
Author Topic: How To Flash Lite-on Without Connectivity Kit?  (Read 93 times)


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How To Flash Lite-on Without Connectivity Kit?
« on: October 09, 2008, 02:47:00 AM »

Hi, ive been reading the guides on key dumping lite-on I only have the RS232 adapter it says on both guides im reading that you are able to extract the key buy just soldering on the wires to the RS232 from the lite-on but the steps in the guide I need seem to be missing I do not understand what to do next it says.

Now we will prepare the connections.

1. Turn off your PC.

2. Connect your lite-on dvd drive to the connectivity Kit (Only power/ No RS232 cable plugged in / No SATA cable plugged in either)

but I dont have the conectivity kit, what am I going to do to provide the unit with power? Should I just plug in the normal power cable from the 360?

also this step

1. Turn on your PC, and boot on DOS.

2. Once under DOS, the SATA connect your lite-on dvd drive to a SATA port on your motherboard, or card VIA 6421 PCI Card.

3. Turn on the connectivity kit to power your dvd drive.

4. In dos Type “dvdkey xxxx” where xxxx must be the address of your port SATA. If you do not know, run dosflash in Auto mode to find (refer to the tutorials on benq for this).

keeps saying all though the guide that I need to turn on the connectivity kit but I dont have it and the guide says I dont need it here.

B2. Preparations for the dvd drive step 2
[Only if you do not have connectivity kit]
In case you don’t have connectivity kit v2, you can solder the RS232 cable directly to the PCB.

can anyone help?

PS. I do realise that I wrote flash lite-on instead of dump lite-on in the title so shhh.

Z  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/blink.gif)

This post has been edited by Zellcorp: Oct 9 2008, 09:50 AM


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How To Flash Lite-on Without Connectivity Kit?
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2008, 03:40:00 AM »

My set up using Xbox 360
If you have connectivity kit and added the TX and RX wires to the lead
Then you can do the same to the Xbox power lead just add the TX and RX wires to the empty holes
I use two 1.5 volt batteries connected in series to power the max3232 3 volts ,if yours is 5 volts just add three batteries’ together making 4.5 volts will be ok very easy way
1 connect sata lead to DVD rom drive connect rs232 TX, RX, and power
2 turn on Xbox (do not turn off again until finished)
3 open tray
4 close tray but just before it is closed pull out power lead from DVD drive to motherboard it’s easier to
Pull the plug out of the motherboard (xbox light is flashing)
5 pull out draw half way
6 reconnect plug (push plug back into motherboard)
7 boot into dos use doskey port no ---- e.g. doskey ec00 (this is my port no)
Or boot into windows In windows use doskey32 port no ---- 1 e.g. doskey32 ec00 1 (this is my port no and com 1)
This works for me I have used a 3.3 volt max 3232, and 5volt max232 works every time
Hope this helps somebody



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How To Flash Lite-on Without Connectivity Kit?
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2008, 03:51:00 AM »

are you able to draw me a diagram of this? im still a bit confused.

and also where does + and - go? does Plus goto TX and Minus to RX? or do they goto GND and 3 Volts?


This post has been edited by Zellcorp: Oct 9 2008, 11:06 AM


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How To Flash Lite-on Without Connectivity Kit?
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2008, 04:33:00 AM »

OK ive figured out that TX and RX are transmit and receive (duh) so I dont connect the power there but Im still confused a bit about the battery power, on my diagrams it says to run wires from the rs232 to the 3v and gnd areas of the lite on, does this mean I run the battery power to the rs232 and also to the lite-on drive or just the rs232? I dont want to blow up the lite-on board.



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How To Flash Lite-on Without Connectivity Kit?
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2008, 05:17:00 AM »

QUOTE(Zellcorp @ Oct 9 2008, 01:17 PM) *

OK ive figured out that TX and RX are transmit and receive (duh) so I dont connect the power there but Im still confused a bit about the battery power, on my diagrams it says to run wires from the rs232 to the 3v and gnd areas of the lite on, does this mean I run the battery power to the rs232 and also to the lite-on drive or just the rs232? I dont want to blow up the lite-on board.

 you can connect the 3.3 volts and ground to the lite-on from your rs232 or you can use two 1.5  aa batteries together in series  makes 3 vols your chice


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How To Flash Lite-on Without Connectivity Kit?
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2008, 06:00:00 AM »

ok im gonna give it a shot thx for the info

WORKING smile.gif)))))

Thanks alot for your help 3x 1.5v batterys, key extracted...I love u guys.....*Sniff*



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How To Flash Lite-on Without Connectivity Kit?
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2008, 11:23:00 AM »

That was my problem to, the 3.3V because Im trying with a usb to rs232 to extract liteon key