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Author Topic: Zephyr Cb 4580  (Read 147 times)


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Zephyr Cb 4580
« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2010, 03:28:00 AM »

Hi, i dont remember my cb version but ive had the same prob, first i extracted zephyr smc_dec.bin with FlashTool 0.94 from xbr3, didnt worked,it booted only to xell but crashed at reebooter booting screen. So ive used falcons smc, worked ok for 2-3 weeks with random e79 and front diodes issues. Last week when smc_io 0.2 showed up i extracted zephyrs smc from xbr3 again, patched it with smc_io 0.2 standard parameters, build with freeboot 0.32 and flashed. Also i changed wiring from diodes to "transistors voltage control scheme" and changed cable from RF to AUD. Now It works 100% fine. Try, it may help

Definitely Wapner

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Zephyr Cb 4580
« Reply #16 on: June 14, 2010, 04:11:00 PM »

Hey guys. I've tried everything and I'm getting frustrated.

I need someone who has had success help me out with this. I'm looking for a reputable person to patch my freeboot with the AUD_CLAMP wiring. I have my XBR3 NAND and my original Zephyr 4580 NAND that both work well. I've tried forever to patch myself with no success.

I need someone who can patch it for me and send me the patched freeboot file. I'm looking for a reputable person to help me out. Thanks.


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Zephyr Cb 4580
« Reply #17 on: June 14, 2010, 04:37:00 PM »

I havent gotten it to work at all

with original wiring I can get xbr3 and freeboot .32 either to boot about 3 times before e79

but I have been trying to get update my smc, and or smc_io to change tms to aud clamp and it never boots

I really wish someone could upload, or xbins could post smc's for freeboot, and xbr3's with patched smc's

I have been trying for days

update with xell(ous)  change wiring, fail
write back xell(ous) change wiring
attempt to patch
update with xell(ous)  change wiring, fail

Times Infinity!

This post has been edited by Maximize: Jun 14 2010, 11:41 PM

Definitely Wapner

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Zephyr Cb 4580
« Reply #18 on: June 19, 2010, 12:06:00 PM »

Ok, I'm going to post a quick little guide on how I got this to work..

Things you need

1. XBR3 for your mobo type (mine was zephyr CB4580 so I used falcon)
2. NandPro 2.0e
3. Degraded 1.1b
4. any of the SMC patching programs
5. XBR to Freeboot program (very useful for this SMC purpose) - found in the "usual places"
6. Freeboot .32 for your mobo type

Here's what you need to do next

1. Extract your original NAND from your mobo using whatever program you want, I use nandpro
2. Use degraded to check for bad blocks; if there are none, proceed, if there are bad blocks, remap them
3. Extract your SMC and CONFIG from your ORIG.BIN NAND and inject them into the XBR3 NAND
4. Once you have built your XBR3, you then again extract the SMC, except this time from the XBR3 NAND; I used the "extract smc from any image" program that came with the UPDATE MY SMC! program
5. Patch the SMC you extract from XBR3 with whatever patch you want and rewire your JTAG config based on what patches you apply; UPDATE MY SMC! will automatically inject the SMC back into your XBR3 for you
6. Once you've changed the wiring, flash XBR3 to your system to make sure the patch works with the wiring on XBR3; i've never had XBR3 give me a problem with these SMC patches
7. If it works, great, we're almost done.
8. Open XBR to Freeboot; open your SMC patched XBR3 NAND
9. Use the program to extract your KV files, SMC files, and CONFIG files; this has a very easy user interface and a good README that comes along with it
10. Follow all the instructions and this program will compile a 9199 Freeboot image using the patched SMC you extracted from the XBR3 NAND
11. Once the image is compiled, flash it to your 360's NAND and voila!!

I had one hell of a time trying to just patch a freeboot image. This workaround takes a little longer, but works 100%.


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Zephyr Cb 4580
« Reply #19 on: June 19, 2010, 03:18:00 PM »

QUOTE(Definitely Wapner @ Jun 19 2010, 02:06 PM) *
Ok, I'm going to post a quick little guide on how I got this to work..

Things you need

1. XBR3 for your mobo type (mine was zephyr CB4580 so I used falcon)
2. NandPro 2.0e
3. Degraded 1.1b
4. any of the SMC patching programs
5. XBR to Freeboot program (very useful for this SMC purpose) - found in the "usual places"
6. Freeboot .32 for your mobo type

Here's what you need to do next

1. Extract your original NAND from your mobo using whatever program you want, I use nandpro
2. Use degraded to check for bad blocks; if there are none, proceed, if there are bad blocks, remap them
3. Extract your SMC and CONFIG from your ORIG.BIN NAND and inject them into the XBR3 NAND
4. Once you have built your XBR3, you then again extract the SMC, except this time from the XBR3 NAND; I used the "extract smc from any image" program that came with the UPDATE MY SMC! program
5. Patch the SMC you extract from XBR3 with whatever patch you want and rewire your JTAG config based on what patches you apply; UPDATE MY SMC! will automatically inject the SMC back into your XBR3 for you
6. Once you've changed the wiring, flash XBR3 to your system to make sure the patch works with the wiring on XBR3; i've never had XBR3 give me a problem with these SMC patches
7. If it works, great, we're almost done.
8. Open XBR to Freeboot; open your SMC patched XBR3 NAND
9. Use the program to extract your KV files, SMC files, and CONFIG files; this has a very easy user interface and a good README that comes along with it
10. Follow all the instructions and this program will compile a 9199 Freeboot image using the patched SMC you extracted from the XBR3 NAND
11. Once the image is compiled, flash it to your 360's NAND and voila!!

I had one hell of a time trying to just patch a freeboot image. This workaround takes a little longer, but works 100%.

YOU are the man. This worked, don't know why I didn't try this app before. My Zephyr cb4580 is booting into freeboot 9199 every single boot, e79/rrod is completely non-existent. (using aud_clamp patch/wire and using falcon cb5770 smc) I guess Zephyr 4580 is actually the same as Falcon 5770 or actually IS Falcon 5770? Whatever...

Now I have another issue, it's powering on and off on it's own. Sometimes it stays on for hours, most of the time now, it'll stay on for a minute or two and power off. if it's off it'll power itself on randomly. I've tested 2 different psu's. What could possibley be wrong here? It was doing this before with xb3 and now with freeboot. But NO booting issues! Help!?

This post has been edited by RRoD420: Jun 19 2010, 10:20 PM

Definitely Wapner

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Zephyr Cb 4580
« Reply #20 on: June 19, 2010, 04:31:00 PM »

Try using that JTAG saver thing or use BlackAddr's transistor wiring. The transistor wiring using NPN2194's and 10k ohm resistors works flawless after I did all this. I had trouble with diodes, so I did the transistor wiring. You may just have a short somewhere. If you've done the transistor wiring already, use the JTAG Saver.

Also, if you've done an x-clamp, make sure the clamps aren't too tight or too loose.

This post has been edited by Definitely Wapner: Jun 19 2010, 11:35 PM


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Zephyr Cb 4580
« Reply #21 on: June 21, 2010, 10:37:00 AM »

QUOTE(Definitely Wapner @ Jun 19 2010, 06:31 PM) View Post
Try using that JTAG saver thing or use BlackAddr's transistor wiring. The transistor wiring using NPN2194's and 10k ohm resistors works flawless after I did all this. I had trouble with diodes, so I did the transistor wiring. You may just have a short somewhere. If you've done the transistor wiring already, use the JTAG Saver.

Also, if you've done an x-clamp, make sure the clamps aren't too tight or too loose.

I'm switching to the transistor method tomorrow, i'll report back my results.


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Zephyr Cb 4580
« Reply #22 on: July 05, 2010, 03:12:00 AM »

QUOTE(Definitely Wapner @ Jun 19 2010, 02:06 PM) View Post

Ok, I'm going to post a quick little guide on how I got this to work..

Things you need

1. XBR3 for your mobo type (mine was zephyr CB4580 so I used falcon)
2. NandPro 2.0e
3. Degraded 1.1b
4. any of the SMC patching programs
5. XBR to Freeboot program (very useful for this SMC purpose) - found in the "usual places"
6. Freeboot .32 for your mobo type

Here's what you need to do next

1. Extract your original NAND from your mobo using whatever program you want, I use nandpro
Did this, no bad blocks

2. Use degraded to check for bad blocks; if there are none, proceed, if there are bad blocks, remap them

3. Extract your SMC and CONFIG from your ORIG.BIN NAND and inject them into the XBR3 NAND
I extracted SMC and CONFIG using 360 Flash Dump Tool, but how do I inject them into the XBR3 NAND? I tried injecting via 360 Flash Dump Tool 0.94; it asked for encrypted KV and config file first -- I put those in. Then I "imported" the SMC file (I tried both DEC and ENC) but then it just said bad KV data.

4. Once you have built your XBR3, you then again extract the SMC, except this time from the XBR3 NAND; I used the "extract smc from any image" program that came with the UPDATE MY SMC! program
what comprises of the build process for XBR3? i can do the UPDATE MY SMC! extraction part

5. Patch the SMC you extract from XBR3 with whatever patch you want and rewire your JTAG config based on what patches you apply; UPDATE MY SMC! will automatically inject the SMC back into your XBR3 for you
I am assuming this is just using UPDATE MY SMC!, which will ask (in its latest form), which patches you want and asks about which file to inject it into .

6. Once you've changed the wiring, flash XBR3 to your system to make sure the patch works with the wiring on XBR3; i've never had XBR3 give me a problem with these SMC patches
could not get XBR3 to work. probably because of the problems in previous steps

7. If it works, great, we're almost done.
8. Open XBR to Freeboot; open your SMC patched XBR3 NAND
9. Use the program to extract your KV files, SMC files, and CONFIG files; this has a very easy user interface and a good README that comes along with it
10. Follow all the instructions and this program will compile a 9199 Freeboot image using the patched SMC you extracted from the XBR3 NAND
11. Once the image is compiled, flash it to your 360's NAND and voila!!

I had one hell of a time trying to just patch a freeboot image. This workaround takes a little longer, but works 100%.

Hey Defininitely Wapper, my zephyr CB is 4558, but I was interested in using your instructions. I too can't figure out how to get Freeboot to work with my new aud_clamp wiring. I can get Xell to boot, but no luck with FB. I was wondering if you could elaborate on how to do some of those instructions. I still don't know the ins and outs of all of the available programs and how to use them. I've bolded up my reactions to the steps and where I am getting confused. Thanks in advance to you and anyone that can help!

Definitely Wapner

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Zephyr Cb 4580
« Reply #23 on: July 06, 2010, 02:03:00 PM »

QUOTE(sm32 @ Jul 5 2010, 05:12 AM) View Post

Hey Defininitely Wapper, my zephyr CB is 4558, but I was interested in using your instructions. I too can't figure out how to get Freeboot to work with my new aud_clamp wiring. I can get Xell to boot, but no luck with FB. I was wondering if you could elaborate on how to do some of those instructions. I still don't know the ins and outs of all of the available programs and how to use them. I've bolded up my reactions to the steps and where I am getting confused. Thanks in advance to you and anyone that can help!

Ok, will break this down step by step based on your issues:

3. For SMC and config, use NANDpro2.0e. There is a tutorial in the "tutorials" section of this board that has the commands needed to extract SMC's, KV's, and configs

4. Download the XBR3 image from the "usual places" for your motherboard version. CB 4558 should still be zephyr. Use nandpro 2.0e to inject the files from number 3 that you pulled from your original NAND. Creating xbr3 is really easy compared to freeboot. THen you can extract the SMC using the programs that come along with "UPDATE MY SMC!"

5. Extract the SMC, run the patches you want, and the program will inject into your XBR3 image.

Then once you can confirm your XBR3 works with the new wiring, use the XBR3 to freeboot tool and that comes with a readme that's easy to follow. You might also want to read the "ibuild" readme that comes with freeboot .032. If you can't figure it out, PM me, and I'll create the files for you. It takes me literally 5 minutes.



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« Reply #24 on: July 28, 2010, 08:55:00 PM »

i am totally stuck, i had my zephyr working with the reverse jtag but as soon as i switched to the aud clamp method i cannot get xellous too boot. i have redid my wiring and redone the tutorials posted.

i just tried this method as well the link

how do i know if its my wiring or the actual files/ flashing?


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« Reply #25 on: July 29, 2010, 08:33:00 PM »

nm fixed it yay
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