
Author Topic: Stuck Flashing Hitachi 78  (Read 42 times)


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Stuck Flashing Hitachi 78
« on: April 28, 2008, 02:29:00 PM »

Hey guys, I'm having trouble flashing me hitachi 78 drive with it. It seems to go into modeb with slax ok (however slax shows some opcode errors (I don't know what these are)). My drive shows up in windows but when trying 'direct raw dump' the disc stops spinning and the program says 'cannot read drive'. I've tried using different discs (games/dvds) and have the same problem. Tried letting the disc spin for 20 secs before trying to dump and still the same. I'm using a ULi sata controller (M1573). The only thing i can think of is that my sata chipset isn't compatible. Does anybody have any advice for me? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Thanks