
Author Topic: X2 5031 Problems  (Read 170 times)


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X2 5031 Problems
« on: April 30, 2005, 11:09:00 AM »

alright i was using x2 5028 before this and it worked perfect but heres a list of problems with x2 5031 i have found, both bioses used the same x2config.ini off of E so thats not the problem

x2 5031 will only boot from C, i have made sure that the ini file  says its booting from F but no matter what it wont boot anything else but C

It also wont boot straight from a disc it goes to the MS dash first (thats the only dash i have on C), i tried putting in my evox boot disk so i could ftp but thats a no go since it goes straight to the dash saying this disc unrecognizable

i have a doux2 so i switched banks to x2 4981, i reboot and then it boots my evox disc, so the disc isnt the problem either

anyone else got these problems? <


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X2 5031 Problems
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2005, 11:27:00 AM »

Your efforts frustrate me to say the least.

maybe you should use the updated x2config.ini file that comes with the new bios with new dash launching features/capabilities like the instructions tell you to in the first place.


This post has been edited by Xecuter: Apr 30 2005, 06:28 PM <


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X2 5031 Problems
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2005, 11:30:00 AM »

i did, and i also made one with one of the x2 config file makers, no go on all 3

even if it was wrong ini file, the bios should boot a boot disk

This post has been edited by munkle: Apr 30 2005, 06:38 PM <


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X2 5031 Problems
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2005, 11:33:00 AM »

weird. I have the exact same issue. I want it too boot off f:, and have it configured so, but it refuses and only boots C. <


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X2 5031 Problems
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2005, 11:35:00 AM »

i've been in a chat room all day with 100+ ppl testing different dash locations with zero bugs

also you say you are using the same ini with 5028 and 5031 - well they are both totally different - plus there is no 5031config editor yet as far as i know do it manually - its childs play. <


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X2 5031 Problems
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2005, 11:36:00 AM »

QUOTE(thamnmsho @ Apr 30 2005, 12:33 PM)
weird. I have the exact same issue. I want it too boot off f:, and have it configured so, but it refuses and only boots C.

copy / paste your ini file to me


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X2 5031 Problems
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2005, 11:37:00 AM »

QUOTE(munkle @ Apr 30 2005, 12:30 PM)
i did, and i also made one with one of the x2 config file makers, no go on all 3

even if it was wrong ini file, the bios should boot a boot disk

of course it does - unless you are doing something wrong

congrats on being the only 1 out of 122,000+ downloads heh

copy / paste your ini to me <


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X2 5031 Problems
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2005, 11:40:00 AM »

; this file must be placed on the Xbox's E or F drive.
; if this file is not present on the Xbox then the bios will work in default mode

; startup xbox debug monitor (needs sdk installed)
startDebug = 0

; enable igr
igrEnabled = 1

; display flubber anim
doStartupAnimation = 1

; do dvd drive check
doDvdDriveCheck =  0

; do not reset when pressing on eject
noResetOnEject = 1

; 255 characters max here, format is <drive>:<path_to_xbe>.xbe, e.g. "f:dashes\avalaunch.xbe"
; NOTE THE PATH IS <drive>:<path>\<file.xbe> **NOT** <drive>:\<path>\<file.xbe> ok ?
dash1Name = f:avalaunch.xbe
dash2Name = f:evoxdash.xbe
dash3Name = f:unleashx.xbe
dash4Name = f:xbmc.xbe
dash5Name = f:xboxdash.xbe

; the xbe name of the title image loaded from dvd on startup, 16 chars max!
dvdBootXbeName = default.xbe

; flubber (animation) colors
colorBlob = ff26ff3f
colorBlobGlow = 00a0ff40
colorGreenFog = 00a0ff60
colorFlubberScene = ff35ff19
colorFogGlowStart = ff00ff00
colorFogGlowEnd = 009fff66

; logo colors
colorXlip = ff000100
colorXlipHighlights = ff4b9b4b
colorInnerWalls = ff216a17
colorInnerGlow = ffcbdf01
colorXboxText = ff62ca13

; patch away xbox live connectivity code
patchXboxLive = 1

; if 1 then system runs on error if clock is invalid
clockErrorCheck = 1

; do random flubber
randomFlubber = 0

; flubber animation number, 0 - 14
flubberAnimationNumber = 2

; speed of xbox fan, value 10 equals 20%, value 50 equals 100%
fanSpeed = 15

; display flubber blob in wireframe mode
flubberWireFrame = 0

; display the TM logo
displayTmLogo = 1

; define the xbox logo background color
xLogoBackgroundColor = ff000000

; enable VGA patch (currently not working)
enableVgaPatch = 0

; stop bios to boot DVDs
disableCdromBoot = 0

; xbox LED color, 0 = off, 15 = green, 240 = red, 255 = orange, 83 = cycle
; try some other codes (e.g. 10 = fast green blinking) use X2tool for more LED stages
ledColor = 15

thats the one that came with the x2 5031 file from the usual places, all i changed was the booting options and it cant boot from a boot disk or boot from F

Edit: i also changed the fan options too if that has anything to do with it

This post has been edited by munkle: Apr 30 2005, 06:42 PM <


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X2 5031 Problems
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2005, 11:46:00 AM »

QUOTE(munkle @ Apr 30 2005, 12:09 PM)
It also wont boot straight from a disc it goes to the MS dash first (thats the only dash i have on C), i tried putting in my evox boot disk so i could ftp but thats a no go since it goes straight to the dash saying this disc unrecognizable

erm - this is telling me the bios is not booting AT ALL its nothing to do with dashboard settings

the bios isnt loading AT ALL hence the unrecognisd disc error (of course its only loading your msdash - i bet your hdd is locked too right? (youd get an error if drive is unlocked) try an original game THAT will work

in fact i had some other ppl tell me that just now that duox2 is the only chip with this issue and i dont know why. all my testers users xecuter xenium and smartxx chips so i ant get anyone to do any debugging for me sorry.


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X2 5031 Problems
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2005, 11:49:00 AM »

no the bios is booting it says x3 rox my box at bottom, but it will only go straight to the MS dash, and no my hard drive isnt locked im useing an old crappy 16gb maxtor that cant be locked <


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X2 5031 Problems
« Reply #10 on: April 30, 2005, 11:52:00 AM »

obviosuley doesnt like (your?) duox2 then. sorry cant help you.

the bis works just fine - this much i can confirm and so can a shit load of other users. gotta be something hooky with the version you have flashed.

This post has been edited by Xecuter: Apr 30 2005, 06:54 PM <


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X2 5031 Problems
« Reply #11 on: April 30, 2005, 11:54:00 AM »

; this file must be placed on the Xbox's E or F drive.
; if this file is not present on the Xbox then the bios will work in default mode

; startup xbox debug monitor (needs sdk installed)
startDebug = 0

; enable igr
igrEnabled = 1

; display flubber anim
doStartupAnimation = 1

; do dvd drive check
doDvdDriveCheck =  0

; do not reset when pressing on eject
noResetOnEject = 1

; 255 characters max here, format is <drive>:<path_to_xbe>.xbe, e.g. "f:dashes\avalaunch.xbe"
; NOTE THE PATH IS <drive>:<path>\<file.xbe> **NOT** <drive>:\<path>\<file.xbe> ok ?
dash1Name = f:avalaunch.xbe
dash2Name = f:evoxdash.xbe
dash3Name = f:unleashx.xbe
dash4Name = f:xbmc.xbe
dash5Name = f:xboxdash.xbe

; the xbe name of the title image loaded from dvd on startup, 16 chars max!
dvdBootXbeName = default.xbe

; flubber (blob) colors
colorBlob = FFFF0000
colorBlobGlow = 00FF3300
colorGreenFog = 00999999
colorFlubberScene = FFFFFFFF
colorFogGlowStart = FF993300
colorFogGlowEnd = 00FF3300

; logo colors
colorXlip = FFFF0000
colorXlipHighlights = FF333333
colorInnerWalls = FF000000
colorInnerGlow = FFCCCCCC
colorXboxText = FFFF0000

; patch away xbox live connectivity code
patchXboxLive = 1

; if 1 then system runs on error if clock is invalid
clockErrorCheck = 1

; do random flubber
randomFlubber = 1

; flubber animation number, 0 - 14
flubberAnimationNumber = 2

; speed of xbox fan, value 10 equals 20%, value 50 equals 100%
fanSpeed = 10

; display flubber blob in wireframe mode
flubberWireFrame = 1

; display the TM logo
displayTmLogo = 0

; define the xbox logo background color
xLogoBackgroundColor = FFFFFFFF

; enable VGA patch (currently not working)
enableVgaPatch = 1

; stop bios to boot DVDs
disableCdromBoot = 0

; xbox LED color, 0 = off, 15 = green, 240 = red, 255 = orange, 83 = cycle
; try some other codes (e.g. 10 = fast green blinking) use X2tool for more LED stages
ledColor = 240

This ini is present in the root of F. I am running a xenium chip. Still bots msdash, which is only in C. Anf f:/evoxdash.xbe is my dash present in F:. Its the most recent unleashx build, not that that matters. <


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X2 5031 Problems
« Reply #12 on: April 30, 2005, 12:49:00 PM »

do me a favour take your questions to the proper support forums - i only saw your post in passing and you wont get much help in here
