
Author Topic: Need A Hex God , Help With Key Insertion In Different Offset  (Read 47 times)


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Need A Hex God , Help With Key Insertion In Different Offset
« on: October 24, 2007, 11:39:00 AM »

Ok so i have been trying to get MS28 working spoofed as a 79FL Hitachi with no luck. No error's just says open tray and thats about it.

I have all the info i need by using the tutorials "making you replaced.bin"
the Toolbox tutorial

So I created a couple bin and compared them with a Hex editor. I noticed that the key is being replaced in a different offset position when spoofing, 4D20 to be exact and the others put it indifferent positions  depending on the firmware.
I am using samsung MS28 1.2rev2 as my ixtreme firmware

My original bin has the key at 4D20 and the other methods like samtool and toolbox put the key in at different places.

Anybody got any suggestions. I have read all the tutorials on spoofing and drive flashing I don't really have problems with that just mixing the orig and iXtreme to get a good replaced.bin

Or does it matter where the key sits in the hex.
Oh ya I created a bin by mixing orig.bin and ixtreme to create an ixtreme firmware then checked it toolbox and the drdrom said spoofed with a bunch of weird symbols which by my account is not good.




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Need A Hex God , Help With Key Insertion In Different Offset
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2007, 02:33:00 PM »

Thanks, thats is the best info I got in days and I had previously did everything you said before with tutorials and everything seemed to go good but once the Xbox360 was back together there were know errors and it would recognize nothing, not backups, originals or movie's. I have a Blaster360 NE and installed that to make things easier and now everything seems to work.

Thanks for the hex advice to because I was my last nerve, 3 days of straight modding with now I slightly damaged 79FL which I was lucky to pull the keys off before it went into mode "Brick". All is well now and if anyone wants help on want i did to get the new Halo 3 PM me or link me to the post and I will tell you everything I did and what happened to me.
Thanks for All your help.

Xbox 360 Halo 3 $449.00
1 dead 79FL Hitachi $40.00
1 79 Passkey $40.00
1 MS28 Samsung $40.00
1 Blaster360 NE $60.00
7 Days of reading everybodies suggestion

Playing Games with millions of people all to accomplish the same goal.................Priceless!