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Author Topic: Issue Flashing Hitach47 With Jungleflash  (Read 66 times)


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Issue Flashing Hitach47 With Jungleflash
« Reply #15 on: March 08, 2009, 07:15:00 PM »

I have a Hitachi 47 that I just restored to original FW through Jungle Flasher. Everything worked perfectly until it said something about dumping sector 9003E000: upload failed or something like that when the checksum fix came up. I then proceeded to flash it to 1.51 and everything worked fine until the same message came up. I figurerd it worked so I unplugged everything and put a burnt game in and it says: Please insert this disc into a XBOX 360 console. Regular games work fine, burnt ones get this message. I used the backup firmware that was included in the Hitachi 1.51 firmware folder (orig47.bin) to restore it to orig FW before flashing to 1.51. And now I tried to redo the whole process but my drive cant be put into mode b by unplugging it with the drive ejected or by the SLAX method. Can someone please help me im stuck as to what to do next. Port IO wont recognize the drive either, I'm running Windows Vista 32bit


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Issue Flashing Hitach47 With Jungleflash
« Reply #16 on: March 08, 2009, 10:44:00 PM »

QUOTE(TeeVee @ Mar 8 2009, 01:42 PM) View Post

Well definately modeb. Too bad JungleFlasher never sees it under port properties.

I also tried running in Safe the error "No COM ports found during enumeration"

Guess flashing in Safe Mode is not an option.

I received the 'No COM ports found...' message every time I started J. Flasher.  Still, eventually, I was able to get everything flashed.

Keep in mind, there are still other ways to flash these drives - outside of J. Flasher.  Just visit Xbins and take a look at some of the other tools.  I can't remember which one exactly - but I think it's IPrep or something.  It's been a year or more since I flashed 1.4 the 'old' way.

Again...just thinking out loud here...

When I ran into the few small issues I had, I noticed J. Flasher said my drive had been properly flashed back to the stock f/w even though I got a 'failed' message at the bottom.  In reality, the drive was *not* properly flashed back to the stock f/w.

So - I started back at step 1...restoring the stock f/w.  I queried the drive ('Query' button), made sure the query worked ok by checking the info in the bottom screen, opened and closed the drive's door using the 'Open' and 'Close' button in J. Flasher to see if the drive was responsive (and it was) and then proceeded to restore the stock f/w using the Win API setting.

***Important***  KUjayhawks42 - this is for you... smile.gif

Just forget about PortIO with Vista.  It won't work for most people.  Just plan to use the Win API setting!  It appears J. Flasher was only tested on XP systems so there aren't any guarantees for us Vista users.  They did their best to get the software out to everyone quickly and they had to skip on a few things to get it done.  Vista isn't even really mentioned in any of the J. Flasher readme files...especially the PortIO portion.

Also - because I haven't really seen anyone truly confirm this yet - make sure you're running J. Flasher in COMPATIBILITY MODE FOR WINDOWS XP SP2!  And - make sure you open J. Flasher by RIGHT-CLICKING the shortcut or the .exe file and selecting 'RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR'!  These 2 steps are A MUST with the majority of Vista users.

Final thoughts - are you guys absolutely sure the drive is in ModeB?  Did you turn of your 360 at any point and forget to put it BACK into ModeB?  Remember, ModeB is lost the second you turn of the 360 - assuming you're using the 360 to power the drive.

@TeeVee - did you still try to use J. Flasher to connect to your drive while you were in Safe Mode even though you got the 'No COM ports...' error?  I'm assuming you got that error as the program was opening, right?  If not, you'll have to let me know when you received the error message.

AND - when I FINALLY got my drive to flash correctly (restore & new f/w), I had to shut down my PC first (while my 360 was left on the entire time so the drive always remained in ModeB), I had to disconnect my PC's DVD drive and connect my 360 drive to that SATA port.  After doing a bit of research - Google can be your friend - I read that sometimes the SATA 0 and/or SATA 1 ports often work best.  In my case, my PC's hard drive was connected to the '0' port and my DVD/BD-ROM drive was connected to the '1' port.  I disconnected the drive from the '1' port and hooked up my 360 drive to that same port - turned my PC back on - and the PC began the driver installation process that happens automatically.  From there, everything went well.

@TeeVee - if I remember correctly - you're using a USB connection.  First - did you read the J. Flasher Beta PDF or were you using the previous tutorial for 0.43?  Make sure you're using the new one because they make mention of issues being caused by the Connectivity Kit.  This may be applicable to you.  Maybe you saw it already, I don't know.  

And what's probably my very last suggestion - YOU CAN ALWAYS START OVER BY UNINSTALLING THE 360 DRIVE FROM YOUR PC'S DEVICE MANAGER.  Once uninstalled, shut down your PC, make darn sure your 360 drive is truly in ModeB, hook the drive up to your PC, turn the PC back on and let it go through the new hardware device/driver installation again.  When *that's* done, start over with J. Flasher - NOT FORGETTING TO FOLLOW MY INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE...compatibility mode, etc.  

Forget about PortIO - it won't work for most of us.

Sorry for another long post!  I hope you understand that I'm trying to provide as much detailed info as I can regarding my experience when I flashed yesterday evening as well as the research I did on the net.  I'll keep trying to help but I've likely given as much info as I can.  When troubleshooting any type of issue, it's always best to retrace your steps all the way back to square one.  If that means uninstalling the device or hooking it up differently, do it.  It just might work!

Sorry you're having drive is working fantastically.  Except - I can't stand the noise now.  They hard coded the new firmware at 12x speed instead of the 8x I used when I flashed 1.4.  I hope that change won't burn out our drives faster.  These Hitachi's are starting to get old.  Mine was manufactured in Oct. 2005 and was one of the originals that I got the day the 360 came out.  I'd like to keep it working as long as possible.

Don't hesitate to ask me more questions.  If I can possibly help, I will.  I'll keep checking back every now and then.  If you finally get it to work, please post info about what you did differently.

Good luck!


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Issue Flashing Hitach47 With Jungleflash
« Reply #17 on: March 08, 2009, 11:18:00 PM »

QUOTE(KUjayhawks42 @ Mar 8 2009, 07:51 PM) View Post

I have a Hitachi 47 that I just restored to original FW through Jungle Flasher. Everything worked perfectly until it said something about dumping sector 9003E000: upload failed or something like that when the checksum fix came up. I then proceeded to flash it to 1.51 and everything worked fine until the same message came up. I figurerd it worked so I unplugged everything and put a burnt game in and it says: Please insert this disc into a XBOX 360 console. Regular games work fine, burnt ones get this message. I used the backup firmware that was included in the Hitachi 1.51 firmware folder (orig47.bin) to restore it to orig FW before flashing to 1.51. And now I tried to redo the whole process but my drive cant be put into mode b by unplugging it with the drive ejected or by the SLAX method. Can someone please help me im stuck as to what to do next. Port IO wont recognize the drive either, I'm running Windows Vista 32bit

KUjayhawks42 - specific to your issue - how do you know the drive isn't in ModeB?  When you unplugged it with the drive open and then plugged it back in, did you try to eject and close the try using the open/close button on the 360 itself?  If so, did you have to press it twice to get it to open?  It might take a couple times of ejecting it normally before you have to press it twice...well...mine did anyway.  After opening the drive 2 times, it started to take 2 presses of the button to open it.

Do you have Textbook's original flashing tutorial PDF?  It's called 'Hacking the Xbox 360 For Noobs'.  It's a great tutorial...very detailed...and lists several ways to get a drive into ModeB.  When I flashed my drive a year ago to 1.4, the Slax method didn't work so I used the 'Two-wire Trick' which actually shorts out the drive using a 1k-ohm resistor.  You have to be VERY careful and make sure you follow the directions perfectly so you don't brick the drive.  However, I couldn't believe how easy it was and it worked the first time!

FYI - a drive that was already flashed with 1.4 (or a different version of hacked firmware) can also be put into ModeB by ejecting the tray and then pushing the tray back in HALF WAY and HOLDING IT THERE while the drive tries to open and close it.  Eventually, the drive will stop trying and the tray will stay at the half way point.  It should then be in ModeB and you can press the eject/close button to close the tray.

BUT - it appears your drive is back to the stock firmware so this method likely won't work.  

One additional ModeB method mentioned in Textbook's PDF tutorial is to 'hotswap' the drive.  **NOTE**  He said he couldn't get it to work for him but some people claimed it worked for them so he included it in the tutorial.  It seems very easy to do.  

Assuming you're using a SATA port to flash, you probably already have a DVD drive hooked up in your PC via SATA already.  It MUST be a SATA DVD-ROM drive...not CD-ROM.  Take note of the drive letter for your 'normal' PC DVD drive, then, while the PC is STILL ON, disconnect the SATA cable FROM THE 'NORMAL' DVD-ROM DRIVE - *not* from the motherboard side - and connect it to your 360 drive.  From there, you're apparently able to flash the 360 drive without it truly being in ModeB as Windows should continue to recognize the drive by the original drive letter you noted earlier.

Personally, I'm not sure that would work but it's worth a shot as a last ditch effort - especially since it's so easy to do and can't possibly hurt anything.  It would take you a couple minutes tops.

Now - with that said, you're having the exact same issue I had when I first started flashing my drive yesterday.  Did you read the posts in this entire topic?  I know mine can be wordy since I'm trying to be very detailed in my explanations.  However, I think I explained what I did to get it to work in one of my first few posts.  However, I didn't disconnect my drive and try to use it.  I'm not trying to pick on ya or anything - but - if J. Flasher said the flash failed at any point, it failed.  Check the J. Flasher PDF tutorial and note the pictures.  If you don't see the EXACT same wording in that bottom information window, it didn't work properly.

Assuming you can find a way to get the drive back in ModeB - and I know you will...just by using one of Textbook's methods for stock drives - follow my suggestions from earlier posts.  Forget about PortIO and only use Win API.  Just make sure your 360 drive is listed in the top right corner.  If it's there - try to OPEN and CLOSE the 360 drive tray USING J. FLASHER'S Open/Close buttons on the top left side...near the ModeB button.  If it responds, great.  Then go back over to the top right corner and press the 'Query' button.  If your drive is queried correctly, you'll see a bunch of numbers in the bottom information window with your drive's model number at the end, I believe.  If for some reason your drive doesn't respond to the Open/Close buttons in J. Flasher, try the 'Query' button first to query the drive.  Then try to Open/Close again to see if it responds.  As I said in one of my first posts - that was apparently the magical solution for me.  Once I queried the drive and noticed it worked properly, every part of the restore and re-flash process worked perfectly in 2 minutes TOPS!

If your drive queries and responds to the Open/Close buttons, try to RESTORE your drive again.  DON'T WORRY - if it's truly been correctly restored already - J. Flasher will tell you that and it won't continue to restore the drive.  At that point, you'll know you can proceed with flashing the hacked firmware.  Make sure you have all the right settings chosen - including Win API - and re-flash.  

If it fails again - throw it up against the wall and get a PS3! laugh.gif Just kidding.  If it fails, go back to square one and uninstall the 360 drive in Windows Device Manager, re-boot your PC and let it reinstall the drive again.  Who knows?!?!  That might help.

Just don't turn off your 360 when you finally get the drive in ModeB until you know for certain it's been properly flashed!  

Good luck!


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Issue Flashing Hitach47 With Jungleflash
« Reply #18 on: March 11, 2009, 03:51:00 AM »

Flashed my Hit 47 last night under Vista with JF, and whilst I encountered no problems, I just wanted to say thanks to uradodah for his tips about running it in XP sp2 compat mode and using Win API setting. I didn't try any other way before that so don't know if it made a difference but your advice couldn't have hurt  smile.gif

Just for info i'm running under Vista Ultimate (fully updated) using the VIA vt6421 PCI card and CK3. I made sure that all the pre requisites listed in the JF tutorial were followed, so installed PortIO32, checked that .net framework 3.5 SP1 was installed as well as the firmware pack. The only thing I did differently was keep the VIA drivers installed as I have no need of flashing a Liteon at the moment

TeeVee, If you don't have any luck with any of the different methods it may be worth buying yourself a PCI VIA card and maybe a CK3. Think I paid about £7 for the card on ebay and the CK3 will set you back between £18-£25 depending on which version you get. If you have a few friends with 360's then you could all chip in to offset the costs


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Issue Flashing Hitach47 With Jungleflash
« Reply #19 on: March 11, 2009, 09:10:00 PM »

QUOTE(BadabingUK @ Mar 11 2009, 04:27 AM) View Post

Flashed my Hit 47 last night under Vista with JF, and whilst I encountered no problems, I just wanted to say thanks to uradodah for his tips about running it in XP sp2 compat mode and using Win API setting. I didn't try any other way before that so don't know if it made a difference but your advice couldn't have hurt  smile.gif

Just for info i'm running under Vista Ultimate (fully updated) using the VIA vt6421 PCI card and CK3. I made sure that all the pre requisites listed in the JF tutorial were followed, so installed PortIO32, checked that .net framework 3.5 SP1 was installed as well as the firmware pack. The only thing I did differently was keep the VIA drivers installed as I have no need of flashing a Liteon at the moment

TeeVee, If you don't have any luck with any of the different methods it may be worth buying yourself a PCI VIA card and maybe a CK3. Think I paid about £7 for the card on ebay and the CK3 will set you back between £18-£25 depending on which version you get. If you have a few friends with 360's then you could all chip in to offset the costs

Thanks for your comments, BadabingUK.  I'm glad everything went well for you.  Supposedly, I repeat, supposedly, the Hitachi's should work with any chipset - ie - VIA 6421 or any other.  Regardless, it's nice to hear a success story with all the issues people are having.

Hopefully, Jungle Team will have a chance to work out some of the kinks in JF so it's *really* ready to go with the upcoming 1.6 f/w update.

Good luck gaming...
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