
Author Topic: Duox2 White - New Bios  (Read 189 times)


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Duox2 White - New Bios
« on: April 29, 2005, 11:20:00 PM »

I just installed a new mb with DuoX2 white in my Xbox (old MB was screwed, it has an alladin chip on it). My HDD already has EvoX plus has been unlocked prior to installation.

the duox2 is on memory Bank 0 as I get the Cromwell Menu up asking for a CD to flash the Bios. If I use bank 1 get a blank screen. And using the eject button to power up gives me a error 05 (HDD unlocked error which is expected)

I have done a search and saw that I will need to use Bios version M8+ 1.6
I also found this on the DUOX2 website about Bios Installs.

"And please note that you will need a 512KB bios (ie 2 X 256KB of the same bios since most bios are only 256KB)"

I jumped onto xbins and saw a couple of bioses under Evox so I downloaded both just in case. these files are

EvolutionX M8Bios_v1.6.rar  = 1 file=256k
EvolutionX M8plus Bios.rar = 2 files=256k each
Im guessing I put bot of this bins on a cd/DVD
and then put that disk in the xbox when asked on startup?
The Duox2 site also states to put a dummy file on the disk to make sure the xbox reads the files properly?

Any Help appreciated   :rolleyes:

This post has been edited by zolik: Apr 30 2005, 06:25 AM <


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Duox2 White - New Bios
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2005, 12:09:00 AM »

I use the new X2 Bios on my Chip (5030 Beta (Its 512k allready))

but if you are going to use M8 you MUST use this one EvolutionX M8Bios_v1.6.rar on a 1.6 board, anything else wont work (no video)

Guide to making the Bios CD -

ignore the 1meg stuff.

to make the file 512k you can use EVtool -

you can also agg In Game Reset to M8 using Evtool

Its pretty easy to use Evtool,

Glad you got the chip working :)

This post has been edited by Arius: Apr 30 2005, 07:10 AM <


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Duox2 White - New Bios
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2005, 12:21:00 AM »

yeah I just tested it,

Open Evtool,

click Open, find the extracted (from the rar) M8 Bios

Select and open it.

Click 512k (bottom right)

Click save as, and save the nice 512k bios :) <


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Duox2 White - New Bios
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2005, 12:25:00 AM »

QUOTE(Arius @ Apr 30 2005, 05:09 PM)
I use the new X2 Bios on my Chip (5030 Beta (Its 512k allready))

but if you are going to use M8 you MUST use this one EvolutionX M8Bios_v1.6.rar on a 1.6 board, anything else wont work (no video)

Guide to making the Bios CD -

ignore the 1meg stuff.

to make the file 512k you can use EVtool -

you can also agg In Game Reset to M8 using Evtool

Its pretty easy to use Evtool,
Glad you got the chip working :)

under the "EvolutionX M8plus Bios.rar" there was 2 files the one I think I need to use is this "m8plus_16" as this is what it says on the DuoX site "1.6 -1.6b machines will need the m8+ 1.6 bios."

it also states under the doux site this, Im very confused.
"Bank 0 contains the latest Cromwell bios. To flash it we would usually recommend the Eurasia generic pro flash disc. And please note that you will need a 512KB bios (ie 2 X 256KB of the same bios since most bios are only 256KB)"

as you see it states I need to use x2 copys of the file? I dont understand.

by checking out the link you gave me to flash it looks very simple.
rename .bin to Bios.bin, create dummy file and put on CD and run on xbox.

if I screw up can I fix or will it screw the chip?anything else?



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Duox2 White - New Bios
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2005, 12:27:00 AM »

QUOTE(Arius @ Apr 30 2005, 05:21 PM)
yeah I just tested it,

Open Evtool,
click Open, find the extracted (from the rar) M8 Bios

Select and open it.
Click 512k (bottom right)

Click save as, and save the nice 512k bios :)

aahhh okay I understand, getting EVtool now  :)
so that will resize the bios to 512kb.  



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Duox2 White - New Bios
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2005, 12:29:00 AM »



1.6 use a diffrent video chip, so the other one will end you up with a blank screen.



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Duox2 White - New Bios
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2005, 12:35:00 AM »

QUOTE(Arius @ Apr 30 2005, 05:29 PM)
1.6 use a diffrent video chip, so the other one will end you up with a blank screen.

okay just created flash DVD (samsung drive doesnt like CDR's)
going to try flash now.

after it has flashed it says it will shut down.
I then assume I can power up and get EvoX?  or will I expect something different? <


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Duox2 White - New Bios
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2005, 12:38:00 AM »

sounds about right  ;) <


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Duox2 White - New Bios
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2005, 12:46:00 AM »

QUOTE(Arius @ Apr 30 2005, 05:38 PM)
sounds about right  ;)

Looks like I have another problem.
after it says to insert disk and press button A
I do that and nothing.

I tried putting controller in other ports but no go.
I made sure I ddint forget to plug the controller cables into the board



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Duox2 White - New Bios
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2005, 12:49:00 AM »

c. If you cannot navigate the FlashBIOS menu - have only one controller plugged in, unplug any DVD dongles or memory cards, try to
    use an original MS controller.

Thats the only time I have heard of that problem so if you dont have any other controllers plugged in, I dunno but post it here and I will do some searching as I need something to do :)  :jester:



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Duox2 White - New Bios
« Reply #10 on: April 30, 2005, 12:50:00 AM »

QUOTE(Arius @ Apr 30 2005, 05:49 PM)
Thats the only time I have heard of that problem so if you dont have any other controllers plugged in, I dunno but post it here and I will do some searching as I need something to do :)  :jester:

I use a logitech Preceision controller. my other MS controller is with someone else. I can get that tonight. no other peripherals.

btw the controller is not wireless   :)

This post has been edited by zolik: Apr 30 2005, 07:52 AM <


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Duox2 White - New Bios
« Reply #11 on: April 30, 2005, 12:52:00 AM »

sounds like that could be the problem, especially as it says "use an original MS controller"

:( <


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Duox2 White - New Bios
« Reply #12 on: April 30, 2005, 12:56:00 AM »

QUOTE(Arius @ Apr 30 2005, 05:52 PM)
sounds like that could be the problem, especially as it says "use an original MS controller"

well I hope that is just the problem. I can get a controller tonight.   but if it is something to do with the New board.. I'll start breaking things.. put in to many hours on this   :grr:
but it'll be worth it if I can fix it. <


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Duox2 White - New Bios
« Reply #13 on: April 30, 2005, 07:51:00 AM »

I have read a few people having problems wirh Flashbios and controllers, so I doubt its the board.

Good luck with the official controller. <


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Duox2 White - New Bios
« Reply #14 on: April 30, 2005, 08:30:00 AM »

QUOTE(Arius @ May 1 2005, 12:51 AM)
I have read a few people having problems wirh Flashbios and controllers, so I doubt its the board.

Good luck with the official controller.

Okay got an official controller, and yes it now actually works, I can either select CD or Etherboot, I selected CD, it then asks to insert a Disc (ejects drive) and Press A Button.
Which I do. But it doesnt do anything I cant here the disc reading.

I know the Drive is connected proporly.

I have tried both a DVD and a CDR.  the DVD should work because I have backups on those particular CD's.