
Author Topic: 0022 When Write Protection Is Grounded Or Dead?  (Read 68 times)


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0022 When Write Protection Is Grounded Or Dead?
« on: February 27, 2010, 06:02:00 PM »

Got a BB jasper im working on for a buddy of mine. I've had this box flashed with XBR for a while now with absolutely no issues. I decided to wire up a simple switch that when in the on position, grounds WP to prevent accidental nand corruption/accidental dashboard updates (r6t3 is also removed) basically this switch just protects from nand corruption.

Anyway I installed the switch successfully, and everything works fine when the switch is in the off position, but when the switch is put in the on position, it will either:

Not power on at all (the light on psu stays orange, never turns red)
Or it will boot with the fans on full blast and 3rrod with 0022 as the secondary code

Ive also wired a red led (indicating nand is not protected) when id being fed continuously by a standby 5v in the J1D2 block, and is fed ground when the switch turns to the off position.

Any ideas anyone? Again it works fine when the wp is not grounded.


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0022 When Write Protection Is Grounded Or Dead?
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2010, 01:52:00 AM »

Rechecked all my wiring today, everything is a-ok. I even replaced the diodes and these problems still suffice.
Again these errors are:

Jasper acting dead (nothing comes on at all when  powered with power button or eject button. PSU power light stays orange.
RRoD: error code 0022, with fans on full blast
Green center light with black screen
A successful boot (with random freezing)
One time it booted to e65 (which is a dvd drive issue? idk why)

A new issue came up today, I used xbr flash to tinker with access to flash when the switch is enabled/disabled, etc. And when reading the flash with the switch both enabled and disabled, flash360 reported errors on every single block when reading to the usb thumb stick. I guess the only option now is to reflash xbr and see what happens. Anyone have any ideads?


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0022 When Write Protection Is Grounded Or Dead?
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2010, 08:53:00 PM »

Ok, now when  the jasper decides to play dead, the psu light will be either orange or red (indicating a short somewhere)

I don't understand how this is possible, since if u unplug it for a short amount of time and plug it back in, it can either boot fine or rrod, but it CAN turn on. A buddy of mine mentioned this could be a capacitor issue then. Has anyone ran into this before? And can running a single led off of a 5v standby line cause this? This is begining to look like more of just an xbr issue to me.