
Author Topic: Liteon Firmtool 1.3 ***warning***  (Read 90 times)


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Liteon Firmtool 1.3 ***warning***
« on: December 24, 2008, 02:50:00 AM »

I used firmtool to create the hacked.bin but got this warning message.  Does anyone know what that means?  I flashed this firmware on my drive anyways and it still works but I wanted to know if it's safe to use on live with this warning message.  Can someone help me fix this?

Original Firmware Version: Lite-On DG-16D2S 74850C [DVDKey32 extract]
              Key Location: 0xA030

   Hacked Firmware Version: Lite-On DG-16D2S 74850C
            Hacked FW Type: iXtreme v1.5 12x

*** SUCCESS ***
Drive key copied.

*** WARNING ***
No source for Lite-on serial.

Your hacked firmware is now ready to be flashed!


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Liteon Firmtool 1.3 ***warning***
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2008, 03:23:00 AM »

*face palm* If people would read the txt files that say, well... README.txt

It states in this is the readme file...


   - When firmtool is too deeply embeded in a directory, it will fail
     to execute.  Simply move it to a directory located closer to the
     root of your filesystem and it will execute properly.
   - Firmtool will not accept ENCRYPTED hitachi firmware.  You must
     first decrypt the firmware with 360 Firmware Toolbox.
   - 'Wisely Loves Lan' error with BenQ original firmware.  From what
     have seen, 99% of original BenQ firmware has this string.  If
     you get this message with firmtool and it completes successfully,
     chances are your original firmware is fine, it just doesnt have
     the standard string in your serial.


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Liteon Firmtool 1.3 ***warning***
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2008, 04:28:00 AM »

To get the proper serial from your liteon drive you need to dump the key again using dvdkey32 v0.07 ..

check the changelog:

ver 0.7 -- will dump dummy.bin INCLUDING the serial information from your Lite-On ***Important** for a
              good clone.....
              DummyGen.gen will build a Dummy.bin from Inquiry.bin, Identify.bin and Key.bin....
              it will build as much of the serial area as possible, as some data is in the Inquiry.bin.

I had the same warning because i created the dummy.bin with DummyGen.exe .. the serial info was not completely dumped in my old key.bin, inquiry.bin and identify.bin ..

as you've noticed the firmware will work without the proper serial .. but ms could check the serial, so just to make sure redump and flash again ..

merry x-mas everyone ^.^


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Liteon Firmtool 1.3 ***warning***
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2008, 04:30:00 AM »

Bleh, well I didn't know about 0.7 when I erased my Liteon so all serial information is now gone.

In saying that, is the serial of the Liteon the same as the barcode on the top lid of the drive?


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Liteon Firmtool 1.3 ***warning***
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2008, 04:53:00 AM »

i had the same problem trying to update an older liteon that had been dumped with dvdkey 0.6, you can get it done by hexeditting your serial from the inquiry.bin to the right positions into a dummy.bin made from dvdkey 0.7 even the dummygen.exe that comes with dvdkey 0.7 doesn't build dummy.bin right, still gives that no serial source error, the only properly built dummy.bin comes from dvdkey32 dump if that makes any sense


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Liteon Firmtool 1.3 ***warning***
« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2008, 04:57:00 AM »

QUOTE(Swift_gti @ Dec 24 2008, 01:30 PM) View Post

Ah no.. I got my key with dvdkey 0.6!
Is there any way to put the serial back in (if it is just the one printed on the drive) after the drive has been erased ?

Could this be why my 360 is refusing to accept any disc what so ever?

refusing to accept any disc would be a different issue, if it plays dvd movies and not games then you stuffed up your dvdkey, even if you erased your liteon you still should have your inquiry.bin saved, you can get your serial from that, as has been said before, the drive still runs and plays backups without a serial it's just in case MS decides to check up on it.


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Liteon Firmtool 1.3 ***warning***
« Reply #6 on: December 24, 2008, 09:32:00 AM »

Anyone have a tutorial about hexediting your serial from inquiry.bin to the "right" positions into a dummy.bin?


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Liteon Firmtool 1.3 ***warning***
« Reply #7 on: December 24, 2008, 10:15:00 AM »

QUOTE(Drjones @ Dec 24 2008, 11:08 AM) View Post

Anyone have a tutorial about hexediting your serial from inquiry.bin to the "right" positions into a dummy.bin?

Just to clarify JungleFlasher will create a dummy.bin file after you load the key.bin, inquiry.bin, identify.bin then it will generate a dummy.bin automatically.  No need o make one manually.


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Liteon Firmtool 1.3 ***warning***
« Reply #8 on: December 24, 2008, 10:52:00 AM »

Hey Antman,
Does jungleflasher still produce a correct dummy file from my old dump, or should I get my drive redumped?