
Author Topic: Hitachi 79fl Drive With Maximum Passkey  (Read 117 times)


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Hitachi 79fl Drive With Maximum Passkey
« on: April 09, 2008, 09:38:00 AM »

I bricked my hitachi 79fl drive while trying to mod it with the maximus passkey. I think that I botched the solder job on the connector pins included with the passkey just near the traces by the tsop chip. The blue light on the passkey did flash once, and the drive laser light always comes on in the hitachi drive when the xbox was powered on. I had to turn it off after 10 seconds or so because the pcb board inside the hitachi drive's started to smoke right near the tp516, where I soldered the wire for the 3.3 volt connection to the passkey.

It smokes and runs really hot to the touch when powered on, which I'm guessing means that the hitachi drive is now defective. It won't even open at all when I try to eject it. I can power on the xbox with this dvd drive connected -- the xbox dashboard is still functional, just can't do anything with the drive. When trying to eject, it shows on the dashboard "opening" but nothing happens.

Unfortunately, I did not make a backup of the hitachi's original dvd key before bricking. The TSOP chip on the pcb board is fine (i hope), hasn't been touched, and is still covered by the epoxy.  Since I'm not sure if the maximus passkey modchip is of any use now with the drive running so hot and occasionally smoking (I powered on three times, twice with the sata connected to my winxp pc, and once with the sata in the xbox 360 to verify that the motherboard still works). I was able to desolder this passkey connector from the hitachi pcb and I also removed the 3.3v wire from the TP516. I can see that first two 390 caps near the TP516 are black/burnt.

All that said, do you think it's still possible to retrieve the dvd drive key from an external programmer so that I can copy the bricked hitachi 79fl drive's key over to a new drive? I'm in Upperstate, NY and haven't seen any modders/chip tsop programmers within the state on these forums. Willing to pay for resolution if necessary.

Please advise someone. I'm hoping that I can leave the tsop untouched so that the drive key can be retrieved and then copied to another drive. Really don't want to have to buy another 360. Any help is really really appreciated.

This post has been edited by albvoid08: Apr 9 2008, 04:41 PM


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Hitachi 79fl Drive With Maximum Passkey
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2008, 10:35:00 AM »

I think you will be ok for key extraction in a programmer. Its not much hex you need to read for the Key.

This post has been edited by OggyUK: Apr 9 2008, 05:35 PM


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Hitachi 79fl Drive With Maximum Passkey
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2008, 11:19:00 AM »

QUOTE(OggyUK @ Apr 9 2008, 01:11 PM) *

I think you will be ok for key extraction in a programmer. Its not much hex you need to read for the Key.

Thanks Oggy.

I've been researching these forums and google for hours. I'm now trying to find the specs on which version of the willem programmer to purchase so that I can extract the hitachi's tsop key and reattempt modding with the passkey again. Since I'm a noob at this, I'll keep reading to find out which willem eprom programmer works best for this purpose. If this has already been answered in the forums, please link to this post and I'll gladly do my homework.  In the meantime, it looks like ebay may be my best option at the moment. Any feedback on which Willem EPROM Programmer to get? If there is anyone in Upperstate NY that can help me get this done more quickly, I'm willing to pay.  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/cool.gif)

Thanks again for the quick reply.

This post has been edited by albvoid08: Apr 9 2008, 06:21 PM


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Hitachi 79fl Drive With Maximum Passkey
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2008, 11:24:00 AM »

Those 4 1206 look more like resistors, 390 whould me 390 ohms... They often use these as cheap fuses, so these may have burned out coz of a short on the passkey install... you coul try replacing them...

There are plenty modders who can extract the key... just send off the pcb... NookularDeath is in the US also look here

Modchip Installers / Firmware Flashers

This post has been edited by podger: Apr 9 2008, 06:25 PM


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Hitachi 79fl Drive With Maximum Passkey
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2008, 11:49:00 AM »

I believe its a Willem with a 32pin TSOP adapter, commonly found as a package on eBay.

Although I dont doubt your soldering skills, if you messed up the passkey install, please consoder sending it off.


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Hitachi 79fl Drive With Maximum Passkey
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2008, 05:36:00 PM »

QUOTE(OggyUK @ Apr 9 2008, 02:25 PM) *

I believe its a Willem with a 32pin TSOP adapter, commonly found as a package on eBay.

Although I dont doubt your soldering skills, if you messed up the passkey install, please consoder sending it off.

I've lifted the traces on the board after desoldering the passme key connector, so yeah...I'm definitely going to send this one off for help. After I have a copy of the new key, I'll just get a replacement hitachi drive. With the blown 390s on the board and lifted traces where the connector used to be, I'm almost convinced that the drive is a lost.  Time to take the 40 watt solder iron to the old, pc spare motherboards for lots and lots of practice.

Thanks everyone for your helpful responses. Once a noob but not always a noob, eh?

This post has been edited by albvoid08: Apr 10 2008, 12:37 AM


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Hitachi 79fl Drive With Maximum Passkey
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2008, 07:44:00 PM »

QUOTE(albvoid08 @ Apr 10 2008, 02:12 AM) *

I've lifted the traces on the board after desoldering the passme key connector, so yeah...I'm definitely going to send this one off for help. After I have a copy of the new key, I'll just get a replacement hitachi drive. With the blown 390s on the board and lifted traces where the connector used to be, I'm almost convinced that the drive is a lost.  Time to take the 40 watt solder iron to the old, pc spare motherboards for lots and lots of practice.

Thanks everyone for your helpful responses. Once a noob but not always a noob, eh?

if your using a 40 watt soldering iron then dont practice on boards with it m8 BIN IT and get a 12 or 15 watt one 40 watt is much to hot for these jobs


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Hitachi 79fl Drive With Maximum Passkey
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2008, 05:40:00 AM »


40 Watt  - LOL

Are you a plumber or something ?