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Author Topic: A Very Big Problem After Using Config Magic!  (Read 211 times)


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A Very Big Problem After Using Config Magic!
« on: January 27, 2003, 05:13:00 PM »

Hallo guys, i have a BIG problem.......:(
I have an x-box v1.0 modded with a homebrew chip (extender 1.1 clone).
During the use of the last version of Config Magic i've changed the "pal region" option ,in particular i've changed pal region 4 with pal region 3.....
After this change my x-box is never able to boot and after the start the green led turn red and the screen is black!!!
After contacting the config magic's programmers  they told me that the problem will be solved by changing my modchip with another one (matrix for example) preloaded with a new bios (evox  d6 in particular...).
So i change my modchip but nothing is happened!!!
So my only solution is really buy a new x-box?
No one had my same problem?
Please can someone help me?
I hope there is someone very patient and expert that can help me....:(  :( :(



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A Very Big Problem After Using Config Magic!
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2003, 04:26:00 AM »

No one really can help me? ohmy.gif
How is possible that the programmers of Config magic didn't  think that this problem could happen?
Is my only solution buy another x-box?


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A Very Big Problem After Using Config Magic!
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2003, 11:24:00 PM »

Please dont blame your fuckup on us..  the .CFG file clearly States ONLY use region 1,2 and 4

and we have a HUUUGE warning on the screen that tells you NOT to use the tool if you are a stupid lame ass Newbie that doesnt know what the hell to do with the App in the first place..

WHY THE HELL did you change the XBE Region to begin with ???



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A Very Big Problem After Using Config Magic!
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2003, 03:49:00 AM »

Hey mr undead,first of all stay VERY calm!!! mad.gif
I didn't use in any way offensive language with you or other people in this forum so you don't have any right to attack me in this way,understand? mad.gif
I don't know who you are and if u are one of the programmer of Config magic but i'll explain you anyway one thing......
Did you ever think that i could do the wrong selection for a simple error?
Or maybe you can't even think........  mad.gif
The real thing is probably that is not possible repair my x-box ,i know but you can simple ignore me.....and ,again,stay calm........



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A Very Big Problem After Using Config Magic!
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2003, 12:29:00 AM »



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A Very Big Problem After Using Config Magic!
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2003, 06:00:00 PM »

What is?
Maybe you can't accept the fact that you have released a program that could damage every x-box without explain it?  biggrin.gif
It's a good thing release this kind of program leaving the people test it risking to damage their x-box,isn't it?  biggrin.gif
Or simply you don't have nothing else to do cause you don't have any idea to help me? sleeping.gif
Just ignore me,it's no so difficult even for a person like you....... rolleyes.gif


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A Very Big Problem After Using Config Magic!
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2003, 12:03:00 AM »


Maybe you can't accept the fact that you have released a program that could damage every x-box

I guess the BIG ASS Warning screen was not hinting to the fact that you could screw your box..  

you don't have any idea to help me

Frankly, I DONT WANT to help you..  especially after the lame ass comments of "How is possible that the programmers of Config magic didn't think that this problem could happen"...  AGAIN, refer to the HUGE warning screen !!

Its like trying to blame MS  if you typed in FORMAT C:  - C'Mon, get real..  YOU screwed it, YOU changed the region to and INVALID region 3, YOU are the only one to blame !!


and I might add (edit) you are the ONLY 1 person that was stupid enough to screw his XBOX by updating to an INVALID XBE Region..   rotfl.gif


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A Very Big Problem After Using Config Magic!
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2003, 03:01:00 AM »

Amusing thread wink.gif

On behalf of the configmagic users who can read, kudos on a great piece of coding undead, very handy..

Mebbe a simple reading comprehension test is required before the program will let a user in wink.gif heh


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A Very Big Problem After Using Config Magic!
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2003, 03:50:00 AM »

QUOTE (undead @ Feb 2 2003, 08:03 AM)

Frankly, I DONT WANT to help you..  especially after the lame ass comments of "How is possible that the programmers of Config magic didn't think that this problem could happen"...  AGAIN, refer to the HUGE warning screen !!

Its like trying to blame MS  if you typed in FORMAT C:  - C'Mon, get real..  YOU screwed it, YOU changed the region to and INVALID region 3, YOU are the only one to blame !!


and I might add (edit) you are the ONLY 1 person that was stupid enough to screw his XBOX by updating to an INVALID XBE Region..   rotfl.gif

First of all i just make a help request on this forum,YOU started to attack me without any reason....
I didn't attack Config magic or you Undead,my only hope was to find someone could help me......understand?
I'll never say something like:"it's a problem of Config magic...damn sucks....." ,i just said that  i made an error using this software, That's all......
So i really don't understand what you want from me......

About my "lame ass comment"  you can simply believe me or not  but i didn't think that my comment sounds offensive.....why?It's simple, i am italian and my english is not so perfect..that's all.......
Again,i don't want offense anyone,right?
Now the question is closed.


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A Very Big Problem After Using Config Magic!
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2003, 06:34:00 AM »

This forum is build to help each other..........

Yes people can make stupid mistakes. Can't blame only when you've never have made a mistake yourself!

So, when people won't help others, leave this forum ASAP!

If Undead is the coder of this great software, the respons is unlike his masterpiece. That's a shame.

For the others: RTFM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also sympathize with coders (being one myself), who get idiot questions of people who do not read the manual. But....we are the smart ones, so we have to do some after-sales..... That's part of the job. As fame is also part of the job!

Happy coding and using!


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A Very Big Problem After Using Config Magic!
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2003, 07:34:00 AM »

This forum is build to help each other..........


the respons is unlike his masterpiece

Appologies if you find it un-gentleman like..  I just wish you could've seen the personal emails that were exchanged in how I tried numerous times to help and just couldnt get the point accross..  he doesnt even get the difference between eeprom and bios..  I TRIED, by God I tried..  It just gets REALLY frustrating if you try and try and try and even give suggestion (that he doesnt follow) but cant help someone because of either experience or language barriers..  

so we have to do some after-sales

see above response

AND Here are only but some of the questions on things in the email I tried to explain, but to no avail..

He Sends:
What EEPROM i "update"? The xbox Eeprom or mod-chip Eeprom??

I reply and explained in length the difference in bios vs eeprom

He sends:
when i used your utility i'm change mod-chip memory(EEprom 32 wires) or i'm flash on-board bios?

I reply and again I explained the bios vs. eeprom story

This time he sends some list of MD5 checksums of BIOS's and asks for EvoxD6's.. I explain he doesnt need any of that.. again the bios vs. eeprom deal..  
then he sends:
LISTEN TO ME !, I need the value for Evox D6, this is important

I Ignore him for a while..

Then when we released the features list for ConfigMagic Final he sends me a message with a copy of that features list and asks:
can you help me???please...I do not know how to do to repair the XBOX ... =(

the bios is EvoX D6ef...

Dunno What the Evox D6ef has got to do with anything,.. I replied and said, Wait for ConfigMagic Final, it will have a blind restore (As listed in the Features list HE sent me).. ask him to email me when we release it and i can try and help again...

Then he replies
after you have the final version??? of what??
I do not understand..sorry..

My GOD, he copied and pasted the feauteres list of ConfigMagic Final in his email and now he doesnt even know what the hell I'm talking??

At this point was just ignoring him.. then I saw the post where he bashes us for not thinking about idiots that could do what he did and its our fault..

SORRY, for this LOONG post, but just to get my name in the clear that I did indeed tr and help him above and waay beyond the nornal "after sales" support you speak of..  he JUST doesnt get it !!!  



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A Very Big Problem After Using Config Magic!
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2003, 08:03:00 AM »

I sympathise with you undead. It seems somebody will always go out of their way to be extra-dense.

I might suggest, however, that when encountering this particular configuration (PAL-3, was it?) that you simply throw up a screen the requires a combination to continue.

Of course, the combination would eventually leak, leading morons to just bypass the screen and do damage ANYWAY, but perhaps a challenge/passcode (random number generated, requires an encoded response based on random number)?

Just a thought.

As it is, I made MXM pretty simple to use... just throw it on the root of a DVD with the games in subdirectories, but I still get comments like "it's just too hard to use"  huh.gif


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A Very Big Problem After Using Config Magic!
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2003, 04:57:00 PM »

I actually lock you down now completely, you can ONLY use valid XBE, Video and DVD Regions..  If you supply incorrect value, it defaults to NTSC Region 1, Zone 1

Will make it as "idiot proof" as possible..   ;)

This post has been edited by undead: Feb 4 2003, 12:58 AM


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A Very Big Problem After Using Config Magic!
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2003, 09:37:00 AM »

undead, i've been reading good things about config magic.   unfortunalty, the website doesn't have a tutorial and i would like to start using this app.   i just got my wd 120giger today and i can't wait to go home and install it.

i plan on using configmagic.   am  i correct in my findings that as far as locking the hd i do not need to set it up to a pc? i can lock it while attached to the xbox?



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A Very Big Problem After Using Config Magic!
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2003, 07:30:00 PM »

Undead, this forum post shows the problem with people in general, the fact you had prior contact to this post (and was gentlemen enough NOT to mention) and you and your team have taken the time to work on something not only for you but for public release is a testament to your standing.

For some idiot and that is the ONLY word to use, to come on here and lambast your efforts proves that he is in fact an idiot, there are many ways to translate in languages to understand the issues, if you are lazy you just blame the fact your native tongue is not english.

Its a simple fact that even companies as big as Maccers have to put warning on coffee cups that the contents are HOT, due to being sued by some woman who spilt the contents on her lap, to me THAT woman should have been sued for being stupid, so to have an idiot complain because he set it to something that numerious times he was warned about is not new.

I and countless others appreciate the work you are doing and hope that you dont let idiots like this deter you.

As for darpalu... take your box back to the retailer and explain what you have done to it, explain to them why YOU have ingnored the warning and opened the box, explain to them why you have ignored the warning and tampered with the insides, explain to them why you have considered each and every warning along the way and ignored it to the point in stupidity and then ask them to help you sort it out.

My only hope is that you never get allowed behind the wheel of a car......
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