
Author Topic: Zephyr 4580's Some Won't Do Anything But E79 Help Needed  (Read 36 times)


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Zephyr 4580's Some Won't Do Anything But E79 Help Needed
« on: September 02, 2010, 03:17:00 PM »

First of all let me start by saying I've successfully jtagged 135 systems so far and about 30 Zephyr from this same exact supplier....

Every Zephyr 4580 that I've encountered of course has to use the falcon xell... Thats not an issue thats just a statement...

NOW the problem I'm having is I've started finding some 4580's that no matter how many times I redo the jtag points I end up with an E79. I now have 4 zephyrs that are doing this sitting here.

What I've tried:
1) Redoing solder points
2) tried both xell and xellous both the falcon and the zephyr files
3) 330 ohm resistors and jumper wires both tried.
4) I have a huge pile of systems that are from the exact same batches everything came in mint condition factory sealed everything is CB 4580 and most work while some just E79 on me no matter what I try

Any other suggestions?


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Zephyr 4580's Some Won't Do Anything But E79 Help Needed
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2010, 04:04:00 PM »

Try patching the smc to use aud_clamp and use the transistor method for the jtag wiring like this.