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Author Topic: Trying To Jtag A 256 Mb Jasper  (Read 49 times)


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Trying To Jtag A 256 Mb Jasper
« on: January 11, 2010, 05:01:00 PM »

Ok as title I am trying to do the JTAG hack on my 360. I have managed to solder the lpt wires and eventually got 3 successful full (256mb) dumps. Now before I go on and solder the remaining 3 wires for the JTAG hack I want to be clear on what I am doing.
All my 3 identical dumps have the following bad blocks

0A58 Error: 250 reading block A58
0A59 Error: 210 reading block A59
0A5A Error: 210 reading block A5A
0A5B Error: 210 reading block A5B
0A5C Error: 210 reading block A5C
0A5D Error: 210 reading block A5D
0A5E Error: 210 reading block A5E
0A5F Error: 210 reading block A5F

Now I believe that to remap the Bad Blocks I have to do the following commands

nandPro xbr.bin: -r256 bad1.bin A58 1
nandPro xbr.bin: -r256 bad2.bin A59 1
nandPro xbr.bin: -r256 bad3.bin A5A 1
nandPro xbr.bin: -r256 bad4.bin A5B 1
nandPro xbr.bin: -r256 bad5.bin A5C 1
nandPro xbr.bin: -r256 bad6.bin A5D 1
nandPro xbr.bin: -r256 bad7.bin A5E 1
nandPro xbr.bin: -r256 bad8.bin A5F 1


nandpro lpt: -w256 bad8.bin 3FFF 1
nandpro lpt: -w256 bad7.bin 3FFE 1
nandpro lpt: -w256 bad6.bin 3FFD 1
nandpro lpt: -w256 bad5.bin 3FFC 1
nandpro lpt: -w256 bad4.bin 3FFB 1
nandpro lpt: -w256 bad3.bin 3FFA 1
nandpro lpt: -w256 bad2.bin 3FF9 1
nandpro lpt: -w256 bad1.bin 3FF8 1

Now my question is what is XBR.bin ? Is it the following file that i would get from the "Usual places" "XBR_JasperBB_8955_3.bin". Do I just rename this file to XBR.bin and put it in the nandpro folder and run the above commands ?
My next question is when exactly do I need to do the last 3 JTAG wires ?
And final Question where in all of this does the file "jasper_6723_hack_for_256mb_512mb.bin" come into play ?
I basically want to have my 360 fully jtag'd and have the ability to run the many goodies that are now appearing like mame ect.
Any help is much appreciated. Thankyou

Edit to add - I used the older version of degraded to got the following info from my dumps
Flash Version 1888/6717

Version  6712
BASE     0x0008000
LENGTH   0x0008E60
ENTRY PT 0x000003C0

Version  6712
Base     0x00010E60
LENGTH   0x000056F0
ENTRY PT 0x00000260

BASE     0x00016550
LENGTH   0x0005606A

BASE     0x00080000
LENGTH   0x00004450
ENTRY PT 0x00000360

BASE     0x00000000
LENGTH   0x0003F780

Once again any help/assistance is much appreciated.

This post has been edited by Diddy147: Jan 12 2010, 01:06 AM


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Trying To Jtag A 256 Mb Jasper
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2010, 05:11:00 PM »

QUOTE(Diddy147 @ Jan 12 2010, 01:01 AM) View Post
Now I believe that to remap the Bad Blocks I have to do the following commands

all ok
Do I just rename this file to XBR.bin...
My next question is when exactly do I need to do the last 3 JTAG wires ?
whenever you want, but before booting xbr obviously
u dont need this

Inject kv (adress: 1, 1 block) and config (EF7, 2blocks) and enjoy.


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Trying To Jtag A 256 Mb Jasper
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2010, 05:24:00 PM »

Thanks for the speed reply and for the answers to my newbie questions. I have a feeling I will need to return due to your last line "Inject kv (adress: 1, 1 block) and config (EF7, 2blocks)" Dont worry though I do enjoy trying to do it by myself so I may be able to digest it But thanks again for now.


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Trying To Jtag A 256 Mb Jasper
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2010, 05:58:00 PM »

Ok I have now done the above commands. These made 8 small bin files in my nandpro folder which i then wrote to my 360 using the 2nd set of commands from above. Hope that is all ok so far.

Now I have used the following commands.
nandpro orig.bin: -r256/512 kv.bin 1 1
nandpro orig.bin: -r256/512 config.bin ef7 2

Have checked these with a hex editor (Just being nosey) But have noticed that "Config.bin" seems to be exclusively full of "ff" apart from like 2 lines. Is this ok so far ?
What is my next step.......sorry for the constant questions but i am a born worrier lol. (If that is even a word)

So my3 questions are - 1. Is the above ok so far ? 2. Is the config file "normal" 3. What are the commands that i need to do next ?

Edit to add -
Having noticed what i had written here i have just re extracted my KV.bin and my config.bin usin the following command
nandpro orig.bin: -r256 config.bin ef7 2
nandpro orig.bin: -r256 kv.bin 1 1

These actually produced the same files as the above commands.....but as you can probably tell by now i do like to get things right lol.
I am thinking my next step will be -
nandpro xbr.bin: -w256 kv.bin 1 1
nandpro xbr.bin: -w256 config.bin ef7 2
And then.........I will double check everything and then flash. Feel free to stop me at any point if anyone see's that im making an error somewhere.

This post has been edited by Diddy147: Jan 12 2010, 02:18 AM


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Trying To Jtag A 256 Mb Jasper
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2010, 06:26:00 PM »

1 last question that I really would like answered if anyone has the time/knowlege. Have I done the above in the correct order ? IE Should I have injected my kv.bin and my config.bin BEFORE remapping my bad blocks ? Or does it not really matter. Thanks again for any answers anyone can give.


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Trying To Jtag A 256 Mb Jasper
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2010, 11:48:00 PM »

Inject in xbr before flashing

nandpro xbr.bin: -w256 kv.bin 1 1
nandpro xbr.bin: -w256 config.bin ef7 2
nandpro lpt: -w256 xbr.bin

or inject into nand after flashing xbr

nandpro lpt: -w256 xbr.bin
nandpro lpt: -w256 kv.bin 1 1
nandpro lpt: -w256 config.bin ef7 2

Doesnt really matter.

About the remapping, think of it at your own:
Look at which blocks you remapped then look at the blocks for kv/config.

Before you boot xbr, do a full power cycle, meaning that you pull out the power-cord completly for ~1min.

And yes the config is ALMOST only filled with FFs, but there is important stuff in it.
MAC-Adress, Fan-Speed-Managment, Console specific calibration ...

good luck

This post has been edited by dakaku: Jan 12 2010, 07:52 AM


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Trying To Jtag A 256 Mb Jasper
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2010, 04:49:00 AM »

My xbr is flashing to my nand at the moment. All was going well until just a few mins ago and my pc has just reported an error as follows
Error 202 Programming block A58
Now nandpro is carrying on writing and there seems to be no other errors so far (its at block 0CDC). Is this going to be a problem ? If so is there something I should do after this write to make things right ?

Thanks again for any assistance/answers.


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Trying To Jtag A 256 Mb Jasper
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2010, 06:27:00 AM »

Shouldnt be a prob, because you remap it anyway.

As for the remap, im hearing from different sides where bad blocks get remapped in the nand/xbr.

Last info was at the very end, when i wrote my post up there.
Now people arent sure if it is block FFF downwards for the filesystem and 3FFF/7FFF(512mb) for the part of the internal memory unit.
Seems to be very unlickly tho that the nand is partitioned.

Please try it with the bad blocks as i said in the post above.

If it doesnt work try writing the blocks at FFF, FFE...
And most important report back, so this gets finally cleared.

This post has been edited by dakaku: Jan 12 2010, 02:28 PM


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Trying To Jtag A 256 Mb Jasper
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2010, 07:14:00 AM »

I have finished the write. And I have soldered the remaining JTAG wires/diodes. I remapped last night as per your/my suggestions. Like I said earlier I got 1 write error at A58 which would have been remapped (prior to flashing using the command from above "nandpro lpt: -w256 bad1.bin 3FF8 1".
Now It all boots up fine. I have my fuse sets by booting via eject (No probs there)
If I boot up using my wireless controller I get my normal ms dash.
Every now and then it seems to stick a little so i need to reboot by pulling the power out and putting it back.
On the odd occasion I am getting an E68 error when booting up to ms dash. But this is solved even if I immediately reboot (No need to take power out for my E68 to disappear)
Couple of questions -
1. is the above how its supposed to be IE a "Normal" looking MS Dash - Where you don't see no mention of xbr or Xell ect
2. Are the occasional errors likely to be because of my bad block/write error.

You have been so very helpful I cant thank you enough. If you want me to remap and rewrite again I will as you have helped me out so much. Thanks again for all your help.


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Trying To Jtag A 256 Mb Jasper
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2010, 08:28:00 AM »

No prob at all, i like seeing more jtag'ed consoles out there.
(i could see in the first post that you did some reading before posting... others dont and wonder why no1 answeres)
Plus this tread will help other people, too.
A lot of people are reporting issues with xbr @ Big Blocks.
I only have it once in a while that the xbox wont boot, like 1 out of 40.
XBR is in an early stage...

But maybe its because of your bad blocks.
Id suggest to write the blocks to FFF,FFE and so on and see what happens.

You cant see that it is xbr from the ms dash. The rebooter, boots an exploitable ms kernel and then just reboots into a changed ms kernel (did you notice that it takes like a second longer, while starting the xbox untill the green lights show up ?...)

Leave the lpt cable in place untill there are other ways to update xbr.

Edit: I always read back my nand after flashing and compare with what should be on there. Maybe you had some write errors, causing the problems.

This post has been edited by dakaku: Jan 12 2010, 04:33 PM


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Trying To Jtag A 256 Mb Jasper
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2010, 08:57:00 AM »

Thanks again. I have left the lpt cable in place as i used the "Neat Method" ie The RJ45 plug - jtag cable - straight through connector- RJ45 plug - cat5 cable - lpt plug. So basically its a in place mod now and can be updated at any time without opening the case. I got the method from on this site and it worked well for me.

Thanks once again for your help.


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Trying To Jtag A 256 Mb Jasper
« Reply #11 on: January 13, 2010, 02:22:00 PM »

Did writing the bad blocks to FFF downwards help to fix the errors?



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Trying To Jtag A 256 Mb Jasper
« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2010, 04:01:00 PM »

I did do the remap as above again which is from FFF downwards and im happy to report I have not had any errors at all since. (I reflashed). But I must also add.....even after taking so much time/care in doing my box a slither of loose wire (A cut off from a diode) had got inside my careless. It may have been that slither of wire that was causing the error. Im afraid we will never know in this case.

But the bad blocks have been remapped succesfully and everything is working well. Sorry for not posting back sooner.


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Trying To Jtag A 256 Mb Jasper
« Reply #13 on: February 02, 2010, 03:47:00 PM »

QUOTE(Diddy147 @ Jan 12 2010, 02:01 AM) View Post

Ok as title I am trying to do the JTAG hack on my 360. I have managed to solder the lpt wires and eventually got 3 successful full (256mb) dumps. Now before I go on and solder the remaining 3 wires for the JTAG hack I want to be clear on what I am doing.
All my 3 identical dumps have the following bad blocks

0A58 Error: 250 reading block A58
0A59 Error: 210 reading block A59
0A5A Error: 210 reading block A5A
0A5B Error: 210 reading block A5B
0A5C Error: 210 reading block A5C
0A5D Error: 210 reading block A5D
0A5E Error: 210 reading block A5E
0A5F Error: 210 reading block A5F

Now I believe that to remap the Bad Blocks I have to do the following commands

nandPro xbr.bin: -r256 bad1.bin A58 1
nandPro xbr.bin: -r256 bad2.bin A59 1
nandPro xbr.bin: -r256 bad3.bin A5A 1
nandPro xbr.bin: -r256 bad4.bin A5B 1
nandPro xbr.bin: -r256 bad5.bin A5C 1
nandPro xbr.bin: -r256 bad6.bin A5D 1
nandPro xbr.bin: -r256 bad7.bin A5E 1
nandPro xbr.bin: -r256 bad8.bin A5F 1


nandpro lpt: -w256 bad8.bin 3FFF 1
nandpro lpt: -w256 bad7.bin 3FFE 1
nandpro lpt: -w256 bad6.bin 3FFD 1
nandpro lpt: -w256 bad5.bin 3FFC 1
nandpro lpt: -w256 bad4.bin 3FFB 1
nandpro lpt: -w256 bad3.bin 3FFA 1
nandpro lpt: -w256 bad2.bin 3FF9 1
nandpro lpt: -w256 bad1.bin 3FF8 1

Now my question is what is XBR.bin ? Is it the following file that i would get from the "Usual places" "XBR_JasperBB_8955_3.bin". Do I just rename this file to XBR.bin and put it in the nandpro folder and run the above commands ?
My next question is when exactly do I need to do the last 3 JTAG wires ?
And final Question where in all of this does the file "jasper_6723_hack_for_256mb_512mb.bin" come into play ?
I basically want to have my 360 fully jtag'd and have the ability to run the many goodies that are now appearing like mame ect.
Any help is much appreciated. Thankyou

Edit to add - I used the older version of degraded to got the following info from my dumps
Flash Version 1888/6717

Version  6712
BASE     0x0008000
LENGTH   0x0008E60
ENTRY PT 0x000003C0

Version  6712
Base     0x00010E60
LENGTH   0x000056F0
ENTRY PT 0x00000260

BASE     0x00016550
LENGTH   0x0005606A

BASE     0x00080000
LENGTH   0x00004450
ENTRY PT 0x00000360

BASE     0x00000000
LENGTH   0x0003F780

Once again any help/assistance is much appreciated.

Ok first of 210 is not a bad block error it basically means that nandpro only read FF from the whole block which seems suspicious to it. It could possibly be a bad block but not necessarily. I know this because I had a XENON that was giving me 210, and no one would tell me what it was since it was my first XBOX and it freaked me and I had the old blades dash so I updated to 7371. Updating to 7371 eliminated those 210 errors and left me with only one 250 error. I could live with this. Anyhow the moral of the story being, that for whatever reason those 210 blocks were not bad blocks, but rather blocks that had been erased or couldn't be read.

Now Continuing....

A bad block means it a block of memory that can not be written to or read from sorta of like a bad sector on a hdd, no matter what you do to with the data that is suppose to go on that block that block will be reported as bad as it should since it is actually physically damaged either by use or from manufacturing. Nothing in the world is perfect no matter how much we try.


flash360 will report any blocks that are full ff or blank which is ff as bad specifically where data is usually expected or can not be written too.

Now on to XeLLous, since as it is developed by redline, and half the things we do today wouldn't be possible with him I would trust the blocks it reports as bad as the bible. Now the fact that it moves your block means that it does the job that it was intended to do. The fact that when you read back your nand and that same block is reported as bad is fine, since no matter what you do that block will be bad.

Now when the xbox 360 cpu is reading from the nand, and hits that block it knows to go to the spare area and look for the data there. Nandpro doesn't. So when it reads it will read the bad block, if you re-wrote nandpro so that depending on the flash config it was aware of the spare area, and instead of reading the data from that specific block it went to the spare area then you would eliminate the bad block message you don't like seeing. So it's all good and happy.

WOW this is long, now I looked over your blocks and then mapped them out to whereabouts they are in your nand, and based on their locations your kv and config are totally unaffected. Since that is the only real significant data you need from a backup to run xbreboot, I wouldn't worry about your errors to much. That being said I would let XeLLous take care of the badblocks, because that's like letting the master himself take care of it.

Now what issues do you seem to be having?

That this one badblock has you worry.

I am glad to hear you got that working and I like the memory diagram, also when flashing with XeLLous make sure you don't move any blocks whatsoever manually, because that would probably cause issues.

PS I think XeLLous uses the xbox 360 cpu routines to remap the bad blocks, the same one used my MS when updating your console.


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Trying To Jtag A 256 Mb Jasper
« Reply #14 on: February 02, 2010, 06:44:00 PM »

PS You knew way more about bad blocks within big nands. Thanks to you I've learned a lot today about moving them manually. Thank you for posting in my thread otherwise I would of missed it. We should sticky this, I will mention it to Grim hopefully he'll delete my previous post since most of it is gibberish.

This post has been edited by Looouky: Feb 3 2010, 02:59 AM
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