
Author Topic: Reflashing A Benq Drive  (Read 18 times)


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Reflashing A Benq Drive
« on: March 27, 2008, 04:19:00 PM »

I suggest you stop and fully understand the process before proceeding.

You need to redump the firmware and ensure its a VALID dump before even thinking of flashing.

You need your drive key backed up multiple times incase it goes wrong.

The good thing with benq's is you erase / flash so dead drives dont occur often (as long as you have the drive key wink.gif)

prepare iPrep, use dben 1234567 12345

Load into windows and check the key is good and the firmware is dumped properly, if so back it up.

Create hacked firmware, flash that to the drive.


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Reflashing A Benq Drive
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2008, 07:43:00 PM »

You may be confusing "not having to dump the drive" with "not have to restore the original firmware first"....

The Dben not only dumps the firmware from the drive but also copies the all important drive key to the NEWER version of firmware...

If you were to do it like you suggested, you would have flashed the drive with a key that was not yours, just whatever was in the file when C4Eva prepared it...

IF you didn't have a backup elsewhere then you would be big trouble with no way of ever being able to play games again on that console....


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Reflashing A Benq Drive
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2008, 12:25:00 PM »

The orig.bin file will actually be call benq_OFW.bin and it's in the a:\backup\1234567\12345 folder..... replace 123... with your serial number


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Reflashing A Benq Drive
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2008, 04:38:00 PM »

If the drive is playing your backups fine - you have nothing to worry about.

Just hook the drive back up and use dben 9999999 99999 to re-dump the firmware, check its valid etc.

Then you have a decent backup, its not the firmware thats important you backup, its the unique drive key embedded.

If your xbox works, you havent lost it.


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Reflashing A Benq Drive
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2008, 06:12:00 PM »

If you really, really want an "orig.bin" you can get a stock firmware from the ModFreakz site that matches the model and firmware revision of your drive and insert your key into it using Firmware Toolbox.... As far as I know the benq firmware does contain a serial number but at the moment it's not really used for anything....


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Reflashing A Benq Drive
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2008, 04:11:00 AM »

Again, I think you are confused with "not having to dump the drive" with "not having to restore the original firmware first"....

YOU allways have to run dben to get a dump of firmware with your DVD key so it can be inserted into the new firmware that does not have a valid key when you download it...

Let me explain:

With the benq & samsung it is possible to totally flash the drive so in all case a full flash of 256kb is done...

Now with the Hitachi's you could only flash at a sector level in block of 4kb... so only selected sectors are flashed i.e. the ones with mods in them, now as different hacks modded different sectors so it you were changing or upgrading it was necessary to restore the previoulsy modded sectors first