt even turn on. I am not dumping the nand past the 16mb point and will merge them when it is done.
My question is flashing the first 16mb back to the nand wouldn't it essentially be merging it on the nand? and if so it wont boot with me flashing the 16mb back. But if I then flash xell it will turn on but no picture on the screen just a green light.
Oh and also I will post pictures for you once this dump is complete. I am sure it isnt soldering though. That is one thing I am good at wink.gif and have been very careful along with checking all points carefully and have no bad spots.


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Completly Messed Up Jasper From Start To Finish
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2011, 01:48:00 PM »

pictures, pictures, pictures.

yes, assuming it recognized the flash controller correctly, it should technically be doing this on nand***

(*** - someone with a better understanding needs to opine here).

by reading off fully what you've got on there, at the very least you'll have:

+ first 16
+ last 256-16-(potential not-really reserved area that was overwritten with the -w16 command)

that -(potential) is the problem.

i wonder if you've got a short somewhere.

ok, you'll need to make the "maybeFull256.bin" first to get your KV out of there.  please start naming your files RIGHT NOW correctly.

(ie, there's no sane reason to name a bad 16mb only dump "nand.bin"; please name it something like "maybeValidFirst16mb.bin")


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Completly Messed Up Jasper From Start To Finish
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2011, 01:55:00 PM »

QUOTE(boflc @ Jan 21 2011, 08:48 PM) View Post

pictures, pictures, pictures.

yes, assuming it recognized the flash controller correctly, it should technically be doing this on nand***

(*** - someone with a better understanding needs to opine here).

by reading off fully what you've got on there, at the very least you'll have:

+ first 16
+ last 256-16-(potential not-really reserved area that was overwritten with the -w16 command)

that -(potential) is the problem.

i wonder if you've got a short somewhere.

ok, you'll need to make the "maybeFull256.bin" first to get your KV out of there.  please start naming your files RIGHT NOW correctly.

(ie, there's no sane reason to name a bad 16mb only dump "nand.bin"; please name it something like "maybeValidFirst16mb.bin")

Okay, pictures coming after this dumps. And I followed your guidance and renamed the files to keep things organized.


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Completly Messed Up Jasper From Start To Finish
« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2011, 01:58:00 PM »

1st, post your Flash config.

2nd, you're not using :
QUOTE(Sheriff @ Jan 21 2011, 05:57 PM) *

So I wired it for now using this method (IMG:
Because that's for a Xenon.

3rd You'll need to do a 64MB dump not a 256MB dump. What's over the 64MB is just the memory unit where you save your games, and the chances of getting 2 good 256MB dumps over LPT are almost none. A single 256MB dump over LPT takes ~9 Hours, getting 2 matching 256MB dumps over LPT is going to take several days.

However It's pointless doing another dump, especially over LPT.Xellous is only 2MB and you've dumped the first 16MB. Wire the console up using DB1F1 & AUD_CLAMP, then flash the BB Xellous from Looky's guide. Then dump the NAND from using Xellous.

How are you connecting the console to the TV?

This post has been edited by tk_saturn: Jan 21 2011, 10:06 PM


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Completly Messed Up Jasper From Start To Finish
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2011, 02:07:00 PM »

QUOTE(tk_saturn @ Jan 21 2011, 08:58 PM) View Post

1st, post your Flash config.

2nd, you're not using : Because that's for a Xenon.

3rd You'll need to do a 64MB dump not a 256MB dump. What's over the 64MB is just the memory unit where you save your games, and the chances of getting 2 good 256MB dumps over LPT are almost none and will take days.

However It's pointless doing another dump, especially over LPT.Xellous is only 2MB and you've dumped the first 16MB. Wire the console up using DB1F1 & AUD_CLAMP, then flash the BB Xellous from Looky's guide. Then dump the NAND from using Xellous.

How are you connecting the console to the TV?

Wow all kinds of guidance! Thank you thank you!
your first request: post your flash config. What do you mean?
I had my falcon wired up using the AUD_Clamp method. I will do this really fast to the jasper and flash the xellous you recommended and come back with the results.
Thank you!


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« Reply #12 on: January 21, 2011, 02:10:00 PM »

When you run NandPro, it will give you a Flashconfig which should be:

0x01198010 - Xenon, Zephyr, Opus, Falcon, early 16MB Jaspers with Panda Southbridge
0x00023010 - 16mb Jasper - BB Southbridge
0x008A3020 - 256mb Jasper
0x00AA3020 - 512mb Jasper

Hopefully your flashconfig is still 0x008A3020.

Try flashing the xellous.jasperbb mana100.bin first, and if that doesn't work try the other one in his archive jasper_6723_hack_for_256mb_512mb.TMS.Patched.bin.

Ensure you haven't connected the console to the TV via HDMI, and make sure you remove the power supply from the console for 30seconds after flashing.

This post has been edited by tk_saturn: Jan 21 2011, 10:24 PM


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Completly Messed Up Jasper From Start To Finish
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2011, 02:33:00 PM »

QUOTE(tk_saturn @ Jan 21 2011, 09:10 PM) View Post

When you run NandPro, it will give you a Flashconfig which should be:

0x01198010 - Xenon, Zephyr, Opus, Falcon, early 16MB Jaspers
0x00023010 - 16mb Jasper
0x008A3020 - 256mb Jasper
0x00AA3020 - 512mb Jasper

Hopefully your flashconfig is still 0x008A3020.

Try flashing the xellous.jasperbb mana100.bin first, and if that doesn't work try the other one in his archive jasper_6723_hack_for_256mb_512mb.TMS.Patched.bin.

Ensure you haven't connected the console to the TV via HDMI, and make sure you remove the power supply from the console for 30seconds after flashing.

It says flashconfig is 0x008A3020
what command should I use to flash the xellous.jasperbb mana100.bin


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Completly Messed Up Jasper From Start To Finish
« Reply #14 on: January 21, 2011, 02:33:00 PM »

QUOTE(tk_saturn @ Jan 21 2011, 04:58 PM) View Post

QUOTE(Sheriff @ Jan 21 2011, 01:57 PM) View Post

So I wired it for now using this method IPB Image
2nd, you're not using : Because that's for a Xenon.

fwiw, that's actually standard wiring for non-xenon's, TDI on db1f1 and TMS on argon_data.

QUOTE(tk_saturn @ Jan 21 2011, 04:58 PM) View Post

3rd You'll need to do a 64MB dump not a 256MB dump.

correct.  sorry i didn't direct that as well.

btw, i don't think you can change your flash config.

(man had to edit this twice to format it right)
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