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Author Topic: Hitachi Sense Fix for ixtreme  (Read 146 times)


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Hitachi Sense Fix for ixtreme
« Reply #15 on: August 28, 2007, 09:31:00 AM »

restore.bat still doesnt work .
tried it and it doesnt go passed unstealthing


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Hitachi Sense Fix for ixtreme
« Reply #16 on: August 28, 2007, 10:25:00 AM »


"restore.bat still doesnt work"
Still? did you have this prob with the orig as well?

The code to unstealth sector 90033000 is pretty much the same as the old .bat. If you received an error much like this after you used the previous Hitachi fw flashix.bat...

But All other flashing 100% OK
Will Exit now"

Chances are, sector 90033000 (FW STEALTH HACK) was poorly flashed to begin with, and would require a "hard flash"

Most common explanation however, is that your drive is not communicating with windows.
During the restore process, that would force the error...

"ERROR: Hitachi DVD drive is NOT restoring..
WARNING: One of FOUR4 things could be wrong
#1: Shut-down all your back-ground programs
#2: Windows is in-compatible, try SAFE MODE
#3: Your DVD drive is not a working version
#4: Start mode B with DVD disk in the drive"

Please post your findings so i may better understand your issue!


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Hitachi Sense Fix for ixtreme
« Reply #17 on: August 28, 2007, 10:42:00 AM »

QUOTE(idog @ Aug 28 2007, 07:13 AM) View Post

Huh ? I mean.. huh ?

I always read the readme accompanying the hitachi flashers and it always said that you don't have to worry about errors. All sectors will be checked anyway, again and again, until flashing is 100%. It will not exit before that.

And now.. for the first time, since the release of the first hitachi flashers.. it appears (or so it is said in the message on the frontpage) that these flashers could even have brought about the 3RLOD ?

Is this for real ?

Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy for the efforts put into this rewrite of the batch files, but this seems to be a SERIOUS f***up by the almighty hackergods (whom I of course can't thank enough for all their hard work, but still) ..
Switch on your 360. Eject.
Take out the power cable of the 360 with tray open.
Put power cable back in.
Turn on 360.
Eject and open a few times.
Your drive is now in mode B.

Beats the two wire trick by a mile smile.gif

p.s. This only works if your drive is already flashed (which is the case with your 360).

3ROD's by flashing is a very rare thing. Its usually caused by user error, not because of the batch files. Its been made very clear over the past year that the firmwares need to be successfully and fully written, and re-done 50 times if need be to get a full flash. I dont know where you read that buisness about it automatically fixing the sectors, because it never did (until now)

As far as modeb with eject, all you have to do is power on your 360 with eject to get it in modeb after flashing xtreme fw. You dont have to do all that stuff mentioned above.


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Hitachi Sense Fix for ixtreme
« Reply #18 on: August 28, 2007, 02:45:00 PM »


Same problem for me, that first part doesn't flash, but everything else is just fine. Also the restore.bat gives me the mentioned problem.

What is a "hard flash"? Is it a problem for that part not to be flashed? I've already been on XBOX Live, just today, without any problems.



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Hitachi Sense Fix for ixtreme
« Reply #19 on: August 28, 2007, 04:01:00 PM »

ERROR: Hitachi DVD drive is NOT restoring..
WARNING: One of FOUR4 things could be wrong
#1: Shut-down all your back-ground programs
#2: Windows is in-compatible, try SAFE MODE
#3: Your DVD drive is not a working version

so now i am really stuck, I don't know in which direction to go in and believe me I have spent hours reading, and streessssinng

any ideas! Remember right now the drive is not ejecting and i only get one red light on the lower left with error 65 when plug into the tv


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Hitachi Sense Fix for ixtreme
« Reply #20 on: August 28, 2007, 05:28:00 PM »

@ trealnyce

This problem that I'm describing only occurred during this exact release, for prior releases, I didn't have this problem, try an older restore.bat from a previous release. You know, a while ago, I too had that problem, but this was over a year ago... so before the fall update and error 65, I told my friends, damnit, sorry guys but I bricked my box. Well, I kept playing around with it more and more... I tried manually ejecting the drive by pushing a pin in somewhere, kept trying to restore it, flash it, whatever... now I remember what it was that happened. When I did the two wire trick... I had to pull some pins out of the sockets. Well, guess what, when I put them back in, they were loose... that is, I didn't put them in far enough and they came out of place one day. when I put them back... presto, in working order. In my case, it took me about a week of tinkering with it, going back and forth trying different... and all too similar approaches, until I just... noticed it. I'm not saying that's your particular problem, but I am saying that it's useful to be persistent. So keep at it, and I'm sure you'll be able to get it to work.

Best of luck,


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Hitachi Sense Fix for ixtreme
« Reply #21 on: August 30, 2007, 06:58:00 AM »

Used Hitachi Sense Fix for ixtreme and flashed perfectly the first time but hell now my 360 freezes in seconds every time. Anybody know whats going on with my 360. Is it just toast and needs to be sent in?  Am i able to send it in after it has been opened?


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Hitachi Sense Fix for ixtreme
« Reply #22 on: August 30, 2007, 09:29:00 PM »

Please elaborate!

when does it freeze, what does it do, did you restore before flashing, is your sata cable plugged in correctly...?


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Hitachi Sense Fix for ixtreme
« Reply #23 on: August 31, 2007, 08:34:00 AM »

QUOTE(Lahey @ Aug 31 2007, 12:05 AM) View Post

Please elaborate!

when does it freeze, what does it do, did you restore before flashing, is your sata cable plugged in correctly...?

  Yes, restoring and flashing went fine. 100% no errors.   Freezes like with in 2 minutes like screeching halt after this update. Wierd. Loads all my games fine for a minute but then wham, freezes. Even on the dashboard at times.
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