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Author Topic: Help Me Please, Dont Hurt Me  (Read 68 times)


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Help Me Please, Dont Hurt Me
« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2008, 07:23:00 PM »

ok checked all the ribbons all are ok, and it still says open tray when I close it, like it wont read the disk or anything I looked at the tut. and I did everything allright.

I`s there anything else im missing you guys can think of

plz plz plz help im so close I can feel it ><;;


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Help Me Please, Dont Hurt Me
« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2008, 08:34:00 PM »

ok the laser flashed red it runs the disk but it says "unplayable disk" so this new drive the guy sent me theres a chance its a bad laser, is there anything on my end that I messed up to cause this?

Whats the best way to clean the lens, Q-tip or is that bad?



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Help Me Please, Dont Hurt Me
« Reply #17 on: January 06, 2008, 11:32:00 PM »

fixed thanks everyone


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Help Me Please, Dont Hurt Me
« Reply #18 on: January 07, 2008, 08:45:00 AM »

QUOTE(xxdemonic @ Jan 6 2008, 08:52 PM) View Post

Not sure what tweaking the pot is sad.gif
So i couldnt swap lasers then?
I leave for Basic Training in 3 months all I want to do is play some games damn it !!!  sad.gif

So, you joined yesterday... I guess you haven't been reading the boards much.

Everything you need to know its in the boards. There's a lot of tutorials for what you need. You SHOULD read them then ASK questions about the points you have doubts or don't Undestand.

Even if we (users) help you here - besides redundant information - many things may be kept unexplained an you WILL MESS UP (even more) your Xbox!

My advice: Read the boards, find the tutorials, find the tools, etc... THEN ask questions.

You'll need tutorial (and tools) to read you actual drive (need the KEY) and spoof it to the new drive firmware.
Since the original drive maybe OK you can also try to clean (drive and) the LASER with q-tips and alcohol. The POT calibration is next (if still not working) and also the rubber band mod. You can use search to find tutorials about this around here or:

You're not on your own but help yourself by help us help you  blink.gif

I've got an death x360 (3RoD) and before actually doing something to the box I've spent about two weeks reading boards and tutorials to get to the point I know which solution is the best solution (for my case). Now its running fine biggrin.gif but still have to do some preventive mods to keep 3RoD coming back. While your box is open its advisable to do some mods to keep the temperature down (but that decision is up to you...)

Good Luck!


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Help Me Please, Dont Hurt Me
« Reply #19 on: January 07, 2008, 10:43:00 AM »

Well looks like he got it working finally... I would think the very hard way...

Basically he got handed a fish... God forbid that sometime in the future he will need another because it's pretty obvious this is the kind of guy who doesn't want to bother learning how to fish...
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