
Author Topic: For All Of You Having Issues Dumping The Key From Lite-on 83850c  (Read 119 times)


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Maybe moderators will delete this topic cause there are a bunch of threads regarding the lite-on 83850c. But i want to help those who had problems dumping the key.
I was mad the last few days, everone was saying that they dumped the key without any problem. Im noot a total noob, already dumped number a lot of lite-ons V1 and other drives, and was following the instructions for dumping the key for this lite-on but it didnt work, everything i tried, millions of tray positions etc.....

all i did was so easy and under my nose....

booted into DOS (yes DOS, not CMD), for those who doesnt know how to have to have a flash memory, and a program called Bootflashdos (google it)....after you format the flash memory with Bootflashdos simply copy paste the lo83info.exe and dosflash.exe on the flash memory.....

restart windows (keeping the flash memory connected to the usb), then before entering win, you will boot into dos automaticaly....

there power on you Lite-on (im using the CK3) and write: "dosflash.exe", after that you will see on which port is your lite-on (for me was B400)... write: "lo83info.exe B400" (sata port) and you'll get the bin file (example D609xxxx.bin)....
after that discnonect you flash memory from the usb, restart and boot in windows....

there start CMD and run freekey....

thats it.... !!!

it was an issue in windows (SATA controller probably) for me which caused that i wasnt able to dump succesfully the key.....believe me, this was the only reason, cause i tried JF, lo83info_32, tray here tray there etc....everything....nothing worked

i know this is a noobish guide....but im trying to help those who had issues like me dumping the key (before this, i didnt have any problem flashing/erasing/dumping any drive, so i didnt know why this was happening, neither ppl on this forum knew....)

and thanx to Glent1234... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

and...before erasing your "original" lite-on, just to be sure, have spare drive and flash it with that key you dumped, if its working with that then you are ready to flash your "original" lite-on....many ppl suggest this


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For All Of You Having Issues Dumping The Key From Lite-on 83850c
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2009, 09:35:00 PM »

i just used JF to extract the info, way easier, especially for those who hate dos.

This post has been edited by dsavage: Aug 10 2009, 04:36 AM


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For All Of You Having Issues Dumping The Key From Lite-on 83850c
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2009, 02:17:00 AM »

QUOTE(alan_poh @ Aug 10 2009, 12:35 AM) *

Maybe moderators will delete this topic cause there are a bunch of threads regarding the lite-on 83850c. But i want to help those who had problems dumping the key.
I was mad the last few days, everone was saying that they dumped the key without any problem. Im noot a total noob, already dumped number a lot of lite-ons V1 and other drives, and was following the instructions for dumping the key for this lite-on but it didnt work, everything i tried, millions of tray positions etc.....

all i did was so easy and under my nose....

booted into DOS (yes DOS, not CMD), for those who doesnt know how to have to have a flash memory, and a program called Bootflashdos (google it)....after you format the flash memory with Bootflashdos simply copy paste the lo83info.exe and dosflash.exe on the flash memory.....

restart windows (keeping the flash memory connected to the usb), then before entering win, you will boot into dos automaticaly....

there power on you Lite-on (im using the CK3) and write: "dosflash.exe", after that you will see on which port is your lite-on (for me was B400)... write: "lo83info.exe B400" (sata port) and you'll get the bin file (example D609xxxx.bin)....
after that discnonect you flash memory from the usb, restart and boot in windows....

there start CMD and run freekey....

thats it.... !!!

it was an issue in windows (SATA controller probably) for me which caused that i wasnt able to dump succesfully the key.....believe me, this was the only reason, cause i tried JF, lo83info_32, tray here tray there etc....everything....nothing worked

i know this is a noobish guide....but im trying to help those who had issues like me dumping the key (before this, i didnt have any problem flashing/erasing/dumping any drive, so i didnt know why this was happening, neither ppl on this forum knew....)

and thanx to Glent1234... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

and...before erasing your "original" lite-on, just to be sure, have spare drive and flash it with that key you dumped, if its working with that then you are ready to flash your "original" lite-on....many ppl suggest this

Very good post! Thanks a lot mate.

I have done just that and it worked like a charm. I did not manage to do it with JF.

Thanks again Alan.


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For All Of You Having Issues Dumping The Key From Lite-on 83850c
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2009, 02:29:00 AM »

yes there is an issue with some chipsets  dumping with JF and lo83. i had to used dosflah and it dumped first time. i have talked with 0ggy and he is aware of the issue


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For All Of You Having Issues Dumping The Key From Lite-on 83850c
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2009, 04:06:00 AM »

im glad i helped with this topic  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)


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For All Of You Having Issues Dumping The Key From Lite-on 83850c
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2009, 04:53:00 AM »

Did you use Dos or Windows to flash the drive, if so can you post a guide and the programs you used.


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For All Of You Having Issues Dumping The Key From Lite-on 83850c
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2009, 06:20:00 AM »

QUOTE(dougiegillam1357 @ Aug 10 2009, 12:53 PM) *

Did you use Dos or Windows to flash the drive, if so can you post a guide and the programs you used.

i used DOS to flash always using dos cause when in windows i cant, when trying to flash it, windows freeze....

so, on that flash memory (formated with that program bootflashdos) you have to copy this: 1) l-o-eras.exe, 2) dosflash.exe, 3) your firmare of the drive you made with the key and other files you got when dumpnig (i use JungleFlasher to make that firmware, Lite_CFW).

after that, restart you pc and keep the flash memory connected in the usb, it will boot to dos (like i wrote before)...

when in dos, write: dosflash and there you'll see on which port is your lite-on....

then write: l-o-eras "port" (example: l-o-eras 900, or l-o-eras B400)...keep trying untill you get a flash status FF72....

after you get that flash status type again dosflash...on the same port there will not be anymore the name of the lite-on....doslfash will aks you what do you want to do...choose that port (on which you previously saw your lite-on is) and write LITEON E....after erasing type again dosflash, this time you'll see on that port something like Macronix2005 (cant remeber exactly now).....doslfash will ask you again which port to use, you choose that port of the lite-on of course and then choosee to Write the firmware (type W), and enter the name of your firmware which you previously copyied on the flash memory (example: Lite_CFW.bin)....thats it!

to be sure everything is ok, type again dosflash and you'll see this time on that port the name of the lite-on....

this method i use every time (for older lite-ons and this newer) and always works for me....

good luck! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

This post has been edited by alan_poh: Aug 10 2009, 01:24 PM


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For All Of You Having Issues Dumping The Key From Lite-on 83850c
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2009, 09:19:00 AM »

As always, it is highly recommended you flash a junk drive before proceeding with your Lite-on V2 to test that your key is correct.


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For All Of You Having Issues Dumping The Key From Lite-on 83850c
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2009, 09:48:00 AM »

QUOTE(alan_poh @ Aug 10 2009, 01:20 PM) *

i used DOS to flash always using dos cause when in windows i cant, when trying to flash it, windows freeze....

so, on that flash memory (formated with that program bootflashdos) you have to copy this: 1) l-o-eras.exe, 2) dosflash.exe, 3) your firmare of the drive you made with the key and other files you got when dumpnig (i use JungleFlasher to make that firmware, Lite_CFW).

after that, restart you pc and keep the flash memory connected in the usb, it will boot to dos (like i wrote before)...

when in dos, write: dosflash and there you'll see on which port is your lite-on....

then write: l-o-eras "port" (example: l-o-eras 900, or l-o-eras B400)...keep trying untill you get a flash status FF72....

after you get that flash status type again dosflash...on the same port there will not be anymore the name of the lite-on....doslfash will aks you what do you want to do...choose that port (on which you previously saw your lite-on is) and write LITEON E....after erasing type again dosflash, this time you'll see on that port something like Macronix2005 (cant remeber exactly now).....doslfash will ask you again which port to use, you choose that port of the lite-on of course and then choosee to Write the firmware (type W), and enter the name of your firmware which you previously copyied on the flash memory (example: Lite_CFW.bin)....thats it!

to be sure everything is ok, type again dosflash and you'll see this time on that port the name of the lite-on....

this method i use every time (for older lite-ons and this newer) and always works for me....

good luck! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

How you made up your hacked firmware to flash on new liteon?


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For All Of You Having Issues Dumping The Key From Lite-on 83850c
« Reply #9 on: August 10, 2009, 10:53:00 AM »

QUOTE(=jenipapo= @ Aug 10 2009, 08:48 AM) *

How you made up your hacked firmware to flash on new liteon?

Using Jungle Flasher's manual spoof.


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For All Of You Having Issues Dumping The Key From Lite-on 83850c
« Reply #10 on: August 10, 2009, 11:10:00 AM »

QUOTE(PornOH @ Aug 10 2009, 12:53 PM) *

Using Jungle Flasher's manual spoof.

What is the DVD ROM tray position during reading the key, erasing the original firmware, and writing the iXtreme firmware?

Also, I am going to use my computer as power supply, do I need to unplug the power? If yes, when do I need to unplug and then plug it back?
Thanks for your help.


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For All Of You Having Issues Dumping The Key From Lite-on 83850c
« Reply #11 on: August 10, 2009, 02:16:00 PM »

QUOTE(PornOH @ Aug 10 2009, 06:53 PM) *

Using Jungle Flasher's manual spoof.

that's right...  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

QUOTE(moh82mk @ Aug 10 2009, 07:10 PM) *

What is the DVD ROM tray position during reading the key, erasing the original firmware, and writing the iXtreme firmware?

Also, I am going to use my computer as power supply, do I need to unplug the power? If yes, when do I need to unplug and then plug it back?
Thanks for your help.

during the read key at the beggining the tray is in half way position then when the lo83info ask you to pull it all the way out you do that (as per instructions).....
when erasing and writing it doenst matter....if open or closed

you need to power it on at the step when you type the first time dosflash (when you are going to see on which sata port is your drive) then turn it off when lo83info ask you to do it (pull the tray to the half way, turn off the ck3 or unplug like in your case, and then turn it on again and press enter....)

This post has been edited by alan_poh: Aug 10 2009, 09:18 PM


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For All Of You Having Issues Dumping The Key From Lite-on 83850c
« Reply #12 on: August 10, 2009, 04:40:00 PM »

QUOTE(PornOH @ Aug 10 2009, 05:53 PM) *

Using Jungle Flasher's manual spoof.

Thx PornOH, Thx Alan!

Lets flash some liteon!!


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For All Of You Having Issues Dumping The Key From Lite-on 83850c
« Reply #13 on: August 10, 2009, 05:02:00 PM »

QUOTE(alan_poh @ Aug 10 2009, 04:16 PM) *

that's right...  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
during the read key at the beggining the tray is in half way position then when the lo83info ask you to pull it all the way out you do that (as per instructions).....
when erasing and writing it doenst matter....if open or closed

you need to power it on at the step when you type the first time dosflash (when you are going to see on which sata port is your drive) then turn it off when lo83info ask you to do it (pull the tray to the half way, turn off the ck3 or unplug like in your case, and then turn it on again and press enter....)

Thanks for your info.


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For All Of You Having Issues Dumping The Key From Lite-on 83850c
« Reply #14 on: August 11, 2009, 04:15:00 AM »
