
Author Topic: Unleash X  (Read 41 times)


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Unleash X
« on: November 27, 2003, 04:01:00 PM »

just found unleashx at the regular place and i must say, i like it.

simple, easy to use, easy to configure xml file.
news feed built in.

kind of a mix between evox and Avalaunch and, MXM.

check it out.

way to go to the creators.


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Unleash X
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2003, 05:32:00 PM »

I agree.  After playing with it for 5 minutes, it looks like I might make it my new default dashboard.

Well done to the makers!  :beer:


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Unleash X
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2003, 05:45:00 PM »

ok where the hell did this come from!
its like a little of everything and it rocks i give it one update befor its a "final"
i dont like that its not in english but i just booted it and still have some playing to do. way to go to the creators! :beer:


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Unleash X
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2003, 05:58:00 PM »

not in engrish ??  its in english,.  thats the only language its in. that im aware of.

i got it directly from "the binz"  and there are only 2 files,, the program and the skins.
which by the way can also be found at
so far they only have the 4 skins but i imagine there will be more.



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Unleash X
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2003, 06:05:00 PM »

QUOTE (LESTAT @ Nov 27 2003, 08:47 PM)
not in engrish ??  its in english,.  thats the only language its in. that im aware of.

i got it directly from "the binz"  and there are only 2 files,, the program and the skins.
which by the way can also be found at
so far they only have the 4 skins but i imagine there will be more.

I think this is the best dashboard yet..
The simplicity of exov with the game selection interface similar to avalaunch.

I just found my new dashboard !


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Unleash X
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2003, 06:38:00 PM »

nah my config file was all messed

can we start a thred fro bug reports or somthign id love to see this thing up  and running 100%
not like its not close as is!

i did notice some text in the menu messes up when you go into te format menu and ten come out   other than that its pretty damn sweet!
i cant wait to make some skins, it would be nice itf it made use of preview vids like mxm.


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Unleash X
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2003, 06:49:00 PM »

thumbnails are cool but preview vids,  come on.,

be honest, do you REALLY give a crap about some video running ? or even a thumbnail for that matter.
the only things those are good for are the ones that the default.xbe does not report the game or app properly in the menu and it says something wrong, then a thumbnail would be helpful.

in general the whole preview vid is rediculous, and more or less just eye candy and a way for someone to sit here and brag about how they coded a preview vid into the menu.

you know exactly what the game is when you see it on the menu, and your not going to sit there for 5 min watching a 3 sec looping video, your going to scroll thru the menu and instantly click on the game when you see it,

i hope they DO NOT add all the stuff,  its just more weight added to the program.

keep it lean and simple.


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Unleash X
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2003, 07:54:00 PM »

you know exactly what the game is when you see it on the menu, and your not going to sit there for 5 min watching a 3 sec looping video, your going to scroll thru the menu and instantly click on the game when you see it,

says you dude...
i guess you dont dig mxm.

personaly all it needs is to support it like it says it should.
if you dotn want the frosting on the cake just dont put it on but the option should be there.
cause alot of people like frosting.


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Unleash X
« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2003, 06:04:00 AM »

i love mxm.
but preview videos isnt something that should be in a simple dash like this,

but we both agree that if someone wants it, then they can use it, if they dont want it, like me, then they wont use it.

its just nice to see a SIMPLE and easy to understand dashboard.,
i dont think alot of people want it cluttered up with alot  of needless eyecandy and other bullshit.
make it look cool make it do its job, and make it stable. thats all alot of us ask. yes ?

and where is this supposed email feature.
i didnt see it in the settings menu.
i better check the ini file again.


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Unleash X
« Reply #9 on: November 29, 2003, 06:50:00 AM »

QUOTE (LESTAT @ Nov 29 2003, 02:53 PM)
and where is this supposed email feature.
i didnt see it in the settings menu.
i better check the ini file again.

Not in yet  ;)
At the moment, there’s not much feature but I plan to keep an adding more as I go about it. Here are some features I’m planning to include, but not limited to:
1)FTP client for your xbox to xbox transfer needs.
2)Video Support (WMV and XMV only). This is purely for skinners delight. It’s not my plan to make UnleashX a full featured multimedia player. We already have those and they work so well.
3)Text Editor.
4)SMTP (outgoing mail client) so you can send email right from your xbox. (Though it’s gonna be a pain in the *** with just the virtual keyboard)
5)More in-box settings. Xbe renaming, either temporary (via cache) or permanent (xbe). Adding/modifying password for all menu items is also being planned.
6)Game save manager
7)Custom soundtrack support.
8)And a lot more…

This post has been edited by XBoxgeek: Nov 29 2003, 02:50 PM


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Unleash X
« Reply #10 on: November 29, 2003, 09:07:00 AM »

yeah all i did was catch a glimpse of the article on one of the web sites about this,, AFTER i had already downloaded and am using it. so i didnt check too much into the program itself.