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Author Topic: Faq: Problems With Nand Dumping/writing/homebrew?  (Read 310 times)


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Faq: Problems With Nand Dumping/writing/homebrew?
« Reply #45 on: March 25, 2010, 10:46:00 PM »

Ok since i have a bad block in my NAND chip at 0x138. Looking at it in Flash Dump tool dash.xex starts at 0x0B2 then the deviceselector.xex starts at 0x1DA. So clearly my problem is right their it starts to boot and stops halfway through the boot animation. If i took the NAND chip out of a 360 i know will not be fixable will this fix the problem , or does some sort of signing have to happen , does the chip have to be paired to the motherboard or are they the same on every box , both are xenons in this case. So could i in essence remove the bad chip from the one i am trying to jtag and then replace it with a good chip from a motherboard which is broken for different reasons , and then flash that one with the xbr for the bad NAND. Better yet could i just fix it by installing a cygnos , i have a version of xbr with the correct kv and config just a bad block at 0x138 which is a bad place to have a bad block. also it will not write read or erase this block i seems like a bad sector in the chip


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Faq: Problems With Nand Dumping/writing/homebrew?
« Reply #46 on: June 10, 2010, 08:13:00 AM »

also it should be added to the first post but when i had trouble when nandpro didnt detect my lpt cable go into


In regedit.
There should be a "dlportio" key (folder) in there.
If there is, delete it, reboot and try a reinstall.

If that doesnt work, go back into regedit, back to the dlportio key and change the value of "Start" to "1"."

i found that on another site and it helped me cuz it wouldnt detect the lpt and now it is dumping the nand as i am writing this.
this is useful if you are geting the DLportIO.sys not loaded error.


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Faq: Problems With Nand Dumping/writing/homebrew?
« Reply #47 on: June 10, 2010, 08:52:00 AM »

Added - ta fella smile.gif


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Faq: Problems With Nand Dumping/writing/homebrew?
« Reply #48 on: September 12, 2010, 10:04:00 PM »

QUOTE(thwack @ Jan 5 2010, 07:20 PM) View Post

You can still run the original NAND with the JTAG wires in place, but stated it in the tut so if it does boot with the orig NAND then you know it's your JTAG wires. Give it a try with them in, then try without.

Also, did you get any video at all with one green light - if you're seeing an error code you're almost there!

Hello Mate

I have been scratching my headover doing this falcon jtag please see my posts

QUOTE(rigger66 @ Sep 9 2010, 07:04 PM) View Post

Hello Guy`s..Hope everyone`s ok.

Right I am rather stumped and need a push in the right direction Please.

I have a 08/06/2008    new 360 falcon cb: 5770 and am trying to jag for my son.

1st off I decide to do Boxers new method here as it  is now regarded as the best. Now I used the (2x 10K ohm ΒΌ watt resistors) (2x 2N3904 Transistors) (IDE cable wire) (earth Heat Shrink Tubing .lol all I had) and all seemed to go real smooth...I was happy with my work which is always a good sign I feel.

I read my nand 3 times with a serial cable each time I had 3 bad blocks 0x8B    0x1AA 0x339
I have read that a few bad blocks do occur on some nands so I progressed ahead with the tutorial.
I have not protected the effuse yet ...thought I would do that last if everything went ok.

Downloaded the mirror3 xellous package and used the falcon.xellous.smc renamed to create my free60.bin injected with kv1.bin, Flash free60.bin to the XBOX.
I had everything hooked up as per the tut and the Xbox booted into xellous   nps and all  success in network part.
I ran Firefox and was greeted by the tutorial stated screen... I dumped everything here and saved it all to file

I then proceeded to create the freeboot file: rolleyes:  I followed the tut..Using best pigs freeboot 2.4 toolmaker.   I used my nand backup with the 3 bad blocks, create custom..and when it asked...I copied the file Falcon.smc from the xellous  SMC Files folder ......renamed to smc.... to the explorer window that bestpig just opened....Best pig finished off and the fee60 file was created ...felt great as all was going so smooth....... cool.gif   I the named that file updflash and copied it to a flash drive formatted fat32...put drive in
Xbox  ( all leads attached and drive connected)and powered her on ........xellos found the drive and updflash file nps and then proceeded to flash the file.......All seemed to go ok as I watched the screen it moved a few blocks and then said done.  I removed the flash drive and power cycled the Xbox down removing the power cable from the Xbox and unplugging the power from the mains outlet.  I waited over 30sec before I powered up the Xbox....and was greeted by a rather nasty   E-79 error code.... ohmy.gif ....Dam I thought whats gone wrong???? .......I have tried numerous thinks but I feel I may be missing something???? Wish I knew what though.

Things I tried is   ..Redid the nand in best pig and got the same result .on xp and win 7.
I then flashed the original nand with the 3 bad blocks via xellous and all went smooth.....Xbox booted up perfect to dashboard....I tested an old game saints row and it booted nps all seem fine. least I can recover the Xbox.
I created my own smc files as per the tutorial and again was greeted with the E79 error flashed back original nand and all is fine again flash back free60.bin  and boots into xellos  nps.
I did try to flash via  9.1 Flashing with xbrflash but I got stuck on part 13........not great with command prompts
Sorry.. unsure.gif  I was able to connect via putty and load the Debain cd nps and even got through the next few steps ...but like I said not great so .....this my work if I can flash via this method ...but I need help please.. smile.gif  

I have searched the forums and goggled trying to find help and research but it`s tried nand healer but same  result. I am dam sure I am messing up on either creating this freeboot nand or flashing it back and I really need your help guy`s.

I can`t really think of much more info to give you ........accept providing photo`s of my soldering...(dam camera sucks so pics would be naff) but if it helps l8r I will try and get some.
Sure my soldering is ok though xellous boot nps and I can even recover from e-79 error with my original nand.
OK guy`s I have gone on for far too long Please if any one can help ,I would be most Grateful
for your ideas or fix`s    Thank you.

QUOTE(rigger66 @ Sep 10 2010, 07:51 PM) View Post

Hello mate and thanks for helping...Dam I have been up 48hrs on this alone and are starting to make mistakes ,I think.
Ist mistake was opening the xbox back up to check my work.... when in reality was sound as xellos was booting unable to boot into xellous . Next mistake was delting them c1.bin files  ....but not too worried about that   as I made a full nand backup prior to doing anything...this is the nand I was using to resort the 360 ...and upon checking my nand backups (I made 2 and both compared with the bad blocks already relocated to the desired place in the nand)

I  can like I said resore the 360 back to virgin nand state  .
I have removed everthing and think I will start agin when fresh...I have tried numerous thing   ...Dam too many to mention and too many too forget lol.....tried the reverse jtag and god knows how mant times I have moved relaced resistors..wires ..ect..  Time to start afresh ..and hope I will all goes well next time....Dam I really could kick myself I was soo pleased with the boxter mod ..and for it to boot straight to xellos.....Dam then I go messing and fubar the lot.

Thank you mate again for all your help and support and will be sure to look you up ..for more support and help ,once I start afresh.  

Thank YOU.

The thing is I have E79 errored ever since my 1st sucessfully boxter instal... and been too excited ..I opened her back up as I was having problems makeing freeboot tinkered with the dbfi alternate  ...I thought  it had come loose ..and to cut a long story short ..I uninstalled everything and started again.. done reverse jtag and tried all varieties  of resistors and alternate points.

I must have changed the resistors 6 maybe 8 times and evey combination resulted in E79.
I then did boxters method again and tried all alternate points I could think of I fubared a few and still E79

Now the thing is.....I was able to restore my original nand and it booted perfect right up into dash setup screen . I even  tried a game ...saints row and it booted nps.........This was done on every failled E79
error.The 360 still had the jtag wiring in boxters new method.....reverse combinations and diffrent alterate points and every time  it worked fine with the original nand at least 20 or more I would say attempts lol and thats no lie ?????
So does this mean my wiring is sound I really am going mad.. blink.gif and cant find the problem out .Not once has it not failed to come back to life with the jtag wires still conected and booting back from original nand flash.
I have checked my dumps and am sure I am doing it right....Dam I had xellous booting 1st bash  but now I am stumped guy`s .....any thoughts. please ..

Thank you all who can offer assistance or help.


ps: it`s gotten to the point.. where am looking for a local installer in teeside ,middlesbrough or close by can help me out. as I feel exhausted.....its really drained my blood ...thinking I was so close ...and then went and spoilt it all with my eager impatienceness....What a fool I am ...for not taking a deep breath when things where not going to plan ...aka  freeboot install...   uhh.gif
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