
Author Topic: Jasper 512 Minimum Nand Dump For Recovery Purposes  (Read 72 times)


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Jasper 512 Minimum Nand Dump For Recovery Purposes
« on: December 28, 2009, 04:03:00 PM »

For those familair with big block nand structures, what is your informed guidance as to the safe recommended minimum nand dump for recovery write purposes required for a virgin 512 jasper?    

Been reading various things like 1st 64mbs only required as rest for game saves.  Also big nand split into two 256mb blocks etc, etc. Have yet to come across informed guidance as to the minimum that can be dumped for recovery write purposes.  Anyone willing to shed some light on this?

PS I'm going to use LPT cause it is the easiest and it's the kit I have at this minute in time and it is dumping 1st 2mb ok for my cb version check.  Don't want to be waiting 2 days to be in a position to run xbr though.

PPS I know people having been using combo of lpt and iflash, setting that aside, the question remains valid.  Also, I don't believe iflash writes are working at the minute anyway.  

Any help much appreciated.


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Jasper 512 Minimum Nand Dump For Recovery Purposes
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2009, 04:11:00 PM »

Just worry about the 1st 64MB's of your NAND. That's the most important part. Cause if you look at xbr, it's roughly that size. I'm just saying this cause I had no problems doing it this way. And, I did it this way cause this specifc 360 of mine is only for homebrew, so I wasn't too worried of reverting back to the original NAND.